My blog "Two important days"? If it was about the entirely civil discussion betwee Jamie and myself, which mind you I did not initiate, then remove that comment. Or is somebody trying to say those two things should not be discussed. That I disagree with. Or is it just because I posted it? I'd sure like to know.
cc: Erin
Politics is not something I want discussed on the front page here. Plenty of other places for that. This is not a new thing with me.
Nor do I want to deal with anyone thinking I'm picking on them by removing something only because they posted it. I don't do that.
I've been here twenty years and the rules for civil discussion on this site are right in the masthead with more detail in the sidebar.
At this moment in time, no discussion of politics is likely to stay civil for very long. It's not worth the risk to the integrity of the site.
As I've said before, if anyone wants to make a political statement here, they should do it in a story.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks for the reminder.
I should probably apply this as broadly as possible, to my own posts. Perhaps when I want to rant, and I finally give into the temptation, I should put it in a story, and avoid making it a filibuster.
-- Daphne Xu
perhaps then (edited)
Eliminate the comment, not the blog. Also not knowing who unpromoted the blog leaves the reasons why wide open. I don't know who might have a grudge against me and not knowing which minion of yours was responsible I don't have enough information to make a determination on what the reasons behind the actions were or if there even was any. But it is logical action is to consider it a possibility, even if not likely. Too many people running around under the 'BC Admin' flag to know who did what and why.
But I do know this, one late author and one former righthand person of yours did have grudges against me, and in spite of my reporting their spiteful actions towards me nothing was ever done about it. So I reserve the right to be cynical about things.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
"eliminate the comment, not the post."
In other words, silence the person who disagrees with you.
Since I am given to understand that objectionable comments towards the author or their posts can be removed (note "can be" not "will be") at the author's request the debate about censorship is moot. But instead of silencing the commentator I chose to make a respectful reply bringing up known facts. I am just suggesting that things could be handled in several different ways besides the way they were handled.
Also note that the comment made actually regarded politics and decisions in the 1950s, hardly hot button topics these days.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Hot topics
The somewhat veiled comment about our current administration is a very hot topic. Some love him and some hate him with a purple passion. And some have such strong opinions that they will become very offended, to the point of losing a friendship, if someone happens to disagree.
Best leave all of that alone. Save it for FaceBook.
The problem was the blog, not the comment
I did not want to edit your blog to remove your addendum on the current political situation, so I simply demoted it from the front page. I did not unpub it.
I took the minimum action I could.
BTW, I have no idea who you think has an animus against you, I'm not aware of such a thing.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm sure that a lot of people had to bite their tongues.
When someone starts a political discussion that you disagree with, you have the choice of giving your opinion or just letting it slide.
With today's political climate, simply disagreeing can get you branded as evil. Of course, if someone is evil, most feel no compulsion to keep it civil.
So let's keep this a friendly place.
Nothing more needs to be said
So that's it. Zero, zip, 30, over and out.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb