Karen J's blog

Porous Memory - Lost Story

Since my main computer died awhile back I've been a bit lost, and my porous memory isn't helping. There was a multi-part story awhile back, by one of our top authors. Set in medieval time, it's about a boy who is so scrawny he can't find anyone to apprentice him except the local dressmaker. He goes to a tournament and the victor in a duel on horseback chooses him, thinking he is a girl. As the story goes on he actually turns into a young woman, and what a little hellcat she is!

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Looking for a distraction - LOTR

Trying to distract myself last night, my mind stopped on the clothing designs for Galadriel and Arwen's costumes that Paula described in her excellent story - Fashion Star. Now, I haven't seen the movies so I don't have a clue what was designed for them but I have read the novels and I just couldn't picture the need for crinolines with the sort of outfits Tolkien described. So like anybody these days, I turned to Google for the answer.

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Kudos & Random Solos

Don't know if they're connected, but I've noticed that the Kudos counts for stories are way down the RH column now, where they used be at the top above the author's story list. Whether this has anything to do with the unremovable Random Solos on the front page I don't know. I did notice one "Random Solo" that popped up on the home page for me earlier was Part 2 of a story, I don't remember which story it was, sorry. So I can't say if the story was classified wrong or if it might be a bug in the feature.

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Anonymous Plans Internet Blackout

"This video below with Hillary Clinton, encourages an internet ‘unplug’ tomorrow, Monday, April 22, 2013, in protest of CISPA. I’ll be turning off my laptop, in great anticipation, and will be curious to see, not only if the blackout occurs, but to see what I may or may not accomplish during a day without the internet."

Video and the entire blog can be found here:


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Seven years

Well, I've done seven, yes SEVEN years here at BC! Whoda thunk? I've penned a few decent stories, read a lot of damned fine ones, and made the odd enemy or a dozen or so. In that same time I've also had open heart surgery as well as a worsening of my Cystic Fibrosis and depression. On the bright side, I've made some wonderful friends, for which I have reason to be extremely grateful. Still got a lot of stuff at least half-finished that I'd love to get wrapped up before I make my final post.

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On International Women’s Day

Found the start of an interesting "commentary" over on Feminist Ire. Somebody wished a happy International Women's Day to all, pointedly including marginalized groups such as Trans* women. And it's off to the races.


Happy International Women's Day to all here on BC! :-)

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Okay,I understand that everybody is working very hard to make things all spiffy on here, and I do appreciate it. But I just want to scream when I spend a fair amount of time composing a comment, only to get a "Site Offline" message, I just want to scream! I can't even hit the back button on my browser anymore, Firefox apparently wants to refresh the page or something because I am stuck in an endless loop of "site offline" pages. I've ranted to Firefox about the problems but not gotten a peep in reply.

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In search of . . .

Looking for a story I read a few years back. A successful well-off bachelor has his life (and body) stolen from him by renegade witch with a grudge against men. Her coven rallies to help the new witch get back what was stolen monetarily as well as getting some revenge on the "new" him. Think I read it here but not sure.

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Where do I hide?

A sad thing for me, just an hour or or two before the shooting started in CT, an 18 year old high school senior was arrested in my home town for plotting to trap the other students in the school auditorium and start shooting them, as many as he could. This was in the town I grew up in, the school I attended! He was caught because he was trying to get a couple of other teens to assist him, and at least one of them took his plan to the school officials. He also planned to set bombs at the entrances so he could blow up the police as they tried to enter the school.

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Login resets

Why do I keep having to re log-in all the time, it wasn't this way before. I was replying to an email when I got caught in the three AM reset and lost my reply. Okay, that was my fault, I screwed up. I left the reply screen up on this computer and went to bed. This morning I used my tablet PC to read the site a bit, and just now came back to this computer and retyped my reply. When I hit "enter" I got a not logged in message and lost that reply. I tried using the back arrow to recover what I'd typed both last night and again just now, with no success.

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So, this evening I find something new when I pop up on the site, a black "toolbar" across the top of each page. Most of it isn't functional (for me at least) or meaningless. It does have some kind of logout clickspot, and if I knew what it would log me out of I might try it. However, these days I lean towards the "don't f**k with anything unless you know what you are doing" option.

So, is anybody else seeing this thing or know what's going on? The Luddite in me just wants it to go away.

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Lauren Travis

Should anybody get a strange email from Lauren Travis, be very careful. I got one this evening purporting to be from her, saying she sent me a private message that requires me to click on a link to read the message. Now, call me suspicious, paranoid, whatever, but I'm not going to click on that link. If Lauren sees this she might want to do some checking on her computer.

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Take that, all you tea sippers!

Noticed a lot of tea-drinking in the stories lately. Well I'm gonna speak up for all us who are addicted to our cuppa joe. Found this on Gizmodo after hearing about it on the news.

Coffee Drinkers Live Longer

Millions of us start the morning with a coffee and think nothing of it. But new medical research suggests that it could be helping you live longer–if you drink enough of it.

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Those Damn Onions

Found this on PhotoBlip.com:

Today, after I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying. And just before he died, he licked the tears off my face.

Today, someone else's tragedy provided the miracle my family had prayed for. Thanks to this stranger, my dad will have a heart. It's so odd to think that an accidental death just saved his life.

Much more can be found here: http://www.photoblip.com/pictures/34178/these-damn-onions.html

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Transgender A.U. student leader finds acceptance

Sarah McBride says she loves politics and loves her home state of Delaware.

A native of Wilmington, McBride, 21, has been active in Delaware politics since the age of 13 and worked on the 2008 election campaign of Gov. Jack Markell (D). When Markell won the Democratic primary in September 2008, he and his wife Carla invited McBride to introduce the future governor on the stage where he delivered his victory speech.

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Dick Clark Gone

ABC News

April 18, 2012

Dick Clark, the music industry maverick, longtime TV host and powerhouse producer who changed the way we listened to pop music with "American Bandstand," and whose trademark "Rockin' Eve" became a fixture of New Year's celebrations, died today at the age of 82.

Clark's agent Paul Shefrin said in statement that the veteran host died this morning following a "massive heart attack."

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