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Well here i am

sat typing this at eight in the morning on an overcast but still warmish morning in my hometown of Sheffield

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Transgender Teen Fashion Shoot

I was researching for a possible story about a soon to be trans teen who is offered a modeling job. I came across this some folks here might find it interesting.


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Pattison in a skirt?

This surfaced today, there are articles everywhere:

Pattison in a skirt

You may consider my link frivolous but its only one of many that DDG threw up.

I'm not sure that I like this trend. OK it may be comfortable for men to wear but it blurs the lines over something most of us didn't want blurred: we'd rather just be on the other side!


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Sparky Is My Hero

Originally posted February 13, 2000 on Original BigCloset

Warm Snoopy Hugs
"Sparky Is My Hero"
by Joyce E. Melton
February 13, 2000
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Story idea, HRM Charles III

I came across this. It seems that at least one legal document requires the monarch to be "Her Majesty".

So, like, obviously that's not an acceptable situation. Which leaves a clear solution...


~~ Michelle

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Happy Birthday Sophie

Tomorrow is Sophie Auster's 35th birthday and there are two reactions this elicits from me. The first is that I feel really old since I remember when her parents showed her off to me just weeks after birth in their Brooklyn apartment. The second is how proud I am of her success as a singer-model-actress and her fearless championing of LGBTQ+ rights. She is certainly her mother's daughter, in beauty, talent and intelligence.

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Just a bit of "transphobic" "Soviet Russia"...

Just a mix of episodes with very famous Russian actor playing a woman's role in the theatrical production. (not his only stint "in skirts", but I had not seen it before...)

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Religion and Politics

I know, I know! Hot buttons and controversy, but there's more. I have been a long time admirer of Mrs Betty Bowers - who bills herself as AMERICA'S BEST CHRISTIAN. A satirical wonder, happily skewering hypocrisy in its many guises.

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the monster within

My whole life has been one long struggle to not become a monster.

I did not succeed.

I can still feel the monster, waiting for its chance to get out

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6 year old rant

I guess, just for the fun of it, I'll post a rant that I made 6 years ago on Faceplant -- I mean Facebook.

I know most of you are aware of my ranting. Some are pretty good, but others... Well. 1F601.png

I fully admit, this was in a fluff article, but still -- quite a dumb thing.

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RIP Jan Morris

Jan Morris, a very famous trans author, as well as one of the earliest major public figures to undergo SRS, just passed away. She was 94. I only discovered her writing last year, while working on a college paper, but reading her autobiography, Conundrum, was a blend of heart-wrenching and inspiring.


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The Brini Maxwell Show - Brini Maxwell, the cross-dressing queen of DIY

If you are reading this blog it means you have an interest or curiosity of things that are LGBQT related. The Brini Maxwell Show is part of our history. Brini was a ground breaking performer that was way ahead of her/his time.

It took me 2 or 3 shows before I realized the high camp reality of what I was watching. Ben Sander plays Brini perfectly!

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Creative Process by Neil Gaiman 5/2/20 @ 7:30 EST

I found the following event and thought it might be of interest to writers and aspiring writers. There are also some additional virtual book events that will take place in May.

Neil Gaiman in Conversation with N. K. Jemisin: May 2

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Got to mention my books on national radio today!

Every morning I listen to the Bob And Tom Show on Iheart radio. For the past couple of weeks they've also been streaming the show on you tube with a chat option and I've become a regular in the chat. Many of the folks in the chat even remembered to wish me a happy Birthday.

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TG Pro Wrestler in the Big Time!

Ok. I know that there probably aren't a lot of Pro Wrestling fans here at Top Shelf, but this is, IMHO important.

AS Trans persons, we are always concerned with acceptance in mainstream society. Here's a T-woman who is breaking into the most male dominated profession in the world short of North Korea.

Nyla Rose is a M-F professional wrestler who has broken the gender barrier in a new Federation...A.E.W....All Elite Wrestling, headed by a couple of former WWE "superstars."

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Stan Lee has passed away

I'm so sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings again, and I don't know his views on gender issues, but Stan Lee was a great influence on my life and my characters. It so sad to see another of my heroes pass away. I'm sure some of you, like me, lost yourself in comic books with their larger than life heroes that were a little more human than those that came before.
Just thought some of you might like to know the news. He was 95.

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Double Dip contest

I've just posted my entry in the September contest and it's about an actor/dancer who has two auditions in one day for the same part. But he does have help from a new friend...

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Great quote

While watching CNN's 'History of Comedy' documentary I heard this great quote and I wanted to share the quote & concept.

" I'm just a person trapped inside a woman's body". - Elayne Boosler, Comedian


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Belgium Rules!

So... Neimar Jr shouted "wolves" (died on the field for no apparent reason) one too many times during eights finals game... This time every fall of brasilian footballer was met with concerted "I don't believe you!" by judges...

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We lost Lois Lane?

I don't know how this slipped past me, but on May 13th we lost Margot Kidder! You know, Lois Lane to Christopher Reeve's Superman.

Apparently there are allegations of drug involvement, although I don't know if she was using them or if, according to some sources, her home was overrun with meth users.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I will never get the scene where she flew with Superman, not the words to the song playing while they flew...

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John Cena Says WWE Could Have A Transgender Wrestler With The Right Story

In an impromptu interview, John Cena, a well known WWE Superstar and movie and TV star said, when asked if the WWE could ever have a Transgender wrestling star:

"I’m a storyteller, my friend, and that’s what we do in WWE. It’s not segregated to sex, race, creed, religion, any of that. As long as the story is good, it belongs in WWE."

You don't have to be a wrestling fan to know who John Cena is. He's been in many movies as an action star and has appeared and hosted many TV awards shows including The Kids Awards Show.

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Top 32 Sexiest Actors of All Time

The following lists is in order of my personal opinion based on each person when they were, again in my opinion, at their peak. There are a least a few on the list who would challenge my firm beliefs about my sexual preference.

For example: Robert Redford in The Natural is . . . quite attractive.

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CoverGirl's First Male Ambassador, James Charles, Hopes to Follow In Katy Perry's Footsteps As an Inspiration to Others


Making history as CoverGirl's first-ever male ambassador, 17-year-old aspiring makeup artist James Charles is now the face of the brand's So Lashy! by BlastPro Mascara, which is designed for all lash types.

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Jackie Evancho’s Sister Tells Her Emotional Transition Story


This was on my local news last night. There is a video interview with family. A nice change from the bathroom bills blogs :)


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Need help...Who is She?

Hi everyone out there!
Last night i came across a video from tg tales on youtube. The video was about a boy (SAM) changing into a girl then quite a feminine one with the name Nugirls-2, Teen Queen. The original video is Size em up with Lindsay felton. But who is the girl at the End? somebody pleeeeeeeaaaase help. The link is

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Stars of visual kei (image intensive)

If we are to dream…
we may as well reach for the stars

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A Voice on the Radio

I just came across the transition of radio presenter Stephanie Hirst and it included such positive support from her friends and fans that it bears posting as a balance to all the reports of violence and rejection

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Germaine Greer's boyfriend Mary?

Reading ‘Genius at Play: The curious mind of John Horton Conway' I note two things:- when young he was nicknamed Mary by a teacher (it wasn't a wanted nickname and by second school he was called Prof) and among his many girlfriends one suggested by his sister was a well known Australian lady. Ms Greer did not confirm or deny the story to Conway's biographer but in the light of recent publicity I thought it more than a little ironic.

Conway is a mathematician and someone I'm coming to think of as the mathematical Beatle.

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Transgendered Media Personalities

A transgender media personality, like Caitlyn Jenner, is both a good thing and a bad thing for all trans folks.

1) it is great, they raise public awareness in a way that most can't.

2) it is terrible, the money they have gets them surgeries most cannot afford, which leaves us feeling even more depressed and critical about our own appearance.

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Jackie Evancho's Sister Juliet

Who ever thought that Jackie Evancho would have a connection with our world here. Her older Brother Jacob (17) is her Sister Juliet an Jackie introduce her to the world at the Global Lyme Alliance's gala ball in support of there mother Lisa who has Lyme disease. Checkout this story in People Magazine at this address: http://www.people.com/article/jackie-evancho-sister-juliet-c... Richard

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"About Ray" a new movie about a FTM teenager

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4158624/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_9 (There is the trailer here)

After Ray decides to transition from female to male, Ray's mother, Maggie, must come to terms with the decision while tracking down Ray's biological father to get his legal consent.

Opens September 18th

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Possible ask Jim Butcher

I belong to Goodreads due being a avoid reader. I got a chance to possibly ask him a question I sent the following question this is a spoiler from later books in the Dresden Files so read no further if you do not want spoilers:

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Going Mainstream

Well, it seems the Transgender community has come of age and has finally gone mainstream. I wonder if the story below is related to the 26 August 2015 Reuters news story, 'Wanted: Transgender actors for Hollywood, little experience required?'



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Do famous transgender people help the cause?

Another offering from the Guardian (where else?), wondering when they start to call it the TG Times. It does have some interesting elements as well as the pro and con comments afterwards.


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Another athlete ......

......declares herself to be 'genderfluid'.


(I apologise if someone else has already posted this, but I must have missed it; I thought better to post than to not mention it)


... http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/bodybuilder-ma... ...

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Brutal but honest way to test your family.

While on vacation I visited with my family this past weekend. I found a easy way to test someone to see how they would react to a trans person. When someone is nice and relaxed just watching tv, put it on a channel where Caitlyn Jenner has a show on. One 30 second commercial with her in it and your friend or family member will most likely reveal how they feel about transgender people. This happened to me on a few separate occasions this past weekend. It was not pretty.

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Talented TG's

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Thomas Sanders speaks on Gender roles

A somewhat famous Youtuber/Viner speaks his mind about gender roles in today's society.


He also has some funny stuff he's posted, so if your bored and looking for a laugh check out his antics.

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Interview in the Guardian with Laverne Cox

This 'sassy' actress seems to turn up on everything, but much of what she says I would agree with. I certainly don't think she needs facial feminisation surgery.


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Caitlyn Backlash and Irony

For the last day or so some of my less than tolerant associates have posted less than complimentary things about Caitlyn's journey. Obviously, they are not aware of the bravery required/needed to transition. One individual poo-pooed her bravery, and posted a picture of what "real bravery" was about. In doing some research after the fact, he learned the irony in what he'd done.

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Having spent most of my working life in what is now known as the IT industry, I am pretty familiar with the concept of logic.

What I am at a loss to understand is the logic behind the on-line petition that Caitlyn now has to return her Olympic medal.

Maybe all those so upset are worried that it might show that a woman beat men IN A MEN'S CLASSIFICATION

But seriously, why on Earth would there even be a thought that Caitlyn should return it?

Di (Bewondered)

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