I am not an Author only a reader who enjoys reading the work of those talented people who post on BC. Every time I go to BC's web site I notice the Hatbox status bar and wonder how few times it has obtained its monthly goal. BC's admin has posted requests asking for us to contribute to help meet the finical obligations that are necessary in running this site. I notice on the left side of the main page there are several options available to us readers to contribute to BC. I have used the "One-TIme GIft" a few times in the past but I am not a fan of PAYPAL so I looked into becoming a PATRON. WOW is it easy to sign up for monthly contributions. You can become a PATRON for a little as $1 per month. If you are like me you have reservations about giving someone access to your charge card without being able to STOP the monthly process easily thats not a problem if you use PATERON, you have control without making phone calls.
I can't imagine trying to run this site without knowing what funds you will have each month. I urge you to take a look at becoming a PATRON, click on the link open an account and see if it makes sense to you. If we all work together we can make life a lot easier for those who provide this platform for us to use.
Those are my thoughts and thank you for reading.
Patreon and Patrons
In addition, Patrons get early access, and sometimes exclusive access, to many of Erin's stories.
Erin or Big closet
Does one become a Patron of Erin or of Big Closet? The distinction is blurry, at least for me.
Both really
The Patreon account is named BigCloset and I am listed as the owner as Erin Halfelven at BigCloset.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
a patron of ??????
Erin replied to this, but she left much unsaid.
As I have observed over the past year, Erin comes second ( or third or fourth ) after MANY other expenses.
So, yes, you are contributing to Erin... when there is money left over after payment of all the other bills, expenses, etc..
many times, Erin has had to make up the difference using her credit cards. Not a good thing and in the long run, this would be the demise of Big Closet. Ideally, enough would come in to pay all the bills including the pitifully small salaries of the people who devote so much time ( and many times - money ) to the continuance of the site. If every one of you who read here, contributed just one dollar a month, it would likely go very far toward keeping this site open and flourishing. Face it, if the people who keep it working aren't flourishing ( or at least keeping their heads above water ) then there won't be a site. Where will you go then? Who or what will provide the contact for your passions, literary needs etc. etc. and so forth - ( sorry - i tend to 'borrow' from other more famous efforts - ie. in this case - The King and I ).
What can I say? I'm a shameless, fun loving..... POOKA