Love / Sex / Dating / Relationships

A “Touch Starved” person in Germany

Today one of the “Random Solo” recommendations was Touch Starved by Bailey Summers (her main story content page is here). We would all do well read this powerful, raw and painful story. Despite the “Adult Oriented” rating this story is absolutely NOT erotica, graphic sex or porn, but just pure emotional pain and desperation, that fortunately ends in a glimmer of hope.

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I need to be alone, but get sick from being lonely

I have been struggling for a long time on how to formulate this post on a deeply personal issue. While sharing this personal struggle that is affecting my own mental health, it is also a request (maybe even a cry) for help to members of this community located towards the north-west of Germany.

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Rethinking strategies in a relationship that changes

Many of us who struggle with gender identity also struggle with many other emotional issues and even neurodivergence. There is PTSD, ADHD, OCD, autism spectrum, depression and anxiety, to name some of the heavies. That list is most definitely not exhaustive, but it contains the issues that are most prevalent and/or that cause the most collateral issues for us.

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For the coming Year and for all of your Years ...

Wishing that all of your endeavors, and all the endeavors of all those whom you care about, bear sweet fruit in this year, and in all of your years.

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It’s been awhile…

Warning: Don’t read this if you’re squeamish there’s a lot of nasty things that are going to be said. If the moderators think I’ve went too far in explaining what has happened to me then they are free to remove it. I just wanted to get this out into the open.

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Nice public interest story from the Ottawa area

Nice human interest story I just read. These days, good news is always welcome.

How My Life Unfolded When My Partner And Kid Both Came Out As Trans:

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When you "Came Out" who was more accepting?

After posting my last story about a trans boy coming out to his parents, I wondered which sex is most accepting.

Did you find mother's, sisters, grandmothers or aunts. Or were the males more accepting.

In my story the character was devastated that his mother rejected him, where his father accepted his longing to be a woman.

This was meant to be a twist. I just (wrongly?) assumed that women would be more likely to sympathise.

Was I wrong?

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Trans Ladies and Casual Sexism , do you see it?

What I'm wondering is those that transistioned after say, 20 years old, do you notice sexist remarks and how you are treated differently as a female than you were presenting as a male.

One of my stories had some of this in.The character was laughed at when she gave an opinion on football. Her partner ordered her drink and food without even asking herThis was guesswork though.

In the 80's I saw a documentary where a man posed as a women for a few days with hidden cameras.(post Tootsie)

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The Loss of Sexual Response.

For the delicate, read no further.

I've noticed the complete loss of any sort of physical sexual response when manually stimulating. It seems possible that is due to the increased development of scar tissue around the nerves capable of responding to such ministrations and not due to age. My Brain refuses to acknowledge the fact but there is some hope that reality will set in before too long.

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Today Is About Birthdays

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And losses. Love is forever. Life is finite. You must treasure what you have, while you may. You are building warm and bright memories against the cold nights and dark days.

Tkinking of you this day, Erin. Hugs

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So much love


I just wanted to say that even though I don't always show it, I 100% support you. You are brave, and so pretty. I love you just the way you are. I heard this song a few minutes ago, and thought of you right away.

If you ever doubt my support, baldspot me.

Love you so much.



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Writers Block

So, I found some poetry that I wrote last year, and it lit a spark to write more, and I have an idea for a story!

My question is : I'm toying with including song lyrics at the beginning of each chapter, but am not sure on the best way to format it. I was thinking of doing it as part of chapter titles, similar to a subtitle. Or using it to start the beginning of each chapter. I want to use it to draw readers in.

If anyone has ideas...

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I am not an Author

I am not an Author only a reader who enjoys reading the work of those talented people who post on BC. Every time I go to BC's web site I notice the Hatbox status bar and wonder how few times it has obtained its monthly goal. BC's admin has posted requests asking for us to contribute to help meet the finical obligations that are necessary in running this site. I notice on the left side of the main page there are several options available to us readers to contribute to BC. I have used the "One-TIme GIft" a few times in the past but I am not a fan of PAYPAL so I looked into becoming a PATRON.

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As of 4:30PM, April 25th, in our own living room, Catherine Linda Michel and Tina Anne Marie Myers were married by a "traveling Preacher Man" who, after the brief ceremony, climbed back into his Pick up truck/buggy and hurried off to do more good works... I hope.

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Sexy Elephant

This song is either the singer's (Florence Welch) ticket to immortality or her never-live-it-down moment. Or both:

And this poor buck is probably traumatized for life. He'll have performance anxiety, and PTSD flashbacks.

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Getting Back on the Path...

Hey everyone. I've decided I want to share some news.

It's time I get back on the path to being me :)

Not that I was ever really off it, but while I had transitioned in my life previously, I de-transitioned when Kim got sick.

I was her primary Power of Attorney, and having to deal with showing my ID to hospitals and Doctors constantly took it's toll, and so I just started dressing "drab" to make life easier, and after she passed, I hit such a depressive hole, that I'm surprised I'm still here :P

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They were an ordinary couple

Ran across this again. The last time was several years ago. I'm sure some of you have seen it. This couples story, less the full time coming out and resulting full transition, could be mine. Makes me wonder just where my journey will end.

My husband became a woman

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Kink and T(g,v,s) / CD

It's been bugging me a bit for I years if I am being honest.

I know I am definitely into kink\(how I met my soon to be ex) and I've seen a lot of T(v,g,s) / CD around.

Now my question. Is there a relation to kink and us, or is are we generally more inclined to the kink scene?


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Trans Dating Advice

Every once in a while, I check in to read what I find to be one of the more educational, high-spirited, and good-natured love/sex advice columns. This week, Dan Savage has a couple of letters about trans dating, one from a man interested in meeting MTFs and one from a FTM interested in exploring gay male bars.

Don't know if this is relevant to anyone here, but just in case you're nosy about other people's problems, and what sort of advice they get...

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As a new year begins, I'm lost in memories. Please read.

I'm sitting here now, lost in memories of a life changing week at the Southern Comfort Conference in Atlanta Georgia in 2009. Having reached the ripe old age of 72, I find myself remembering times and people and events there and in my life.

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Love, love, love

So, one year ago today, I married my best friend. It hasn't been an easy road for us, but we always make it over any hurdle that comes our way.

Kirstyn (Piper),

Thank you for

1) Accepting me for who I am.

2) Always making sure I get cuddles before falling asleep.

3) Mustard Hearts on sandwiches.

4) Catching me when I fall (literally).

5) Picking me up when I fall (literally).

6) Being an amazing parent to our son.

7) Dealing with me when I'm in pain.

8) Listening to me ramble about things I've rambled about before.

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Anyone else watching Lost in Transition on TLC?

Synopsis: Four couples face the most difficult time in their marriage as each wife has just learned her husband has decided to become a woman. Relationships get redefined as each couple delves into the confusion, disappointment & uncertainty surrounding them.

I find it interesting and not trashy

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Breast Pump Kink?

Here's a (loaded? sensitive? funny?) question...

Ever use a breast pump (electric or otherwise) for erogenous play, either with a partner or solo? Either for nipple stimulation or for anything else. (I'm talking about the kinds normally used by lactating women, but in this case for non-lactation purposes.)

Sign me,

Ummm, just curious.

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Please read and comment, guys and gals and others.

There are many on here, myself included, who have faced, are currently facing, or will eventually face severe crises in their lives. I think we, as a community of like-minded individuals, should have a contingency plan in place to support and aid our peers. I'd like to, with the permission of the moderators, form a support group where anyone, at any time, could come and safely find the support, understanding, and guidance they need to face life's challenges.

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Interesting 'letter to' article in the Guardian

A very interesting letter by the sister of someone who has decided to transition to that individual. This is one of a series the Guardian publishes every saturday.

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"How Two Producers of ‘Transparent’ Are Making Trans Lives More Visible — Starting With Their Own"

From the New York Times.
"The photos Zackary Drucker and Rhys Ernst took of each other showed a young couple in love. They became an important public record of transgender life."

How Two Producers of ‘Transparent’ Are Making Trans Lives More Visible — Starting With Their Own

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My sister's fiancee is in hospice...

He has some type of chronic bowl disorder.

Over the years he has had parts of it removed as they have become damaged.

This last time the doctors found there was too little healthy tissue remaining for him to survive.

As he is quite slim I fear he won't last long.

He is only in his early fifties.

John in Wauwatosa

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I'm pretty depressed today and I think I know why.

This is, I'm afraid, gonna be a long one, so if you don't wanna read it all the way through, it's okay with me. There's just some things that have been building up in me for a long time and I finally had to acknowlege them last night so I could maybe find a way to deal with them in a rational way. If you're not interested in my life or the state of what I laughingly refer to as a mind... read no farther.

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Happy Valentine's!!!

I want to be first in wishing all the writers and readers here a happy valentine's day. Some have romance, some wish for it, some write for it and some read of it. I've made friends here and love them with all my heart. Hugs and kisses for all that want, double for those that need. My regards to those you hold dear.


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Compliment or a pick up?


Ok, I was sitting with a friend watching a k-drama (see blog 1) when I was hit with a craving for ice cream. I asked my friend if she wanted to go out for some. It being a balmy 16 degrees Fahrenheit she looked at me like I was crazy. She does this quite often but to be fair I look at her in the same way quite often.

I, personally, think she just didn't want to get out of her pjs. She said no but I could bring her back a hot fudge sundae. I had splurged for lunch (Chinese) so I might as well buy dessert too.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my sisters (and brothers) here at BCTS. I pray that you all have many things to be thankful for. I know I do.

I have a loving wife of 48 years who, though she sometimes struggles with it, accepts me as I am. I have two daughters who know and still love me. I have two grandchildren who delight me. I have a job that meets my needs and I have no long term debt.

Life is good and God has surely blessed me.

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would you?

Would you pick an aggressive alpha male as a sex partner, and NOT tell him you are post op?

I wouldn't.

There is a post op woman that is doing this, 6 that live in the same building ( my old workplace/residence, a cockroach hotel ).
Personally I am suspecting that she is looking to get hurt. :/

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Sitting at home in all of my finery... Almost a story...

Wearing my LBD, corset, appropriate padding and short bob style brunette wig, my biggest eyelashes and light makeup, dark red fingernails and my male mode slippers as my neighbours are complaining when I wear my heels... finishing off a bottle of nice Italian wine. Alone...

My "girlfriend" of the last 3+ years had not even bothered to try to meet me on her birthday several days ago, and last time I've seen her in person was somwhere in July...

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Understanding men

Having been raised in a particular gender role clearly didn't ‘imprint’ for many BC readers but I thought that I at least understood males until in raising the next generation I discovered that the boys were like a whole different species. Today I found an old (2002) radio show on testosterone which pulled the whole who, what and how of sex, gender, character and identity beautifully into focus

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Though political, still relevant

Today is shaping up to be a landmark day for equality in the US. Heck, a landmark month in certain ways, given recent changes to the standing of TG treatment in government health care. Whether you agree with gay marriage or not, though, let's all give a few moments to feel happy for all the people whose lives, both now and in the future, have a chance of being enriched by the decision the court made today.

Melanie E.

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060) Checking in...

I know. It's been a VERY long time since I've logged in here. I've been reading stories as and when I can, but my internet hasn't and still isn't particularly reliable. For about a year there I couldn't get my laptop to go on the internet at all, and my phone screen is just way too small to view this site well.

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Some Companies Will Stand UP

Kohellet (Ecclesiastes) 4:1 (Art Scroll translation):

I returned and contemplated all the acts of oppression that are committed beneath the sun: Behold! Tears of the oppressed with none to comfort them and their oppressors have the power-- with none to comfort them.

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Just wondering if MtF can get pregnant...

Getting information for my stories, I came upon MtF pregnancy which might happen sooner. Another article was about a Chinese do or implanting an egg in a man, so I wonder if in 10 to 15 years from now a MtF will be able to be a mom... I hope so...


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I've never been good with relationships. I think a lot of that comes from my childhood. I watched my parents go though a messy divorce. Mom and grandma spent a lot of effort on mind games to turn me against my dad. Dad got remarried to the wicked bitch of the south. then divorced and eventually married for the third time(I like this one). I watched my sister go though countless boyfriends in high school and all the drama that entailed. She got married, had a kid then got divorced. she is now getting ready to get married for the second time.

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Looking For Love

Well I turned 50 and I started to reminisce about my relationship with that non-genetic lady who I remember as Jessica. I guess I am still amazed at how she fell in love with me. It was one of those scenarios that you only see in movies she was a classy lady and me I was the cowboy/laborer type of guy who considered being in a new pair of Wranglers as being dressed up. Been through 3 divorces with genetic women and don't have really anything to show for it I am sort of like that country song.

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