Below is an abstract of the info on the "My Stories" page for "If It Was Your Husband"
It was taken at 6:20 PM on 2023/10/20. The story had been up on the site for about 6 and 1/2 hours. Yet, total hits showed 244 and daily hits showed 172. Given that the story was up for so short a time, shouldn't the total and daily hits have be the same?
Title Date Total Hits Daily Hits
If It Was Your Husband Fri, 2023/10/20 - 10:53am 244 172
15 and 16 of 20
Perhaps this would be due to……
How we are measuring the days? What time zone is being used?
If the story was posted for 6 1/2 hours, depending on the time zone in which the hits are being recorded, some of them could have been recorded on one day, and the remainder recorded on the following day. As an example, if we are using GMT, a hit recorded at 8PM EST would show as 1AM the following day in GMT.
Using this logic, if you posted your story at 6PM EST and the first 72 hits were recorded prior to 7PM EST, while the remainder were recorded after 7PM EST but before midnight EST, you would assume that they were all on the same day - yet if we are using GMT they would show as 72 on the first day and the rest on the second day.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Frequently the 'server' time
Frequently the 'server' time is not always in alignment with the CMS (content management system) time. Now add in module authors sometimes querying system time instead of CMS functions for time you can end up with oddities like you're experiencing. It's possible that's what is happening here but there's a lot of other reasons it could be that way as D. Eden outlined above.
Once Upon A Time
BC used to show hit numbers in this way (quite a few years ago), so you might have had total hits 500, daily hits 300, the daily hits being in the current 24 hours, the 500 being since first posted.
I used to like this way of tracking the progress of a story as it showed the initial popularity of a post and its gradual decline when those who were interested had registered that interest.