erin's blog


I'm sick. It appears to be a simple cold, but it's been with me for five days. I'm going to try to get in to see a doctor today or, at least, get a covid test.

Things may be delayed around here for a bit.

Hugs to all,

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New Feature on BigCloset Patreon - Collections

There's a new feature available on Patreon which allows me to collect posts into connected series called collections, logically enough.

So far, I've made six collections of previous posts including Jane, Butterscotch, Quillian, Sam and Del, Double Date Dare and Big Rock Candy Mtn Detour. Check them out at BC Patreon Collections.

Let me know if you want to see more collections.


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Cathy Michel

Cathy Michel called me this morning. She wanted everyone to know that she is still alive and keeping up the struggle. She has given my phone number to her caregivers so that in the event something happens, they can call me and let the BC community know.

Cathy is unable to sit at the computer and work or even read at this time, but she wants everyone to know how much she loves us all collectively and many of us individually as well.

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Still without a car

After our experiences on our Arkansas trip, Melanie and I have been taking it easy at home in California.

Meanwhile, a bit of drama we were not involved in directly happened in New Mexico: the insurance and the body shop managed to lose the car somewhere between the shop where we left it after being towed off the freeway and the body shop where it was to be evaluated for repairs. :)

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Hatbox in a Pickle - Funds needed

This is not the regularly scheduled request for funds to operate BC. This is an extraordinary request for funds to help Melanie and I get back home so we can operate BC. We had an accident in my car. We are both fine, unhurt. But the car was not so lucky.

At the moment, we're stuck in the little town you end up in if you DO take a left turn at Albuquerque. The motel is nice but we want to go home. I haven't been able to get answers from the insurance as to whether they are going to cover a rental car while they decide whether to repair the car or junk it.

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For the next week, Melanie and I will be on the road, going back to Arkansas to get her things to complete her move to California. That's three days each way, with maybe a day there to pack things and maybe short sightseeing detours.

This is going to cost about $1500 ($400-600 for rooms, $300-500 for meals, and $300-400 for gas). We've budgeted this, but it is going to be tight. It would be nice if we had a bit extra in the BC kitty to cover this.

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Sometimes you find out something that happened some time ago and affected you, but you didn't know it to respond in time.

I just discovered that Janice Lynn Miller, aka J.L. Miller, a friendly, thoughtful and prolific commenter here on BCTS and also a financial supporter of the site, passed away in December 2018, just four days after her last set of posts commenting on stories here. She had more than one account over a period of years, so you might have known her under a slightly different name.



A day of contrasts:

Outside, snow is falling on the street beside my mobile home:
Snow falling outside

Inside, we had this delightful salad with lettuces, tomatoes, eggs, salami and a lemon dressing:
Inside, we had salad

I hope all are warm, comfortable and have something nice to eat.

Erin and Melanie

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Pete's Vagina -30- Open Receiver - On Patreon 3 days early for Patrons

Poor Pete! Now that his coach knows that he's growing breasts, will he still be able to keep playing football?


“You mean gynecomastia?” Megan suggested. Had Dr. Verre mentioned the word? I didn’t remember. Somehow I did know what it meant so I must have heard it somewhere. Breast growth on a boy...

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