An ending for a new beginning?

by Erin Halfelven
A BCTS Story Challenge
The darkness never changes, but sometimes it smells different. After 400 years, whether my eyes are open or closed matters because it’s how I communicate. One if by land, two if I see….
I can’t really smell anything anymore; all I have is memories. The scent of early morning rain on the cool desert sand, the odor of sweat on the back of a long-time lover’s hand, the reek of aviation fuel on the ground below the flight path of an airplane bigger than the sky.
Do they still have airplanes? Maybe I’m an airplane. How would I know?
When I was a kid, I had all sorts of ambitions for what I wanted to be when I grew up. I don’t think any of them were root vegetables, but I yam what I yam. Someone blow a whistle…
I asked my robot caretakers if I could be allowed to die. They said, of course, any time you like, as often as you want, a thousand times at least.
They don’t like being called robots, but who gives a damn what they like as long as they let me die….
The challenge is to finish the story. It's the far future, or it isn't. It's this world or some other. All of it is real, or none of it.
My version will be appearing first on Patreon and I hope yours will appear here on BC.
Thanks, and happy writing.
Since this was being run off the front page entirely way too...
fast, i made it into a blog so others could see.
Haha, I read this one and then said nope, I'm out. Too weird. Then immediately proceeded to wake up from a dream the next morning I realized was perfect for it.
Are there rules? Well, it's for February, so I assume done by the end of the month. Short story, so 500-7500 words per BC definition. Tack on the Taxonomy upgrade extras. And start with this, of course.
Prizes? Or just for fun?
It's a challenge
so there are no prizes. Just bragging rights :)
Quick version
I heard the smaller robot enter my space. It made an angry squawking sound. Then I felt a sudden rush of cold air all over me, as the integrity of my pod had been breached. "Get up!"
I refused. "Oh sweet Death, take me now!"
I could hear the robot's optical scanners rolling in its sensor pod. "Teenagers are so over-dramatic!"
I didn't think I would write anything for this intro, but then,
I sat down and thought about it. Then I wrote a short story or even the first chapter of a longer story. I finished it so far, and I'm wondering how you would like us to submit it. Let me know.
Post it. :)
The idea is to encourage stories to be posted on BC. Go for it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
A double
I posted my story earlier in the month, but I was thinking, what if Chelsea's idea had worked?
So I wrote another version. This isn't the first time I've written an alternate version of one of my stories, but it's the first time you get to see both versions. Here's the alternate take.