The FeLV and FIV tests came back negative while the control was positive so she is not infected.
Since she was due in a few months we updated her shots and started the first of two shots to protect from FeLV.
In three weeks she gets the booster fir it and e==we will have a fecal sample tested to make sure she is free of parasites.
Then we can get her a companion cat or two.
I am very relieved.
John in Wauwatosa
Here she is back home and healthy. And weighting 9.6 LBS. Might be time to cut back on the food!
Glad to hear it.
Glad to hear it. I hope you find some good playmates for your kitty.
Good to hear John!
Loving Hugs Talia
cut back
I hear that you may cut back but cat will huller alot ,No sleep for you.
Cute kitten
Awe! She's cute!
But 9.6 isn't all that much in winter. Like all of us, she adds a bit to keep her warm.
If she's an outdoor cat, she'll trim down within a few weeks. If not, she needs play toys. There a a bunch of good ones that will stimulate her hunt/pounce instincts ... and wear her out.
Regardless, enjoy your new friend.
Red MacDonald
Simple enough
What about a balled up potato chip pack and a 5 to 6ft tall play toy to go fetch it when she gets bored. :)
You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.
My cats always loved chasing
My cats always loved chasing any crumpled up piece of paper. They also delighted in pouncing on the spot made by the beam of a flashlight. If no crumpled up balls of paper were available (except for the 100 under the couch) they would craftily crumple up pieces of paper from my desk. They never did figure out how to work the flashlight. ;-)
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
As you probably know, cats love danglies
I was able to have fun with my neighbor's cat with an improvised cat toy (an ICT?) consisting of a piece of plastic strapping used to hold together a bundle of plastic shelving. Who needs feathers on a stick? Lots of good exercise that way.
Glad she tested negative. I had a friend who had to put down one of her two cats that had felv. Sad to say the other cat, a sibling was a dead cat walking and died not too long after.
cat food
Feed them indoor cat food, which usually also has hairball control in it. Seems to work well for mine even though they tend to sit outside and watch passing cars with the occasional hunting of anything that moves, birds, mice, rabbits, squirrels.... yes they try to share with me, still not that happy about that when they are live....
Great news on the tests!