erin's blog

The World Still Turning; End of month bills

Many thanks to everyone for all the help last year and let's try to make 2025 a wonderful year in terms of stories posted and enjoyed. :)

The loss of 2/3 of our ad revenue (~$1000/mo) is still hurting.

Any financial help will be appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who has sent money. We really depend on you, more than you know. :)

Thanks for any amount you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks a great deal to all who have previously contributed here or paid for a membership at Patreon or Hatbox.

Many thanks!

Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat, Rasufelle and the rest of the crew

Below are versions of the PayPal links.

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Just so...

You may have seen news about fires in Southern California near where Melanie and I live. This is just a note to say, well, they are not that near, forty to fifty miles away at least and while we have had a bit of smoke pollution, that has not been too serious so far.

There have been power outages nearby, but even that has been avoided locally. The area is mostly desert mountains and not inclined to burn, though there are forests within 10 to 20 miles. We'll try to keep everyone informed.


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Check them out! Two Free Novels for Download!

Lynn Oliver is a new author here on BC, and she has put up two of her novels for free download as PDFs!

I haven't read them yet myself but they seem worth checking out. You can find them at Lynn Oliver

If you read them, come back here to leave a comment and some kudos! Lynn will appreciate that, I'm sure!


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Blogging the log tables

I grew up in the Imperial Valley, the southeast corner of California. Big farming area in a desert.

My dad worked for the Imperial Irrigation District as a zanjero, a ditch rider. Farmers and other water-users like cities and industries buy water, which is delivered through a series of canals, originating in the Colorado River 70 to 100 miles away. They have done this for about 100 years.

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Fantastic Mars -15- Reposted due to earlier corruption

Fantastic Mars -15- has been reposted because the earlier post was corrupted and cut off after just a paragraph or two.

I'd really love to see some comments on this one to help me gin up the energy to take this story to a conclusion. :)


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I'm sick. It appears to be a simple cold, but it's been with me for five days. I'm going to try to get in to see a doctor today or, at least, get a covid test.

Things may be delayed around here for a bit.

Hugs to all,

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New Feature on BigCloset Patreon - Collections

There's a new feature available on Patreon which allows me to collect posts into connected series called collections, logically enough.

So far, I've made six collections of previous posts including Jane, Butterscotch, Quillian, Sam and Del, Double Date Dare and Big Rock Candy Mtn Detour. Check them out at BC Patreon Collections.

Let me know if you want to see more collections.


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Cathy Michel

Cathy Michel called me this morning. She wanted everyone to know that she is still alive and keeping up the struggle. She has given my phone number to her caregivers so that in the event something happens, they can call me and let the BC community know.

Cathy is unable to sit at the computer and work or even read at this time, but she wants everyone to know how much she loves us all collectively and many of us individually as well.

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