erin's blog

Taking Pains -1- How 2 Rite Gud

On Wednesday evenings, I run a local authors group called Taking Pains. The title of the workshop refers to one necessity for anyone who wants to improve their writing: the willingness to listen to unpleasant things about your writing. I'm going to try to reflect what we do in that group in occasional blogs here.

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I'm sick. Tuesday I discovered a rash under my left arm. At the time, I was suffering from a muscle pull in the same region and felt more pain from that.

Thursday, it became obvious the rash was shingles. I've got meds now and the pain meds make me sleepy and at least two other dwarves.

Meanwhile, Piper and Amy are also sick. I think theirs are colds. Jamie is sick, too.

Forgive us if we are a little slow on updating this week.

Hugs (carefully),
Erin and the gang

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I Dream of Jonni -9- Let's Make a Deal - Preview on Patreon

“Wish for some money,” I urged him.

The book told us a lot about what could and couldn’t be done with my magic but mainly it repeated in several ways that I was stuck. I was going to be female and under my master’s orders for as long as seventy years or more.

I didn’t feel nearly as bad about this as I thought I should. The idea of serving Travis by granting his wishes, magical and otherwise, appealed to me on some level I didn’t understand.

Maybe I really had become dumber. Sigh.

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I'm sick today, apparently the victim of a bad breakfast bar yesterday. This feels like it is going to be a 12-36 hour thing, so I expect to be okay tomorrow evening.

Today is when I meant to send out checks to the DP authors; I may be a day or so late since concentration while throwing up and running for the toilet is difficult.

So sorry. I will try again in an hour or so.


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Had a scare on my morning walk

While out walking the dog this morning, I experienced very sharp, quick, electric shock-type pain from under my left ribs shooting up my chest and down my left arm, twice. I had similar sharp pains for briefer times more localized in my side last night before I went to bed.

Okay then. I'll be 70 on Sunday and at my age, pain in the chest and left arm immediately suggests one thing.

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Fantastic Mars & Patreon

Fantastic Mars 10 - Jewels of Mars just went up here on BCTS. If you are a fan, are you aware that I post the NEXT chapter of the Mars adventure on Patreon the same day I post the current chapter here? I do, and I'm also posting a story, The Mermaid's Treasure, two or three chapters a week exclusively on Patreon; it won't be posted here until it is complete!

Check it out: BigCloset Page at Patreon!

Here's The Mermaid's Treasure Cover:

Mermaid Treasure Cover.jpg

Frank wakes up naked on a cold and lonely beach after a terrible accident. He thinks he should be dead but the pirates who find him think she might be a mermaid!

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Bian Returns!

I've been sitting on several chapters of the second book of Bian, so I decided to start posting them. It's not going to be more than about once a week but I'll try to stay ahead of myself and keep the story moving. :)

There's a bit of a recap in this chapter since it has been so long since the others were posted. I might do some blogs on the story behind the story, the creation of the World of Difference and of Bloddish, the made up language in the story. :)

But I hope you enjoy the story of Deputy Sheriff Gus Gallant living the life of Alenna.


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Gaming blog...

The ship was lost on a subterranean ocean when out of the darkness came a ghastly sight, a phantom ship crewed by a LOT of unkillable, leaping, cuthroat vermin.

"Fireballs away," ordered the captain but the bugganeers managed a boarding party anyway.

After trading a few blows, one of the players called to pause the action. "Wait, wait, I need to ask something."

"Yes?" said the adventurist.

"We're fighting Undead Ninja Pirate Spiders?"

"Yes," agreed the adventurist.

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Bian - Return to a World of Difference

I reposted the book page of Bian today with a new title Bian - Book 1 - The Bright Road. This is in advance of new chapters of Book 2 - Three Walls that will soon start posting. Current plan is one or two chapters a week.

While I haven't been writing just story chapters since book one finished posting, I have been working on world design and I now know more about such distant places as Yezbuul and Altarema, Preuz and Fars-Hind. And more about characters like Lilakatye, Ur-Alenna, Rotgar and Henrik Blodde.

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Off to be a wizard...

Well, I'm off to be a wizard... or a cleric actually. :) My gaming group is meeting for the first time in two months and I need the break. I'll be gone six or eight hours but Piper and Cat will be looking in.

Y'all play nice and please, PLEASE, try to stop trolling each other about the current political situation. My unpub finger is getting tired.



Hatbox Story Contributions Needed

This is different. :)

We're getting ready to launch a new and somewhat improved Hatbox as a repository of premium stories donated to us. For that, we'd like to have some new stories. I'm working on a couple myself. If you're interested in contributing stories to be read first as Hatbox Premiums, you can contact me or Cat Lochley via PM. Stories made available to Hatbox subscribers can later be published to BigCloset (for free) or DopplerPress (to earn royalties).

Erin and Cat


Phishing Scams

I've been getting phony emails purporting to be from Docusign asking for my signature on a document. Problem immediately is we don't use Docusign; although we do send out documents for signing, we use a different service.

Also, Docusign's place on the web is These emails come from a website that is NOT Docusign.

Beware. At least one of the one's I received claimed to be an attempt at a money transfer which, if I had opened it, would probably have turned out to be an attempt at getting my bank info.




Hired Girl - Part 1?

That was a toughie. Sorry it took so long.

Writing this latest chapter in Harold's story was a big chore. I wanted it to feel like an important turning point but not the end of the story. The story kept wanting to make it an ending and yes, it is a good enough ending, but there are other parts of Harold's story I want to tell.

I hope I hit a nice compromise and in a week or so, I hope to be able to start posting Part 2. :)


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It's Ground Dog Day!

Today is my dog's eleventh birthday!

Calimesa Cuddles has been outside, she's seen her shadow and she peed on it, so I'm not sure what that means. :)

Happy Ground Dog Day, everyone.

I've got a terrible cold so I'm celebrating by drinking hot tea.

Hugs to all,



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