Our long suffering cat was euthanized at aprox 9:45am CST today, Saturday Feb 7th.
He and his late littermate Cally were two Wisconsin Humane Society kittens from the old location behind WTMJ tv and radio near Esterbrook Park in Milwaukee WI.
Best estimate were he was born Feb 08th 1995. But we will call him 20 years old.
He will be cremated and his ashes scatted over his sisters grave by a peony in our back yard.
Hear is a photo I took at most 30 minutes before he passed. To think he was once nearly 16 pounds of energetic tabby. The hand is The Evil Blond... my younger sister.
Love them while you can.
John in Wauwatosa
My sympathy
I've had to euthanize two of our pets; a rescued feral kitten who was with us 15 years and a discarded dog (thrown from a car out front of our house one afternoon). Vet said he was about three at the time we had him for another 12 years.
My heart goes out to you.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
For your loss ...
Deepest condolences, my friend.
Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)
Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.
Thankyou all for your kind words
What makes this hurt all the more is my dad turns 88 in March.
BTW he left today for the big gem and mineral show in Arizona but will visit a cousin of mine in Colorado on the way out.
Driving by himself!
So he has a few miles left on the odometer yet.
They may be just *dumb animals* but our two much younger cats know something is up. They are sniffing around where he lay and the transport kennel and both seem confused.
The older one -- he's maybe 5 -- laid by me for a while. He is a friendly cat but more my sister's than mine. At some level they know.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
So Sorry, John
Its tough to lose one of your fur-babies. They seem to possess the ability to wiggle their way into our hearts and when they are gone the hole they leave behind is tough to bridge over. You have my deepest condolences.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Soft kitty pats
For the humans left behind.
And hugs,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
So sorry, John.
Losing family is never an easy thing, whether they're the kind that walk on two legs, or four.
Melanie E.
We've Had To Do It Too Many Times
However, as long as we can we will keep adopting. Yes, they do know when one is gone. Our little Pitti Sing was just a bit more than a year old when we brought in three feral kittens about five weeks old. She immediately tried to nurse them. The long haired black male, named Wally because I literally pulled him out of a wall, bonded to her for the next 14 years. She was the only one in his life. When she was put down, he cried for a month. Then he accepted me for the next five years. I cried when it was his turn to go. I miss them all, even the cat from hell.
John, I'm so sorry, but it was obviously time. There will be more. My heart aches for you.
John, my deepest sympathy on the passing of loved fur friend. We were adopted by a cat left in the local store 20 years ago
and it was so hard to accept that last year she was suffering and had to go for the big sleep. remember the goof times and the 'naughty' times that now give smiles. I love the ashes round the peonies, they will live on as flowers.
Three of our dear cats are burried near those peonies
Two cats were disposed of at vets. One wandered off never to be seen thought I suspect he had offspring as several cats in the area looked like him.
Over the years we learned two cats were far more sane and happy than a lone cat.
Fortunately we still have two. Simon who is between 4 and 5 and Sniffany who is just over one year and five months.
BTW both are now electronic cats as we had Simon chipped in December and Sniffany was chipped by the Humane Society.
I am NOT chipped so far as I know.
Here are the two survivors who I think miss the old guy. Also photographed this morning
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa