Greybeard's blog

Jimmy Carter

I've been listening to the radio today; hearing people talk about him. As very vocal evangelical he could have been the person so many here, including myself, have portrayed as ignorant and hateful. Instead, I don't recall him ever condemning anyone's actions, just putting his hand to helping where he could. I think that in a world filled with men like that I would never have found a reason to leave the church. He didn't just mouth his creed, he lived it.

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formatting problems

Every time I post a story here I have to go though and fix the line spacing. I will get sentences like this:

This sentence must be to long for the website because
it does this.
and the the next sentence is below like this.

I write in libre office and then copy and paste. Also, while I'm asking, how do I center something like the inscription in The Lynching Tree. It was centered in my draft but moved to the margin when copied.

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too many characters?

I have an idea for the 25th anniversary story contest. The problem for me is that it will mean writing twenty or more characters. I don't like writing "spear carriers". I try to have some feeling of every person in the story even if it isn't obvious (Did anyone catch the leather biker's "craft" magazine in The Worst Day?). I'm afraid of having four people and a bunch of cutouts. That's the kind of story I have trouble finishing. How do any of you deal with making secondary characters real?

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This is not right

For those like me who have been looking at a lot of best books lists in hope of finding something new, especially anyone looking at best fantasies. Most of them do get around to mentioning Tolkein eventually( He should be at the top) but I've seen no mention of what I think is the second best fantasy epic of the last century. Guy Kay Gavriel's Fionaver Tapestry. He draws together a vast range of folklore from across Europe in one masterful story. There is no trans content but has everything else you could want in a fantasy tale.

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everyone should know

I just learned from a radio program that the national (USA) suicide hot line number is 988. They said that only 17% of Americans are even somewhat aware of this. I think that particularly with some members of this site it should be 100%. The menu at the start of your call will get you connected to a live counselor specializing in veterans, lgbtqi, or other areas. I hope you never need it but it can't hurt to know it.


Another non trans book recommendation

I just finished reading Horse by Geraldine Brooks. I hadn't read anything else by the author and chose it almost at random from the available titles at the library. She does a remarkable job of combining the true history of the greatest race horse of the nineteenth century with her fictional tale of slavery and of racism then and now. While referencing physical abuse and family separations she brings home the truth of Frederick Douglas's explanation of the harm of slavery even under a "good" master.

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In a post under Dorothy’s blog on struggling with anger I spoke of hate as the driver of the current
movement to undermine democracy. As I think about it, that isn’t really the case. The people I know
who talk of Christian values, of stopping the tide of illegals who are taking our good jobs
or just coming to take government benefits are good people. The ones who classify gay and
transgender people as deliberate evildoers are too. They donate to youth programs. They volunteer in their

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dark humor

I must be one real sicko. We got a wet heavy snowfall that just gummed up my snowblower without clearing anything. As a result I put in two sessions of heavy shoveling and have a lot to go. The sick part is that I found myself hearing the ballad of John Henry (too winded to sing if I could sing) with the words "die with my hammer in my hand" replaced with "die with my shovel in my hand". I figured I had better come in here and erase some things on this computer first!


The Left Hand of Darkness

The novel by Ursula K. LeGuin, of course. I saw it referred to recently and realized that I didn't remember anything but was sure I had read it. It turns out that I had read it more than once as my old paperback is quite battered. This story from over fifty years ago seems as if it could have been written with todays headlines in mind. My favorite of her Hainish universe books remains The Dispossessed, but anyone thinking about gender or the national political discourse on the meaning of patriotism will be intrigued by this book.

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culture wars on the home front

I live in a very conservative area but other than a nearby school district banning the Harry Potter books for witchcraft some years ago it has been quiet since the days when James Dobson's minions picketed the local bookstore in the eighties. I bought my only copy of "Hustler" just so I could walk out past them with it out of the bag. Now the local schoolboard has overruled the professionals to remove "Genderqueer" from the high school library bookshelves by a 4 to 3 vote. Only one of the four is currently up for re-election.


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ethical dilema

While I was walking my dog today another dog got under his owner's fence paralleling the sidewalk and attacked my dog. The owner has already paid the vet bill for fortunately non-life-threatening injuries though one bite could have been fatal if it went deeper. My problem is that this is the second time that I know of that this dog has gotten lose and attacked another dog. I feel like I should file a complaint to prevent more attacks but at the same time I hate to risk a dog being put down.

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disturbed and saddened

I forwarded an obituary to my brother today as he no longer lives in our home town. His former brother-in-law had died and I thought he might want to send a card. He e-mailed me back that it wouldn't be welcomed. It seems that even in death his family refuses to recognize him. When police contacted people with his last name they got no response except from a another former in-law. I don't blame them for avoiding him in life. He was an addict, a thief and a child abuser. What is disturbing to me is that I know they once loved him.


need an excuse?

There is an apparent shortage of men's underwear. I have been waiting for the back to school sales to pick up a few basics. One store recently had a twenty-five percent off sale on underwear for the family. I could not find any men's briefs in any size but extra large. Not to worry, I had to got to Wal-Mart this week and they usually have back to school sales. I couldn't find a single pair of plain men's briefs. Just across the aisle though was a big display of ten packs of women's panties. There's your excuse; just go with it.

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They just don't understand

They Just don’t Understand

I’m astounded by all of this talk of thousands of dead people voting. They clearly don’t know what it would take for that to happen. I know because I got a dead person to vote. One person!

Being very concerned about this election I decided to help the cause by raising the dead to vote. I chose a well know union organizer and democratic stalwart as my first voter. After much research I was confidant I had the right incantations learned. I just needed a pure black cockerel to sacrifice at midnight on the dark of the moon.


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I have gotten old. My neighbors, the Methusela's, children had a work day in their yard today. They created a belt high pile of leaves that I walked past numerous times. Not ONCE did I have an urge to leap into it. It'll be a walker and the nursing home next.


Question for the computer savvy

Last night charter internet's free anti viral program f-secure loaded something called security extension on my computer. It needs to be activated. Do I want to do that and why? As far as I can understand the little they say about it it is an electronic nanny but there is little plain English information available .

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I miss books

I've done a lot of reading since the library was closed, both on line and e-books through their web site, but it just doesn't feel the same. I went through it before a couple years ago when my arthritis wouldn't let me handle a real book and I'm very glad to have the other options. It's just that I actually found myself looking at the trash in the grocery store paperback rack. I'm jonesing bad for a good book in my hand.

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let's create a third party

I was thinking about how Erin manages to keep this place civilized despite the same political divide that exists in the rest of the world. That's what we need in Washington to break the politcal gridlock. We need to start a new party, the keep it friendly party.


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Because tina Fey was on the radio today

Don’t ask how I got this. I’m not telling.

From: Sarah Palin@Love

To: Joe Biden@Biden

Hi Joe

I’m so glad you are going to have a female running mate. As you know I have experience as a female vice presidential candidate. I could easily become a Democrat. I have never really understood the difference anyway.

I am qualified to be president if that becomes necessary as I am a very stable genius just like my good friend Donald.


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writing what you don't know

They say to write about what you know. Just as important is not to write about what you are completely ignorant of. Do some research or look like a total idiot. This was triggered by a description of rabbit hunting in a story not on this site. The protagonist was hunting rabbits over bait from a blind with a shotgun. When a rabbit came in sight he carefully waited to take a clean shot when the rabbit was fully enguaged with the carrot. If this doesn't have you rolling on the floor laughing you have never been a hunter and know nothing of rabbits.

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