JessicaNicole's blog

Are your books safe?

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There have been repeated reports in the past of Amazon Kindle stealing money from consumers. As well as Kindle being a proprietary and closed standard for content delivery. The underlying issue is not only restricted to Amazon Kindle, but any and all cloud-based streaming content providers.

Who controls the content that is saved on the cloud? Is it the owner of the content? Or is it the owner of the infrastructure?

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Road Safety?

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I just ran across this 13 minute video on road safety in Europe (and more specifically the UK) versus the development of electric vehicles at NEWS: UK Bans Cybertruck - 5 Fatal Design Flaws Tesla Can't Fix.

This is more for those techno-geeks and EV geeks out there. So you might like this FYI,

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Developments on the left side of “The Pond”


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If you are willing to see how Europeans view the current political developments in the United States of America, you might want to the following broadcast posts on YouTube. Be warned that these could be triggering to you, and therefor a risk to your personal mental health. So viewer discretion is advised.

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Debate regarding gender violence in Germany

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The German Green Party has proposed the creation of “women only” train cars for the underground network in the capital city of Berlin, due to the huge increase of sexual assaults and rapes in the last ten years. This proposal has caused a huge backlash from most other sectors of the German society.

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Another Mental Health self-help resource

Through the recommendations by the YouTube algorithm I “stumbled” upon another self-help resource that can help me with my mental health challenges. And I want to share that resource with the rest of our community here, since so many have expressed their personal struggle with mental health challenges.

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A “Touch Starved” person in Germany

Today one of the “Random Solo” recommendations was Touch Starved by Bailey Summers (her main story content page is here). We would all do well read this powerful, raw and painful story. Despite the “Adult Oriented” rating this story is absolutely NOT erotica, graphic sex or porn, but just pure emotional pain and desperation, that fortunately ends in a glimmer of hope.

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I need to be alone, but get sick from being lonely

I have been struggling for a long time on how to formulate this post on a deeply personal issue. While sharing this personal struggle that is affecting my own mental health, it is also a request (maybe even a cry) for help to members of this community located towards the north-west of Germany.

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Rethinking strategies in a relationship that changes

Many of us who struggle with gender identity also struggle with many other emotional issues and even neurodivergence. There is PTSD, ADHD, OCD, autism spectrum, depression and anxiety, to name some of the heavies. That list is most definitely not exhaustive, but it contains the issues that are most prevalent and/or that cause the most collateral issues for us.

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Recomendation of a video about cross-dressing

I had a very interesting video recommended to me by the YouTube algorithm. The video “Top 5 Benefits of Crossdressing in Public 2024” looks at both directions of cross-dressing, It also explores the individual and societal benefits of cross-dressing.

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A slice of life series by Tiffany Shar

If you like “slice of life” stories, you might want to take a look the series Standing Up To Life by Tiffany Shar. The first book has already earned the “----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------” status.

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Story recomendation from the archives of Tiffany Shar

As I mentioned in my last post Thank you for a blast from the past to Tiffany Shar I am currently re-reading some of the stories posted many “turnings of the seasons” back. Some of these I not read in over a decade. On re-reading them now, I remember having read them in the past. This fact is also confirmed by the fact many of parts have a Kudos registered to my user ID.

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Thank you for a blast from the past to Tiffany Shar

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Thanks to a recent story chapter post by Tiffany Shar I started re-reading her previous contributions and got a serious blast from the past! After re-reading Suddenly Royal from a contest in 2020 in order to establish context for the sequel that Tiffany just recently started to post here on BigCloset TopShelf.

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Documentary on Trans in Germany by DW (Deutsche Welle)

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The Deutsche Welle [DW] (literally “German Wave”, the German equivalent of the British BBC) just published a documentary on trans life in Germany. It covers the lives of three different people at three different ages.

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Reading recomendation: The Opus Magnus of Teddie S.

After having shared on one of the first “BCTS Recommends” at the start of this year (2024) among others the Opus Magnus of Teddie S. with the title Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?, I decided to dig up this story and re-read it. It is truly a Opus Magnus, counting 253 chapters and approximately 1,400,000 words. So buckle up for the long haul!

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Meetups in Canada in July?

After enjoying the regular Sunday afternoon/evening Zoom chats hosted by Wendy Jean, I got to thinking that my trip to Canada in July could be an opportunity to meet with a few BCTS members. My main reason for the trip is a conference regarding the use of [Mennonite] Low German in media and the process of documenting and formalizing the grammar and orthography, as well as developing the corresponding writers utilities as open source software tools. This conference is scheduled for 12-14 July in Aylmer, Ontario. I will have some down-time on the Saturday and Sunday.

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Gang stalking and no touch torture

How a psychopath is using the internet and social media to carry out gang stalking and no touch torture against creators, as well as supporting threats, harassment, trespassing and surveillance of creator families with children:

Please share this video while it is available on YouTube with others to raise awareness and [if possible] catch the perpetrator.

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January 2023 is Cyber-bullying Awareness Month

Most of us who are somewhere on the Trans-spectrum are familiar with bullying, and to some extent even cyber-bullying.

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Interesting video about Electrical Arcs

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The Slow Mo Guys just published an interesting video on YouTube about filming electrical arcs at 1.750.000 frames per second!

Something that the geeky nerds and/or nerdy geeks might enjoy.

By the way, some of their other experiments are plain weird, while others discover some pretty fascinating insights.

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How to set good boundaries for your personal life

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On the MedCircle channel on YouTube I found this video 9 Signs of Poor Boundaries | MedCircle x Dr Ramani. If you have trouble with that link, here is the URL as text:

I have found that MedCircle is serious and scientifically based channel with very good insight and suggestions on many different issues of mental health, and relationships as it relates to mental health.

Have a good weekend.
Jessica Nicole

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The History of Banning High Heels

I just have to share this video titled The History of Banning High Heels by fashion historian Nicole Rudolph about all the different reasons that society tried to ban high heels from the 1850's to the 1920's. The reasons, from our point of view, are so silly that they are hilarious.

Spoiler alert: Back then a high heel was defined as anything higher than about 1.5 inches!

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Retro Classic reading recommendation

Thank you to the BCTS moderators for re-posting this retro classic once more.

I want to encourage all readers here to read and kudo this nice cronology by Tammy Fairbanks. Unfortunately Tammy has only posted this one story. But never the less, let us all show our appreciation for a well crafted tale.

Lovers of ghost / curses / halloween stories should find a special enjoyment of this story.

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One of the first movies on TG issues

Last week I found an interesting movie on rarelust dot com, that I downloaded and watched over the weekend. The movie is called "I want what I want" and was released in 1972.

It is the story of a young man and his struggle of finding his own identity. How his domineering, womanizing, ex-military and abusive father threatens to kill him, but refuses to report his running away to the police for fear of losing face in society. The overcompensating girly-girl, the insecurities and struggles through transition that happened in the late 1960's to very early 1970's.

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