August 4, 2020
I'm pleased to see that there has been 5000 views of my February 2018 story "A Woman-less Beauty Pageant: It was the Zipper’s Fault 1".
As a first effort story I'm extremely pleased about so many hits but at less then 850 words I wish I had waited and combined ALL the "A Woman-less Beauty Pageant" chapters into a single longer story. Perhaps someday I will.
In the mean time I invite you to read my newest (and PG rated) story, The Avon Lady: “Ding Dong, Avon Calling”. While working on the final draft of THIS story I sensed a need/opportunity for sequel. Perhaps.
Thank you for reading! Thank you Big Closet for the opportunity.
Regards, Dee
PS Yes, there is a character named Stacy. Yes, I like my skin toned Gray Suede polish.