Since the recent upgrade, the module "Ignore User" has been throwing errors in the logs for the site. It appears that the module was not properly updated for the newest version of the coding language used in the rest of the software; it's out of step. Accordingly, we have turned it off temporarily.
We hope that the maintainer of the IU module will release a new version soon, but if he doesn't, we will step up and hack the code to fix the problem. IU is part of what helps keep the peace around here and gets a lot of use. We will restore it to use as quickly as practicable.
Thanks for your patience as we make further adjustments to this upgrade.
Erin, Piper and Cat
I have never used that feature, on any site.
I figure that I can't expect to agree with everyone, nor that they will agree with me, on everything.
Respecting people's right to have and express opinions means you shouldn't ignore/block them, since you can possibly find points you do agree on.
Earlier this year a good friend I met online passed away, yet when we first met we were constantly at loggerheads with differing opinions. By not blocking him I eventually found areas we did agree on and he subsequently became a good friend. [ even if he was a nutbar on some topics ;) ]
Editing to add:
This website community, members dating back to it's first appearance in April 1999 [ I joined in august 1999 ], we built such a strong community there, with no moderators at all, that we have become in a very real sense, family. The company that owned the site [ CNet, now CBS Interactive ] actually started an annual conference for the members, because of the community we built.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
The way it works
is that you can still see when they have posted material or comments, but rather than having the contents of those posts listed it gives you an option to reveal it or leave it hidden.
I personally very much like the "ignore user" function of the site, and make use of it. I agree that everyone should feel free to express their opinion, but I also believe that there is nothing that requires me to take part in either agreeing with or disagreeing with that opinion. Several of the users I have on my ignore list comment on many of the same stories I do or blog entries I do, but with material that I find either offensive or inappropriate. As such, I have ignored their content to increase my enjoyment of those conversations we are both involved in. If a conversation they are actively participating in interests me I can click on the button that allows me to view their posts and have full access to their material, but more often than not the ignore function simply makes my life that tiny bit easier.
Melanie E.