Karen J's blog


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Not been around much due to health issues, so excuse me if I've missed something. I noticed that the duplication of the front page is still happening. What's up with that?


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Horror In Southport

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I was shocked to read of the attacks in Southport, UK. Three innocent lives taken, with eight more children and adults injured at a dance class celebrating the music of Taylor Swift. And the attacker's identity is being concealed because he is only 17! That's old enough to be tried as an adult here in the US! Name and shame!

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Looking for a story

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Looking for a story and author. May only be available on Kindle now. A deputy sheriff has a heart attack saving a ET child from a flash flood. The ET commander feels he owes a debt of honor so he has the deputy revived, but to cover up what happens he transfers the consciousness of the deputy into a female body that can't be connected to the deputy. The Air Force gets wing of the woman and is trying to track her down for her extra abilities.

There are at least two books about her, the second I know is only available online, not sure about the first.

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Is "Ignore User" defunct?

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I have been more sick than not, with several hospital stays, and have missed a lot on BC. There seem to have been a number of changes here that I missed out on, which I won't get into. But I've noticed that Ignore User doesn't seem to be working anymore. Has it functionality been discontinued?

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The Beekeeper and The Devil's Bountyhunter

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Has anybody seen the teasers for a miniseries being plugged on cable, on HBO, called the Beekeeper? He's an off-the-books agent that steps in when corrupt politicians and businesspeople are escaping paying for their actions. He is under no control by anybody. He goes by the title The Beekeeper.

Does that sound like anybody we've read about here on BC? Like Jack Bounty, for instance? Sounds really damn close.

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First You Grow Old


Then your health fails. In my case that means my attention falters. This is extracted from a reply to an author I was trying to get some updates from. The author decided to be a smartass in reply.

I've been undergoing treatment for heart failure, and my attention to BC has faltered. Thankfully my shoebox of medications, for that as well as chronic major depression is sorting things out so I am getting back to (semi) normal. Still got some major heart tests to run that might throw a monkey wrench in the works, but we'll find out when we find out.

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Bait & Switch

Let me start by saying I understand authors putting their works up for sale on Kindle or Amazon or whereever. Everybody is hurting after the Covid pandemic. It's unfortunate that I just don't have the dosh to buy online due to my ongoing medical bills. I'm trying not to leave my relatives holding the bag with an estate in the red. I figure it's the least I can do.

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Ignore List


Yet again, I have BCAdmin flagged as being on my Ignore list. Other times Kindle does. I've gone over my ignore list time and time again, and they are still showing up as ignored. One time I even deleted my Ignore list line by line, and it still didn't help.


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Nitro Pills

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How many of you take nitroglycerin pills? How many carry your prescription with you? If my experience is any indicator, you'd better start.

I went out to eat yesterday, secure in the knowledge that I had my Nitro Pills with me, in case of angina.

Later on I happened to notice they were no longer in my purse, so I started backtracking. Knowing they were in a shiny aluminum case made me sure they would be spotted.

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Another Story Search!

Once more, unto the breach. This story has a stuntman contracted to use a set of functional wings developed by an inventor for a movie. First he has to test them out, learn to fly with them, then do the scenes for the movie. Along the way he has various adventures, including someone trying to kill him, finding out he is actually an elven princess, acquires an elven bodyguard and an elven suitor.

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Yet another story search


Looking for a story. A boy is diagnosed with low testosterone and the doc gives him a booster shot to jumpstart his puberty. Leaving the office with his girlfriend he goes into anaphylactic shock. His GF quickly summons help and they are able to save him, but now he is totally allergic to T. I think the GF is the daughter of the doctor.

There are plenty of stories that use this premise, but only one from his POV that describes what is happening to him as it actually happens.

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April 19th, 1995

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On this day, April 19th, 1995, at 9:02 AM, white supremacist Timothy McVeigh destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City with an anfo bomb concealed in a U-Haul truck. The blast killed 168 people, including 19 children in a day care facility. The truck was parked directly in front of the day care. Over 800 people were injured. It remains the deadliest domestic terrorist attack in U.S. history.

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When is a garden not

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A garden? I've been watching a British program called "Escape To The Country". There are several things that strike me, but one is the tendency to call everything around the houses a "garden". When you are looking at an acre and a half of land, that isn't a garden, that's a yard, and a freaken' big one at that! For all of us Americans, that's 65,340 sq. feet or 7260 sq. yards.

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Yet another story hunt

While browsing for something to read I happened onto the Alexa/Jenny/Jexy stories by Kris Traverse, part of the 69 airlines, Angels story universe. I was reminded of one story where Alex/Alexa is thrown out of their home by their ultra-bigoted father. Totally concerned about her partner, Jenny makes the journey from hell to get back to her and give her the support she needs. I'm sure that tale exists as a chapter in a related story but I can't find it. Bright ideas, anyone?

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Today Is About Birthdays

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And losses. Love is forever. Life is finite. You must treasure what you have, while you may. You are building warm and bright memories against the cold nights and dark days.

Tkinking of you this day, Erin. Hugs

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April 19th

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Today is April 19th. Twenty-six years ago today, at 9:02 AM a truck bomb, constructed by disgruntled ultra right wingers Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, was detonated in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Bldg in Oklahoma City. 168 people, including 19 children, were killed in the attack.

We Okies made a solemn vow after the bombing. This vow has been used other times in other incidents, but we will honor it every year.

We Will Never Forget

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My Stalker Is Back

My Stalker is back! Strange guy. Older man. First time I met him was in a discount clothing store. I was checking out some shirts and he sorta struck up a conversation with me. At first it seemed okay, but then it started to get a little strange. For one thing he stayed with me as I browsed. I walked away and started looking at blouses on another aisle and when I turned around he was right there. Then he started commenting on my choices, quite as if he had a say-so on what I wore. I finally grabbed a few blouses and ducked into a lady's changing booth.

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Plagerism increased


I know it has previously posted that somebody stole one of Bob Arnold's story, Before My Time. Well, the pirate has stolen more of Bob's stories. And in display of chutzpah they are using the author name "Roberta Arnold". I didn't remember that detail from before.

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Survived Again

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Well, Lucked out again! Tuesday night I totaled my car, and almost me. On a 5 lane city street and US highway I decided to stop in at the ice cream store and get a dish to take home. This required a left turn. Somehow I missed seeing an oncoming PU truck and the end result wasn't pretty! I thought I'd survived unscathed but then I started feeling funny and, as the cliché goes, every went black. I came to as I was being taken into the ER.

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Linux Experts

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For the Linux users out there, I need some opinions/answers. I've got an older Windows machine that I am thinking of reviving with a Linux OS. I am also considering a Linux dual boot system, with Linux on a thumb drive while the original Windows OS on the HD. That would give me access to all the stories, photos, and what-not.

My question is which would be a better choice: Ubuntu or Mint? Either one can be installed on the HD or a thumb drive. I like the thumb drive option for it's portability. Any suggestions or recommendations?

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After reading the latest Camelot Network Solutions I started backtracking to find out about a character I didn't remember. I discovered that #7 is not there. I tried all the usual things - forced reload, clearing the buffers, even tried on a seperate device, all with no luck. Still keeps saying a 0 word count.

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So who decided to hide


My blog "Two important days"? If it was about the entirely civil discussion betwee Jamie and myself, which mind you I did not initiate, then remove that comment. Or is somebody trying to say those two things should not be discussed. That I disagree with. Or is it just because I posted it? I'd sure like to know.

cc: Erin

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Two Important Days


And no mention on BC that I saw.

Lest we forget.

Wednesday, Nov. 20th, was the Transgender Day of Remembrance. According to one online commemoration I saw there have been 311 teansgender victims of violent criminal this year alone.


"Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot."
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