Well, it seems the Transgender community has come of age and has finally gone mainstream. I wonder if the story below is related to the 26 August 2015 Reuters news story, 'Wanted: Transgender actors for Hollywood, little experience required?'
um, ok.
Although I don't watch porn of any kind. Hell, I don't even own a pornograph!
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
You've been reading the Drudge report again!
When I followed the link and read the story I felt somewhat disquieted… and then recalled talking to a female friend about pornography. "Men look at stuff and think with their gonads. Some women make money out of it because they have to, some because they enjoy it. You don't have to like it, people are just people, and men are easy to predict."
I guess coming out of the shadows means being exposed to pretty much everything everyone else has to deal with. If we can be lawyers, white house aides, military, police, doctors and thespians then why not porn stars?
Non sum qualis eram
It does at least seem to indicate that more males out there are less mortally afraid of somebody Else's penis and less afraid that others will think they are weird because of it. Which probably also indicates less of a general knee jerk reaction against Trans and Gays too. So I guess it is a positive indicator even though it is just porn.
Personally, I NEVER did get that kind of reaction, whether it is about gender or race or build etc. It is like anything else, just because you don't like strawberry (substitute anything) does not mean there is anything wrong with it, and you do not have to eat it if you don't like it.
~Hypatia >i< ..:::