Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections

Middlesex, Smyrna, and the future of America

Middlesex won the Pulitzer for fiction in 2003 and is one of those books that stayed with me long after I finished. I won't go into details so as not to spoil but I will say I think many here would enjoy it. It's one of those books that has scenes that pops into my mind often and one event in particular - the Burning of Smyrna.

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JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi’s Republican-led Legislature will not take final votes on two bills that attempted to restrict legal recognition of transgender people.

The bills died quietly when House and Senate leaders failed to agree on compromise versions before a Monday night deadline. Lawmakers were working on several other complex issues at the time.

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Florida Bathroom Law…….

So here I sit, less than three weeks away from a trip to Orlando, FL for a ten day vacation, and suddenly I have to worry about some asshole objecting to my using the Lady’s bathroom.

Because it’s “safer” to force me to use a bathroom because I am “a person belonging, at birth, to the biological sex which has the specific reproductive role of producing sperm.”

Who cares if I am a woman. Who cares if I can no longer use a urinal. Who cares if I am liable to be beaten to death in the Men’s room.

Yeah, thinking this may be my last trip to the so-called Sunshine State.

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TG Resources

Not going through the other states for TG resources, here is Oklahoma. If the discrimination laws get signed into law by Stitt do diligent research. My sincere sympathy to all my brothers and sisters who are caught up in this illegal action by my own state legislature and governor who have absolutely no concept of transgender. Some of these sites want donations. That's up to each individual.

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In a post under Dorothy’s blog on struggling with anger I spoke of hate as the driver of the current
movement to undermine democracy. As I think about it, that isn’t really the case. The people I know
who talk of Christian values, of stopping the tide of illegals who are taking our good jobs
or just coming to take government benefits are good people. The ones who classify gay and
transgender people as deliberate evildoers are too. They donate to youth programs. They volunteer in their

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culture wars on the home front

I live in a very conservative area but other than a nearby school district banning the Harry Potter books for witchcraft some years ago it has been quiet since the days when James Dobson's minions picketed the local bookstore in the eighties. I bought my only copy of "Hustler" just so I could walk out past them with it out of the bag. Now the local schoolboard has overruled the professionals to remove "Genderqueer" from the high school library bookshelves by a 4 to 3 vote. Only one of the four is currently up for re-election.


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Unless you are obsessed with UK politics you may have missed

In the ongoing process of selecting the new leader for the Conservative and Unionist Party and thus for the next UK Prime Minister there appears to be two main issues. How much they want to lower taxes (much, very much or extremely much) and the war on woke. In particular trans rights (or rather the limitiation thereof) appears to one of the most pressing problems the UK faces.

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The Patriarchy, Is it real? Does it need smashing

When I see feminists waving "Smash the Patriarchy" banners it annoys and amuses me. The "All men are Rapists" ones just annoy me.

There is no real agreement as to what the Patriarchy is. It seems to be used as a catchall to be used by feminists.

There was a theory that ancient society's were matriarchal, but that theory seems to be discredited now. Hunter gathers do seem to be more egalitarian, rather than matriarchal.

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Citizenship 101

The other day it was suggested that not many realize that the U.S. is a republic versus a democracy, or that many know the difference. I’m sure that’s a fair statement.

I grew up in a state with very small population. We were well aware of the steps our government took to protect the rights of minorities. Residents of my home state used minority rights arguments to justify the fact that we had two senators for every 300,000 people while a state like New York also had two senators with their many millions of citizens.

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Where do trans women have more trouble?

Do trans women have more problems in the UK or USA?

Much of America seems a lot more religious than the UK. Our official religion is Church Of England, that usually means going for christening', weddings and funerals for most of us. C of E accept trans people now.


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What it is to be a woman a Tvchix bomb

What it is to be a woman, I asked on here and got some good answers. I asked it on a contact site I have been of for a few years and started world war 3! There are 15 pages so far. Mainly 3 or people arguing.

I put a comment on there this morning and there have been a 112 posts since then.

The main argument started about Professor Kathleen Stock , who has strong views on "intact" trans women. Then it just took off. A lot of people on there have axes to grind.

I don't think you can see without an account though.

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Feel free to take this down

I hate to see friends fight. Especially over made up problems created to keep us distracted.

Americans largely agree on nearly all of the large important issues. Most of us want to be left alone. We want to be safe. We want to make a good living, have an opportunity to thrive, trust our neighbors. We want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and all that. In the end we have way more in common than not.


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Three Dystopian Tales

Not long ago it was suggested that people should quit blogging about political matters. The suggestion went on to opine that if a person wanted to make a political point that should be done through fiction. . .which is the mission of this site.

I’ve always enjoyed a good dystopian story such as Nineteen Eighty-Four, Handmaid’s Tale, Brave New World, Animal Farm, Hunger Games, Welcome to the Monkey House, or Atlas Shrugged.

Those are great stories about society run amok.


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And At the Same Time. . .

. . .this happened.


I've always voted a split ticket -- voting for the candidate who I believe represents my values -- rather than voting for an R or a D. My business partners have included staunch Rs and Ds. One was an R governor, one was a D attorney general.

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We have a LAW!!! Stimulus checks are LAW now!!

I've done something like this before but no one bothered to check it out. Well, Our President JUST signed the stimulus/covid relief bill into law!!!! As of 11:11 today!!! Go to the url I'm providing to get info on how to apply for OTHER things like EIDL loans and GRANTS as well as PUA/FPUC and Unemployment extensions!

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They just don't understand

They Just don’t Understand

I’m astounded by all of this talk of thousands of dead people voting. They clearly don’t know what it would take for that to happen. I know because I got a dead person to vote. One person!

Being very concerned about this election I decided to help the cause by raising the dead to vote. I chose a well know union organizer and democratic stalwart as my first voter. After much research I was confidant I had the right incantations learned. I just needed a pure black cockerel to sacrifice at midnight on the dark of the moon.


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I'm Through Giving

I'm through giving to politicians.

Personally, I will pay $200K to $400K more taxes if Biden gets his way than if Trump is re-elected.

I'm on Medicare and don't have a dog in the healthcare discussion.

My family dies in our early 80s so climate change is theoretically to me since I'm 72.

I'm a privileged white.

Other than Trump's asinine approach to trans versus Biden's huge helping hand when he was a VP, most of why I care is for someone I don't even know.

Yet, I got involved and donated a bunch of money.

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A last minute well-wish for everyone

I know that today -- November 3rd, 2020 -- is going to be a rough day for a lot of people, regardless of what country you're from or what you believe.

I'm going offline completely until everything is over with. I'll be back on shortly after midnight local time on November 5th.

Everyone, please stay safe, stay calm, and make sure those around you do the same.


Melanie E.

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let's create a third party

I was thinking about how Erin manages to keep this place civilized despite the same political divide that exists in the rest of the world. That's what we need in Washington to break the politcal gridlock. We need to start a new party, the keep it friendly party.


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Because tina Fey was on the radio today

Don’t ask how I got this. I’m not telling.

From: Sarah Palin@Love Sarah.com

To: Joe Biden@Biden 2020.com

Hi Joe

I’m so glad you are going to have a female running mate. As you know I have experience as a female vice presidential candidate. I could easily become a Democrat. I have never really understood the difference anyway.

I am qualified to be president if that becomes necessary as I am a very stable genius just like my good friend Donald.


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What's the world coming to?

Okay I'm very LGBTQ friendly and have in the past physically defended those that I knew was gay from narrow minded bigots. But this is going way over the line. Parents, no matter what their religious beliefs unless it endangers the kids, have the right to bring their children up in the way they wish. This new law passed in Illinois is just wrong.



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The Real Score about Fanfiction and Fair Use


The Real Score about Fanfiction and Fair Use


I was reading a blog here in the Big Closet, titled "Fan Fiction." (see https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog-entry/79528/fan-fiction )

I was interested in the topic because I knew something about it because it's part of the work that I do, and I thought I could pick up something that may be useful at work next time I have to deal with the same thing again. And, besides, I have several fanfiction stories here.

Anyway, though I am not a lawyer, I've been fielding questions and issues relating DCMA, derivative works and Fair Use for a while now. So I have a fairly substantial knowledge about it, IMHO.

So I thought I'd share what I know about fanfiction and Fair Use (I know my facts are backstopped, but feel free to verify the things I say here if you want - I won't mind, though I ask that, if you disagree, that we not fight or argue, okay? Let's be civil).

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Disappearing Blog

OK, I was reading a blog about Althea Garrison. I was intrigued by it and opened other tabs in my browser to find out more. I came back to the tab with the blog entry in it and attempted to comment. When I clicked on the "comment" link the "comment page could not be found."

I then loaded a fresh BCTS home page and the blog entry was no longer there.

At any rate, I was only going to add a link to the Boston Herald story.

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Administration to shield health workers who refuse to perform abortions or treat transgender patients

Administration to shield health workers who refuse to perform abortions or
treat transgender patients


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Call your AG about Net Neutrality!

The following states are suing the FCC to prevent their repeal of Net Neutrality:
New York
North Carolina

If you do not live in one of these states, look up your attorney general here https://t.co/f9YIu6Jqei

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3rd gender in German personal papers

The highest German Court decided that it is unlawful of the Government to force people to distinguish only between male and female in their personal papers - a 3rd possibility must be made available.
An article in the German Newspaper SPIEGEL explains this further.
The Courts decision is based on the petition of a person who genetically could not be identified as male nor female but both. The ruling before was that from the very beginning an entry in the field 'sex' was required by law but the only possibilities were 'male' or 'female'.

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The other shoe has dropped

Justice Dept. Says Law Doesn’t Bar Transgender Discrimination

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday ordered the Justice Department to take the position in court cases that transgender people are not protected by a civil rights law that bans workplace discrimination based on sex. The move was the Trump administration’s latest contraction of the Obama-era approach to civil rights enforcement.

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Looking to create an "Indigenous Language Elementary Education Initiative".

I know what the topic line says and I'll delve into it soon but first an explanation. I'm not going to talk about DAPL or anything except specifically how Native Americans have consistently been shafted throughout the history of this country, even up into the 21st century(Apache land in Arizona
being seized by the state of Arizona to give to oil companies).
What I propose here are two solutions that would work great in tandem...the first having a native American man/woman as an anchor of a

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Sensorship in the Big Closet????

I am somewhat saddened this morning to realize that censorship has reared it's ugly head here.

I posted a blog late last night regarding the most recent reversal made by the Trump administration, and commented about a posting I had found on the LinkedIn site - a comment which was not only anti-TG, but ignorant and hurtful.

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So you wanna be a writer. Some advice from a professional.

What follows is an interview with a very successful writer, Richard S. Prather, who sold 36 books and 4 under pseudonyms. His genre wasn't TG Fiction, but detective stories with a popular hero named Shell Scott. I've pasted the whole interview here, so ignore the parts that don't have much to do with writing and publishing your work, but DO pay attention to how he says he plotted and wrote what he wrote and how he wrote it.

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I have just seen some amazing satire. Alec Baldwin was incredible as Trump. But I have to say Melissa McCarthy was even better as Sean Spicer. Despite being a proud, true blue Republican. Why the hell did we let Trump get this far? I'm betting that if Mr. Trump is watching it. Saturday Night Live (SNL) must really be getting to him. Please note I said Mr. Trump as he's not my President. I just hope it continues but, that being said. With that idiot in the White House they will never run out of material.

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In Transition

I am constantly seeing in news, "Trump in Transition"

There is only one thing that enters my mind when I hear this. Over and over I am being reminded about these thoughts. How far along is his transition. Is he transitioning from Female to Male? Maybe he is at the beginning of the process, and is a Male to Female individual who is Transgendered. Is he going to transition openly while in office?

Our new President-Elect, with a vice-president who is severely anti-LGBTQ, is in Transition.

Smile Everybody, This is America. :)

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Interesting political summary, post election.

Just to keep things on an even keel - this is written about the Donald Trump campaign (and the man), but it is by someone who supported Clinton. This is pretty darned apolitical, but is good information to keep on hand.

Mind you, in a few spots, I'm using 'apolitical' in the "Irish Neutral" sense, meaning attack EVERYONE equally.


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Guide to fast Gender and Name Changes on Identity Documents

Several of my friends put together a guide for transgender individuals who are trying to update their identity documents as quickly as possible, before Trump's administration takes over and puts much of this in jeopardy.

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