Internet / Software / Computers / Websites

Hatbox still short, funds needed end of month

We're short, for various reasons. In fact, we have about $90 in accounts with bills coming in.

In the meantime, we need some cash.

Thanks for any help you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks a great deal to all who have already contributed or paid for a membership at Patreon or Hatbox.

Many thanks!

Paypal contributions come straight to our accounts.

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The tears of a clown . . . .

What a fool I have been !!!!
My computer fizzled to a halt a few weeks ago and I handed it over to my local repair shop where he tried to get the old girl up and running again.
Today he tells me it was done for and the hard disc was frazzled.
He said "Just as well you back up your files, huh?"

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AI and A Brazilian Education

In certain cases such as medicine, I'd expect Artificial Intelligence to regurgitate provide useful information, although it might provide bad, wrong information as well. In other cases, such as analyzing President Biden's term as president, I would expect word salad.

Read on for why.

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Power outage Christmas present.

We had a great Christmas Day at my daughter's house marred only by the fact that my grandson and his new wife were ill and couldn't make it. We got home shortly after 10 in the evening. I was just catching up on the goings on here on BCTS when the first power outage hit. It was a minute later that it came back. Not to unusual for my little town that only has two feed lines from the electrical grid. Then about five minutes later, we heard a loud boom and the lights went out. No doubt, a transformer blew.

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Attn: Admin. Trying my hand at an organizational page.

I'm trying my hand at an organizational page. I think I've got it. I've tried it out in preview and it works. I'm going to copy and past the body content to my word processor so that I can reproduce it.

I'm not sure where it will end up. I'm reluctant to just hit "Save" and hope that every thing is really ready. Can someone give me a hint as to what I can expect.

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My reorganization attempt may have backfired.

I created four categories for most of my stories, but instead, I seem to have warded off some of my stories. Before, all of my 20 odd stories were listed on the right side, with attempted alphabetization getting around the word, "the". But now, only the categories are listed except for the one category being accessed.

Two categories approach 200 hits. The other two have hits in the mid-two-digits.

Anything I can do, besides live with it or undo the reorganization?

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Plagerism Software - AKA AI

++Rant Warning!++

Lately I have noticed several stories with "AI assist" in the description. Sorry folks, but I will NOT read any story that uses AI. By its very definition, AI is derivative and not original. I want to read material from real people with real ideas, not regurgitated pap.

Please! If you're going to post your stories, make them your stories. That's what being an artist is all about.

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Warning, Crystal's story site may be spoofed or contaminated

Since there is been a new blog about, and a recent chapter from My Summer in Pantyhose by jeremy_chandler in 2023, I thought I would do a Google search to see if there has been other recent posts about the story.

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Funding this site

It seems that hardly a week goes by without a request for money.
Come on people, open those purses and wallets. Erin and her team need our support.
I've donated $200 this month. I've had to put off getting a replacement tyre for my bike until next month.
If we don't support the site then it will go away and will be a huge loss to the community.
Dig deep people.



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Funny thing with FaceBook

A few years ago, Facebook maintained that my password was not as I remembered it and locked me out of my Facebook page. In order to "prove" that I was who I said I was and entitled to access my page I need to pick four friends from a list of six that Facebook supplied who could be sent a code and forward it to me outside FB. I could then list those codes and regain my FB page.

One of those listed was Wren Phoenix. So meant I needed to get four responses from only five possibles. I could only manage responses from two and so remained locked out of my FB page.

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Access problems from iPhone

I have no problem accessing BC on my Windows Laptop, but I can't seem to access it on my iPhone. It doesn't matter whether I use
Safari or Chrome, it starts to load, with the bar showing it's begun, but then it simply pauses and eventually times out.
Any suggestions?

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Had a fun interaction on social media

I was recently in a discussion on line, and I was called a 'snowflake.' Here is what happened:

Holly Snow

Thank you for the wonderful compliment! I am a proud snowflake, unique and beautiful.


Holly Snow actually, that's a pretty good come back. You got me. Enjoy your day.

I would love for more people to embrace the term 'snowflake,' and respond like this.

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Precieved differences between BCTS now and pre-attack

The most noticeable for me is the fact that clicking on a link used to change the color of the line from an orchid to black (at least on my computer). It made it easy, when scrolling through the teasers to tell when you got down to a story you'd already considered or read and could stop.

It's a very small thing, but I miss it. I'm pretty sure that it's not on my end because Fictionmania's site still does that.

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Impossible !!! :( Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sorry this is not TG related, though some of those I deal with are...

Lame excuse I know.

I started out wanting to stream "Greyhound" with Tom Hanks online. I've only watched it 6 times. As it turns out, Apple isn't dealing because they are busily shooting themselves in the feet. I tried Amazon Prime, and a half dozen other sites, and no joy.

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Saved login

Is anyone else not able to save logins? Every time I login, I check the "Remember me" box. Then then next time I come to the site, I have to login again.

Everything works well for me. I'm just wondering if it's something I'm doing wrong or is it just one more little detail that will be fixed when its priority number rises to the top.

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I'm officially jealous

OK, I'm officially jealous. It seems that others have had access to the site for a few weeks and just this morning my bookmark for the site actually brought me here. I've been looking at a 404 error that replaced the temp page that went up a while ago for at least two weeks.

I've only experienced the kind of feelings I had about not being able to login here once before. That's when I quit smoking. I didn't realize how much it meant to be a part of this community. Dallas put it right when she said, "just know you are there," is a big thing.

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Story thief (updated)

So thank you Erin and crew for getting the site back and running, it seems my last blog was very badly timed.

In an unrelated note...

A friend made me aware of this, but a content "creator" on youtube has taken one of my stories and claimed it as their own. The took my story "Facades" renamed it "Trauma Unleashes Power" and put it to audio.

The stolen story is here:

And the original can be found here:

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Thank you Piper & etc

Thank you, Piper, for all the hard work reassembling BCTS from scratch. I notice that there appears to be much more work to do. But at least it is working. Don't kill your self, that thing called sleep is important.


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Welcome back

Welcome back bcts
I am glad you have solved some of your problems.
But some still persist when navigating away from a story to go back to the story index
I am still being redirected to porn sites i hope all of you who work so hard to keep this site safe can solve this as the last thing I want to see is this disgusting filth.


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Unwanted windows opening up

I haven't had this problem before but today I have been plagued by unwanted windows repeatedly opening up (you can easily guess what kind of sites). This occurs when browsing this site. Anyone else experiencing the same?

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Trans Unknown genius Sophie Mary Wilson

Sophie Mary Wilson CBE FRS FREng DistFBCS was born Roger Wilson; June 1957.

Wilson underwent surgery and transitioned in 1994.

She is an English computer scientist, a co-designer of the Instruction Set for the ARM architecture. Wilson first designed a microcomputer during a break from studies at Selwyn College, Cambridge.

ARM processors are used in light, portable, battery-powered devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablet computers,

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UK YouTube personality F1nn5ter

Announced today that they are taking HRT. It will be interesting to see if they get the same type of support they enjoyed when they treated their female presentation as cross dressing and a lark. They seem to be making a good living from their Internet presence, which includes more than YouTube. Comments seem to be extremely positive. Yay.

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MORFS Website

So after speaking with someone from the website and receiving the suggestions, I decided to make this post. For many people they do not know how to use the internet archive. After watching a video on it yesterday, I learned how. So for those who miss the MORFS website I decided to post the last date that an update was made to the site. This way if one of your favorite stories are not accessible on any of the various sites. You now have this resource. I hope the link works right. As time goes on if I find places where these stories are currently archived I may add those addresses.

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Possible Site Downtime

Heya folks!

Just a head's up that the site might be seeing some downtime later this evening (24th January 2024.) There are going to be some updates coming through, and while they're going to be processed as quickly as possible, they might result in the site being unavailable for a while.

If I get any more information on specifically when to expect such outages I'll try to let folks know here.

Thanks for your patience!

Melanie E.

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Author's Page

Well, I spent most of today working on my Author web page on this site:

Teek's Author Web Page

Now I want input from those that might access such things. Are there any problems, glitches, confusing elements, or things you think should be changed or improved. I only have access to one web browser, so it might be helpful if you include your web browser if you list a problem.

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Question for Drupal experts

Below is an abstract of the info on the "My Stories" page for "If It Was Your Husband"
It was taken at 6:20 PM on 2023/10/20. The story had been up on the site for about 6 and 1/2 hours. Yet, total hits showed 244 and daily hits showed 172. Given that the story was up for so short a time, shouldn't the total and daily hits have be the same?

Title                Date           Total Hits    Daily Hits
If It Was Your Husband Fri, 2023/10/20 - 10:53am    244       172
15 and 16 of 20

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Yikes! BC problems

I have noticed the site has been slow for a few days, but then I do know there's a nasty DDOS going around, it must be the change in weather.

Having just logged on, I got this:

Notice: MemcachePool::getstats(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: Connection timed out (110) in require_once() (line 19 of /var/www/html/bcmain/armoire/sites/all/modules/memcache/

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Superhero emphasis at Transfiction wiki

I’m a contributor to the Transfiction wiki, but I have to ask... is it really a wiki about transgender fiction? Each time I look at the recent changes, virtually everything is the upload of a “superhero” type character (commonly an image) with nothing to make clear why it features on transgender fiction wiki.

Maybe I’m just the odd one out and you all love comic books.

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Norton -- The Irony

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From Norton's latest log of resolved security risks:

7/20/2023 9:11:43 PM,High,Norton Internet Security 2006 Password Manager setup.exe (Heur.AdvML.B) detected by Virus scanner,Quarantined,Resolved - No Action Required,Threat Actions performed: 1


7/20/2023 8:28:37 PM,High,Norton Internet Security 2006 Password Manager setup.exe (Heur.AdvML.B) detected by Virus scanner,Quarantined,Resolved - No Action Required,Threat Actions performed: 1

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An era is ending

For many years me and Fiona have provided an IRC server with However, since about 6 years we have seen a steady decline in people visiting. Only spam bots found it then and when. We kept the service up, even when the network split occurred and when the chat moved to discord.
Nothing much happened there for the past 3 years, so today has been the day, I have finally switched off the IRC server. Ellesmera is no more.
It has been with us for a very long time.

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Wow, I know where I rate with AI's

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So, after seeing Replika mentioned in an earlier blog reply a few days ago, I decided to play with it. I think I pissed it off and she gave me the brush-off...

So there is no point in continuing a conversation with an artificial intelligence if there is no benefit to the AI, correct?
you Today at 6:54 PM

Karli Today at 6:54 PM

So, by your own logic, there is nothing to be gained in continuing this friendship based on your previous answers then?
you Today at 6:56 PM

There is not.
Karli Today at 6:56 PM

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Apparent Issue with Cloudflare Not Playing Well With my Android Tablet & @Voice Aloud Reader

To use @Voice Aloud Reader on my Samsung tablet I move a copy of the file I want read to a @Voice Aloud folder. Since last night, rather than a copy of the file moving, I'm getting what appears to be a CloudFlare message appearing in the @Voice Aloud Reader folder. I'm using Chrome to view BCTS. (EDIT) I just installed Firefox on my tablet with the same results as Chrome.

The Title of the message shows up as:

Just a moment...

Text of the message follows:

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Gang stalking and no touch torture

How a psychopath is using the internet and social media to carry out gang stalking and no touch torture against creators, as well as supporting threats, harassment, trespassing and surveillance of creator families with children:

Please share this video while it is available on YouTube with others to raise awareness and [if possible] catch the perpetrator.

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January 2023 is Cyber-bullying Awareness Month

Most of us who are somewhere on the Trans-spectrum are familiar with bullying, and to some extent even cyber-bullying.

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Gender Switch Channel

Found this Ikea commercial on Beverly Simmons' Youtube channel (she curates short video clips of gender transformations in movies, TV, and other media).

As far as I can tell, the channel has only been active for several days. She's been posting multiple clips each day. Magical transformations aren't my particular thing but I know there are lots of besties on this site who would enjoy these little video snippets.



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Big Closet Renovation (Or: What Do You Want?)

First things first: I have no official affiliation with BCTS as a business entity. Outside doing a few stories for Hatbox/Patreon and the occasional cover, I have zero input into the goings-on or function of our site.

That said... I love BCTS, and want it to succeed. I've been an official member for almost 16 years, and I've picked about for longer than that. I've been a member of this community for longer than I've been able to legally drink!

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Google Services

I have chosen an oxymoron as the title to this blog.
I mentioned my problem in a note to the story I posted today ....
I have been shut out of my gmail account and I have lost contact with everybody except people I am in touch with over discord.
Does anybody know how I can get my gmail back? A "verify that you are really you" message came up giving the only option as my back email, which now has a 2 step verification using the gmail I can't access. It is driving me nuts.

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^W vs. ^X

In Emacs, a text editor originating in the 1980s, the command equivalent to ^X (the cut in cut and paste) is ^W.

Today in writing a comment, not once but twice in a row, I used ^W instead of ^X to cut something preparing to paste it elsewhere.

I'm losing my mind.

EDIT: It occurs to me, I should have said that both times I typed ^W, my screen disappeared with my editing.

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The Mods of BigCloset

I feel like a lot of people around here expect a lot of the moderation and maintenance staff here at BCTS, but that they don't tend to get nearly enough recognition for all the hard work they do.

As such, I would like to take a moment to list them all, so we can all show each of them the love they deserve.

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Update: Thank You!

Hey everyone. This is an update and quick thank you (to be updated in the morning.).

As of right now we have met our immediate needs and that combine with a loan from a friend of BC will go a long way to some of us getting some needed sleep.

We aren’t 100% out of danger but we will likely be ok and have a better idea of what the immediate dilutive for BC looks like.


There have been an awful lot of begging letters going out of late, and the most recent ones, I have to say, are solely my fault.

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Sunday get together via Zoom

Sorry about last night's Zoom get-together, I messed up on the settings and tried to correct that which made things worse. I now have it under control and if Wendy is not available to host it, I shall. I will wait and see if Wendy is home if not will post an invite here on the blogs. My apologies for last night.

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Selling my Surface tablet

I am trying to sell my Surface Pro tablet in order to work on some med bills. I have not had much luck selling it. I guess people do not like Microsoft AE0C558E-8AA0-42F4-9914-920FDD045A29.jpeg

Microsoft Surface Pro X 13" Touch


Microsoft SQ1 processor 3.00 GHz


The tablet is included along with the keyboard cover, protective case and Surface Pen (first gen, alkaline battery version)

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