Donna T's blog

‘We will not be squashed’: L.A.’s queer community speaks out against Tennessee drag ban


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I found this great LGBTQ article in today's LA Times. Big Closet members will find this full page story packed with news that we all can relate to. The photos are nice as are the points of view of many girls like us.

You will be better prepared to refute the haters and learn what restrictive laws may be coming. Bills are being introduced to the federal level, increasingly seek to limit the liberties of LGBTQIA people.

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Medical coding system leaves trans patients struggling to pay for care

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I'm sure there are many people on our site that are impacted by what this newspaper article lays out. Perhaps reading this article will help in dealing with medical/insurance denial of benefits. Being blind sided by insurance issues & procedures can be horrible.

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Shaved legs hair re-growth slows down in seniors! I thought it was just me

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--- seek evaluation from a medical professional---

I'm over 65 and have been periodically shaving my legs for over 40 years. I recently noticed the time between needing to shave has been increasing; every girls dream, right? I wondered why. So I researched it. The answers besides being interesting MAY, perhaps, reveal an undiscovered medical condition. Hair loss of the legs is called anterolateral leg alopecia.

Has anyone else noticed they are shaving less frequently? Check the full article.

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Amy Schneider ‘Jeopardy!’ success

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Please read BOTH links

" Schneider is also the first woman to amass more than $1 million on the program, making her the most successful female contestant and the most successful transgender contestant of all time."

“‘Jeopardy!’ has been a boys’ club ... and a lot of it is about all the messages that you get from society that this isn’t what women do. That women don’t know things,” Schneider says.

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I edited and renamed a three year old Christmas story

Link here: ->Yuletide Acceptance

I edited and renamed a three year old Christmas story from "Acceptance" to "Yuletide Acceptance" to make it known that it's a sweet, family friendly, Christmas related story.

We can all use acceptance, right?

I can envision this heart warming 'story with a message' being a family friendly video/movie. I relate to little Mattie and to being misunderstood by my family (and friends) over the years.

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Triple mask for safety


Triple mask if necessary!


Posted in difficult times for a bit of humor.


I am not making light of the pandemic; I lost my mother to Covid. She lived in Mohave County, AZ.



PS. That's me in the top photo... AND in the bottom photo too!

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7,100 word story revision - Adventures of Sara: Evolving into Femininity


Adventures of Sara: Evolving into Femininity story revision -

I felt bad about leaving Sara hanging at the end of the story so I added 7,100 words to tie up loose ends. Rather than adding a LONG edited post script I improved the story to help Sara. Sara had an adventure I hadn't counted on in addition to a new ending. I didn't know how else to add the 'adventure' & the new ending. Hopefully I didn't stomp on Big Closet protocols.

Thank you for your understanding. Regards, Dee - 8/29/2021

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"Meet the local queens taking ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ by storm"

The insights and life experiences of these girls is worth noting.

The LA Times recently caught up with Gottmik and Symone, now vying for the “Drag Race” title... we can all learn from their experiences and unique insight into drag.

Some of the questions: How has drag helped you grow? - What makes your drag representative of the L.A. scene? - Why is activism an important facet of your drag? -

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"We must check your browser before you continue to Big Closet..."

Today, after several years of NOT getting any message of any kind prior to accessing Big Closet, today when I tried to connect an odd message popped up... "We MUST check your browser...." - a few moments later I connected as usual. Very odd. Never seen before, years as a member.

Has anyone else gotten this message? Never? If yes, WHEN did you get such a message? I'm trying to make sense of the message; the WHY. I hope it's not a hack attempt.

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"Detransition, Baby" - book review. An interesting perspective.

Book Review: A social comedy on ‘detransitioning’ asks: Who is anyone to judge?

The entire review is interesting and presents unique perspective on transitioning and on DE-transitioning; a concept I never knew existed.

The author is trans; "Peters often aims her barbs at transgender people like her."

"“Detransition, Baby” is that rare social comedy in which the author cuts people up not to judge them, but to show how we fail to fit together."

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"Sissy: a Coming of Gender Story" - a book AND a Showtime movie

Todays LA Time 'Calendar' (12/14/2020) section ran a story called 'Moving Beyond he/she in TV Roles' which should be interesting to most that visit Big Closet. What caught my eye was reference to "Sissy: a Coming of Gender Story" - a book published in 2019 AND a Showtime movie.

The LA Times article speaks about the evolution of LGBQT characters becoming visible in films and to the public in general. Readers may find bits & pieces that strike a personal note with them.

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The Brini Maxwell Show - Brini Maxwell, the cross-dressing queen of DIY

If you are reading this blog it means you have an interest or curiosity of things that are LGBQT related. The Brini Maxwell Show is part of our history. Brini was a ground breaking performer that was way ahead of her/his time.

It took me 2 or 3 shows before I realized the high camp reality of what I was watching. Ben Sander plays Brini perfectly!

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TV ad for Descovy HIV-1 drug... not for use in people assigned female at birth

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I wasn't sure I had heard the television ad correctly so I replayed it AND I went to their web site for clarification. It sounded very odd to my ears.

"Discovy is a once-daily prescription medicine for adults and adolescents at risk of HIV." OK, no problem.

What seemed odd is: "DESCOVY for PrEP is not for everyone: It is not for use in people assigned female at birth who are at risk of getting HIV from vaginal sex, because its effectiveness has not been studied."

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Gender identity - she was neither man, nor woman. She was “muxe.”

Here's another read that most will find interesting. Perhaps the story will help you or a friend. Knowledge is power.

Angela Martinez died young, her death a tragedy to the many who knew and loved her. Her death became a rallying cry. A controversy. And, ultimately, a tale about identity and being oneself.

The notion of a third gender has existed for centuries in different cultures worldwide. In some Native American cultures, the term “two-spirit” is an umbrella term describing those who fulfill a third gender.

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‘Lingua Franca’ movie - Aug. 26 Netflix debut; a unique perspective for trans movies.

This movie reflects a unique perspective... take a read.

“Movies about trans characters tend to focus on the gender transition process,” Sandoval said... “I wanted ‘Lingua Franca’ to start where these trans narratives usually end. Her transition is well behind her. That’s where I was really chronicling, in a fictional narrative, my own experiences as a trans woman living in Brooklyn.”

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Call center crisis hotline for transgender people -

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Here is a topic key to many of us. Please take time to read it and share with others. Most importantly help get out the vote this election. Our vote is very important. This article appeared in today's LA Times, September 7, 2020

In six years, the hotline has answered more than 65,000 calls, with operators available 24/7.

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A milestone for me

August 4, 2020

I'm pleased to see that there has been 5000 views of my February 2018 story "A Woman-less Beauty Pageant: It was the Zipper’s Fault 1".

As a first effort story I'm extremely pleased about so many hits but at less then 850 words I wish I had waited and combined ALL the "A Woman-less Beauty Pageant" chapters into a single longer story. Perhaps someday I will.

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Boy, 16, given estrogen at L.A. juvenile hall... results in breasts

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The news article read like a Big Closet story and will certainly result in some new stories. I am posting this because people on this site have an interest in the subject material. We're all in this together, right?

This kid was in custody and was given estrogen to cure his bad behavior; like a 'bad boy to good girl' or a 'forced estrogen/forced femme' premise. "A 16-year-old boy being held at a Los Angeles County juvenile hall developed enlarged breasts after he was prescribed estrogen to treat a behavioral disorder..."

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A hunkered down, time on our hands diversion

World circumstances require us to hunker down, self quarantine, social distance, etc.

With that in mind there's a few things we can do at home to pass the time. I've been viewing a pair of Bald Eagles in So. California. Their nest overlooks Big Bear Lake, CA and makes for a pleasant 'screen saver' when they are not in their nest.

One of the site moderators has created virtual jig saw puzzles. Very pleasant and children can play too. Here's the puzzle link:
A link to all the Big Bear Lake Eagle puzzles. Very pleasant.

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Login glitch?


Anyone else having probs?

Something new... logged in but you try to view something and you get this: "Access denied. You are not authorized to access this page." - While clearly logged in I try to go to 'My Stories' and suddenly get the error message. Never had a problem until just now.

I tried to 'Login' again but since I AM logged in there is no re-login option! So I try to go to My Stories and it says "Access denied".

Maybe it's a temporary problem and not a sign of bad things to come.

Anyone else having probs?


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Coachella and Stagecoach festivals rescheduled… (in SoCalif)

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FYI - Music fans may be interested in knowing due to the Corona virus that this events date has been changed.

For 2020, tickets sold briskly in an advance sale last summer and the remaining passes sold out within hours during a public on-sale after the lineup was released in early January. - Lots of people impacted.

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A poignant Christmas story -- (from last year) "Acceptance"

Last Christmas I posted a very nice PG Christmas story that was well received. It had 2437 reads and was posted Dec. 2, 2018. I invite you to rediscover it again or for check it out for the first time. Do an easy search and you'll find it.

"Being in a single parent/single child family, especially during the holidays, is especially difficult. Dan and 11 year old Matt were in agreement on these matters."

Happy holiday wishes to all!

Regards, Donna T

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Makeup tips video by 'gender fluid' man

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Times are changing. While checking out Cover Girl makeup I found this interesting tutorial on how to use makeup... he has pretty nails too.

Cover Girl did society a boost by using a person that would have been "controversial" just a few years ago. Progress and acceptance are good things.

What are your thoughts on this?

Garrett Hahn shares his tips to contouring and highlighting your face, using the COVERGIRL TruBlend Contour Palettes and Highlighting Palettes.

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"The Queen" a new 4K restoration of the 1967 Drag film

A classic drag documentary film just re-released will be of interest to many of us. Running in 'art' theaters. - “Every one of these contestants before they come out here is a winner,” which “The Queen” makes absolutely clear.

Here's history that effects many... learn and appreciate that which has came before. It will put many things in perspective.

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New ending to my "Cam-eo Performance" story

I re-wrote the ending of my "Cam-eo Performance" story that I posted several months ago: I have revamped the story ending a bit. I hope you like the changes. I went with an ending that I had considered but rejected.


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Review: In 'Butterfly,' gender identity is at the heart of Hulu's new family drama

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“Butterfly,” a British production premiering Friday on Hulu, is a thought-provoking, emotionally realistic issue drama on the subject of gender identity in young people — well, really, just one particular young person, 12-year-old Max Duffy (Callum Booth-Ford) from Manchester, who would like to be known as Maxine.

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Bobbi Swan, a pioneer in drone technology and sexual identity, 1930-2018

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Bobbi transitioned at age 72 - RIP

Bobbi Swan, whose secret lives explored the frontiers of drone technology and sexual identity, died Dec. 26. She was 88.
Born Robert Rowland Schwanhausser in Buffalo, N.Y., he was publicly recognized as an expert on military surveillance drones, which he helped develop at San Diego’s Ryan Aeronautical and its successor, Teledyne Ryan.

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Review: ‘The Legend of Georgia McBride,’ From Elvis Impersonator to Drag Queen

A play about a subject we all are interested in. In various theaters Google to find it near you. "From Elvis Impersonator to Drag Queen" is an interesting concept.

Today's LA Times ran a review and I thought my friends on BC would find this of interest. Has anyone seen this play themselves? If yes, post YOUR review here.

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Holiday riddle/story/quote challenge

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Do you have a humorous holiday riddle, story or quote? Post what you have and let’s see if anyone can guess your riddle or enjoy your sentiment, one liner or observation. It’s the season for reason. Who wants to play? Here are a few examples to get us started.

Here’s a Jeopardy format holiday riddle:

Q: Name two gifts that have great value but cost nothing.
A: What are Acceptance and Understanding?


The only blind person at Christmastime is he who has not Christmas in his heart. - Helen Keller

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