John in Wauwatosa

The Day the Earth Stood Still: or Happy Alternative New Years

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
Christmas Special!



Charlie was a middle-aged man with one great regret, that a wonderful woman he'd been friends with for years was not interested in him as a man. She moves cross-country to care for her ailing mother and Charlie is heartbroken. A new employee befriends Charlie who later makes an unselfish wish for his new friends happiness. Charlie finds he's been betrayed and has lost everything he ever dreamed of or has he? A story of the power of love and forgiveness.

My sister's fiancee is in hospice...

He has some type of chronic bowl disorder.

Over the years he has had parts of it removed as they have become damaged.

This last time the doctors found there was too little healthy tissue remaining for him to survive.

As he is quite slim I fear he won't last long.

He is only in his early fifties.

John in Wauwatosa


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Update, TWO groups with nine lives in town today

Our two kittens, Gracie and Audrey. Both are doing well and making friends with our not quite two year old calico, Sniffanie.

Tonight, 8PM at the Marcus Amphitheater at the Summerfest grounds these really, really, REALLY OLD geezers are performing.


John in Wauwatosa

P.S. Tickets ARE available through ticket brokers at 249 DOLLARS US last I looked -- 4:45 PM CDT -- and parking for just under 40 bucks.

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KITTIES awwwwwwwwwh!

As of 3 pm today we are again a three cat household.


They were born to different moms in early and mid April of this year

Not yet named though the younger ( to the right in the picture ) -- by a couple weeks -- kitten may end up Molly .

The older girl is a bit of a devil though snoozing at the moment.

The last of our previous trio, Sniffanie, hissed at them. Rare bad temper by her.

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John doing happy dance... Sniffanie tests negative

The FeLV and FIV tests came back negative while the control was positive so she is not infected.

Since she was due in a few months we updated her shots and started the first of two shots to protect from FeLV.

In three weeks she gets the booster fir it and e==we will have a fecal sample tested to make sure she is free of parasites.

Then we can get her a companion cat or two.

I am very relieved.

John in Wauwatosa

Here she is back home and healthy. And weighting 9.6 LBS. Might be time to cut back on the food!

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Pray for our Sniffanie, she is getting tested later this morning

In les than half an hour out last kitty will be tested for two nasty viruses, FeLV and FIV.

The preliminary tests done on Simon this Monday showed either a large lymphoma or a large cyst. Maybe both.

The simple biopsy the vet did suggested lymphoma though the radiologist thought it was a cyst.

As Simon died so quickly there was no point in cutting him open to be certain.

Nor to do more expensive lab work.

So soon we will learn if she is healthy and we can get her a companion cat/cats. Or if she is infected and will need to live alone with us.

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Mondays suck. I buried our two male cats today

Rusty was euthanized this Feb 06th, one day short of his 20 birthday.

We had him cremated as it was winter with heavy snow on the frozen ground.

We planned to bury his ashes near his sister in May.

Simon was well, other than a couple teeth that had to be pulled, up until a week ago.

He went off his feed. Seemed less energetic but we thought it might be stress from a house guest or allergies. We was a shy but loving animal.

Sis took him to the vet today.

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Rusty. Feb 1995 to Feb 2015

Our long suffering cat was euthanized at aprox 9:45am CST today, Saturday Feb 7th.

He and his late littermate Cally were two Wisconsin Humane Society kittens from the old location behind WTMJ tv and radio near Esterbrook Park in Milwaukee WI.

Best estimate were he was born Feb 08th 1995. But we will call him 20 years old.

He will be cremated and his ashes scatted over his sisters grave by a peony in our back yard.

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Our ailing old cat might have a bit more life in him

My sister took our sick and nearly 20 year old cat to the vet to see if the meds had helped any

Still not sure if he has cancer but he does have an inflamed bowel.

The bloody stools have stopped as best we can tell.

His red blood cell value was at 13 out of a healthy 30 right after Christmas. He was near critical at that time according to the vet.

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The year draws closer to its end as does our oldest cat

Just came back from the vet.

Our four year old, Simon, has a couple chipped/broken teeth that may need to be removed. Otherwise very healthy.

Rusty, almost 20 years old, has lost a pound - 1/8th of his weight -- since this summer. He has blood in his stool, is somewhat anemic and his colon feels thick and abnormal. This on top of his kidney disease and heart murmur.

They did tests. We find out Monday.

They gave us some meds to ease his symptoms.

The vet first thought colitis but given his age and the abnormal feeling bowel... quite possibly cancer.

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Congrats to the Eagles

What a FINE game against the Green Bay Packers... NOT!

The FIRST time in the 94+ year history of Green Bay where they scored over fifty points two games in a row AND Philly's worst loss since the 1970s.

Remember Green Bay is the smallest small market team in all of American pro sports AND the only not-for-profit.


Mom is doing a second happy dance in her grave. Badgers AND Packers crushing their opponents on back-to-back days.


Other than the snow shoveling.

John in Wauwatosa


What were you doing 51 years ago today? I was playing my 78

... rpm Wheaties Micky Mouse Club records while we were waiting for something to happen on the TV. There was delay after delay so finally as we are all dressed dad drove us the 26 miles to my grandparents farm.

In that 40 minutes it took to load up and drive THIS happened.


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Tennessee Titans fans & Early Merry Christmas Greetings


if you are a Titans fan DON'T watch the TV.

The current score with aprox 4+ miinutes to go is 55 to ZERO. And Green Bay has the 55.

GB han't had that many points since 1983.

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Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, ch 12 pt 8 of 8

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, Chapter 12 part 8 of 8

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, Ch 12 pt 7 of 8

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, Chapter 12 part 7 of 8

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, Ch 12 pt 6 of 8

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, Chapter 12 part 6 of 8

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, Chapter 12 pt 5

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, Chapter 12 part 5

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Will post part 4 of Timeout 4 Chapter 12 today. Off to ETER

Sorry I didn't post part four of chapter 12 of Timeout 4 -- did I confuse anyone there? Sure confuses me -- last night.

I am posting today then heading out to enjoy the sunny fall day.

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After a brief delay of 52 months I'm posting a new chapter

After a modest delay I am posting Timeout 4, Chapter 14 in a multipart installment over the next week or so. Four or five posts of anywhere from 20 to 30 plus pages each should see it done.

As Princess for Hire and several other excellent but interrupted serials have posted of late I figured I should jump on the bandwagon.

-- grin --

Itinerant and Holly Hart helped me a while back on this, LAST YEAR in fact. I think. It's been a while. I believe they are both out of rehab by now.

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Most totally rotten evilest day of the year.... No REALLY !

On this day in 1930 Sir Thomas Sean Connery was born.


He wasn't SIR in those days.

This is also Tim Burton, the film director's birthday and that of Ivan the Terrible.

AND in 1961 Billy Ray Cyrus... and my EVIL BLOND SISTER TM were both born.

Damn it. I could have been Hannah Montanna's uncle!


And mom and dad said I was getting a baby brother or sister.

Like I had a choice?

John in Wauwatosa

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Today mostly sucked

First I hear Andy Griffith died.

Then I had to go to work for the last day of a branch office we were closing.

Plus today in 1893 one of my grandmothers was born. Today in 1926 my late mother was born on her mom's 33rd birthday.

And 46 years ago today on my mom's 40th birthday -- her mom's 73rd -- my grandfather, my mom's dad, died.

July 3rd has mixed emotions for me.

John in Wauwatosa

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belated tribute to my mother and TWO in ONE YEAR????

June 13th 2005 my mother died from cancer, at home in her sleep.

Though she was in a bad way the day before she was able to carry on an intelligent conversation with our former neighbor -- a childhood friend of mine -- and his wife.

Her death is what encoursged me to become active here as an outlet for my feelings.

Still makes me cry thinking of this active lovely woman all but helpless as the cancer took away her ability to move.


And the punch line to the question, how many years does it tale the Nwy York/San Fransico Giants to win an Perfect Game?


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Can't PM Admin, & we have an obvious spammer here,UPDATE

Most of you have noticed already but the spammer spawning season is upon us.

PLEASE make sure your anti virus, malware dection and fire wall programs are up to date as I see the creeps are at it again.

John in Wauwatosa

UPDATE: Erin squashed the spammer. GO ERIN!

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The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 11

Lady Margrette Ansbach-Stewart,

from your devoted niece Francis.

I need assistance at once from whatever quarter you can raise it. Please pass this onto my father. I have paid the messenger well and he is instructed to carry any note from you or this letter to him at your request.

Colleen is injured. From her moments of consciousness I believe she is trapped within some packing case, one loaded most violently into a ship's hold, canal barge or even a freight wagon. It is nighttime so I cannot tell.

No, I MUSN'T... Can't stop myself... EVIL RANT... Muwah ha h

I love BC.

I enjoy many of the stories here and the commentary.

There is little here that is bad other than the occasional mini-flame war. Fortunately we for the most part don't descend to that here . And Erin and her elves are vigilant the few times we don't mind our manners.

But there is a menace, an insidious evil lurking here.

OLD DOS control characters in titles!

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The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 10

From the diary of Lady Francis.

Lady Margrette,

Forgive my breach of etiquette at the crudeness of this message but time is precious. Colleen has escaped as you must now know.

Once darkness fell it was as I feared and she did slip out as if a shadow.

Do not blame your servants. I kept vigil as well yet to no avail.

In her delusional mind she somehow tapped into the magical either and became all but invisible. I know not how I know this but is truth I swear.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 9

Lady Margrette Ansbach-Stewart,

I regret the haste and poor quality of this note written with a pencil upon scrap paper but needs as must be.

Read this as far away from Coleen as fortune permits. If Coleen's talents are anything like mine she might be able to see though you eyes or overhear you read it out loud if you are at all near her room.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 6 the replies updated.


your most recent note alarms me. The meaning confounds me. Were you interrupted and sent this fragment off in error? Or are you in danger, some delayed apoplectic fit from that foul magic?
I will make every effort to see you this day if I can but escape confinement.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 5 the replies


though I admit to using drink as balm to my soul I implore you to abstain. At least moderate your indulgence. I understand the need. I miss my son grievously but we do not have that luxury. Clear heads are needed at this portentous moment. I will bring you some of that excellent vintage you requested but we must indulge sparingly.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 4 the replies

Lord Everett Carl Stewart Envoy of his majesty King George.

Dear Evert,

I see know why his majesty placed this great responsibility in your hands, If anyone was born to be a diplomat it was you.

I have acted a fool. That it was in defense of my handsome son, now by stunning daughter is but part of the explanation, not an excuse. That I drank more than was prudent is also to my shame.


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