BarbieLee's blog

Lynn Conway has Passed Away

This breaks my heart as I loved this lady so damn much for what she has done for all of us who were caught up in the gender-blender. I conversed with her many times and she was so sweet to take the time to talk or text me. My only desire left in this world was to meet this amazing lady before I checked out. Lots and lots of tears, I'm going to miss her so damn much.


Every Woman is Not a Beauty Queen

Sometimes it is funny to bring them up to speed if done right. Yesterday I was picking up goat panel from Atwoods, a farm and ranch store. Each panel is five feet wide, sixteen feet long of four inch by four inch welded, grade six rod. They sent one guy out to load it. Not happening so it was up to him and me. One had to be there to see the problem and understand. I'm five five, picking up my end of that panel meant I had to climb up on the pile, pick up my end, slide it off to the side, get down, help put it up on the flat bed, and do that all over before the next panel.


If You Drive

The world has changed from hardly ever meeting anyone on the highways to a constant stream both ways. X amount of years back I never gave it a second thought about things going belly up. Different times I asked strangers who stopped to call Daddy and tell him where I was and what went wrong. Broken axle, lost duals on a Bobtail, tractor lost it's axle and rear tire, front axle fell out, rear tire on PU threw all it's rubber off, and so many others lost in time and memories.


Beware of the Light at the End of the Tunnel

Most will be elated with this news and justly so but it is an executive order and may be removed as easily as it was put in place. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade. Ttry and keep in mind we (transgender) are a political football to politicians, medical personnel, news commentators. Also the same to anyone who thinks they can bank political points by using us. The smallest minority we have no political clout, no financial clout. We are the Mistress to the Billionaire, good as arm candy and trotted out for show and tell when it suits anyone to use us.


Accept the Difference

Four days earlier, lady in front of me was holding two planted pots. She tried to get the attention of the man pushing a cart already headed for the exit. Wasn't having much luck.
Obviously she wanted him to wait so she could pay for her plants and put them in the cart. "Ma'am do you want him back?"
She glanced in my direction and nodded, "Yes." Then turned her attention toward him.


MtF and FtM Brain Difference

Years back research was done on slicing and dicing MtF, FtM Gay, Lesbian, and "normal F and M" brains. Years of medical research papers along with all the follow on research from that initial lab report was a mixed batch of agreement and denial from medical and scientific teams around the world. Gay and Lesbian publications jumped in on the positive claiming Gay was hardwired into the brain. Naturally I had to send the Medical Research Report to several publications.


MtF and FtM Brain Difference

Years back research was done on slicing and dicing MtF, FtM Gay, Lesbian, and "normal F and M" brains. Years of medical research papers along with all the follow on research from that initial lab report was a mixed batch of agreement and denial from medical and scientific teams around the world. Gay and Lesbian publications jumped in on the positive claiming Gay was hardwired into the brain. Naturally I had to send the Medical Research Report to several publications.


Women Warriors

History has stories of women warriors. Separating truth from fiction doesn't matter when one is writing fiction. In real life the truth is often lost due to men writing the history and not wanting to give proper dues to the women who made their own history. Shield-Maidens, Amazons, and Mary a disciple of Christ, all denied by most historians.

A short history of one Viking Shield Maiden recently reviled


The First Transgender Clinic-Hospital

Erasing all trans was begun close to ninety years earlier by Hitler and the Nazi regime. Dare I say it, this is exactly the same path Hitler started. Most of the history was destroyed but it's still there for those who dare look.


Transgender is NOT a One Size fits All

Professionals, politicians, most everyone wants to make transgender a yes or no situation. Either one is or one isn't . There are only perfect males and perfect females in so many minds as they refuse to accept the birth defects or problems in life. Intersex divides the only male and female ideology. One can not be made transgender if they aren't nor can't they be made not transgender if they are. There is no medical science that can treat it and "cure" it.


Brianna Ghey, Teenage Trans Girl

Ms Chambers pointed me to the murder of this beautiful girl. As usual, i had to research it. I strongly suggest everyone read this from beginning to end even if one doesn't live in England. There is a whole lot of what is right and a lot of what is wrong with everyday aspects and the legals involved for transgender.
Knowledge is strength. Understanding comes from knowledge. Thank you Gillian


Don't Respond

Sunday evening I received an email with all my personal, private, and financial data listed on it. A security breach at one of the health hospitals let them copy everything about me and a million others. They offered to sell the list back to me before they placed it on the darkweb for sale.


Need a Failure Icon

Instead of blogging this for attention it would be great if there was a failure icon to leave the data or glitch we have run into. Let's get to the crux of what is probably my problem and no one else.
Try to link on messages and I receive.

Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.

This happens occasionally and it isn't that big of a deal. Sometimes it's because I have timed out and no longer logged in. So I tried to check if I was logged in and again received the same

Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.


Lot to Share

Despite what many on this channel think of conservative news sites, if you aren't sampling them you only get half the story of life. The following is a lady who says she's a Christian. I would fault her on the following comment. Basically she is claiming if she dressed less like a woman and more like a man it would cure her husband of wanting to be what she no longer represented in the family..., a female. That is so wrong and so upside down in thinking and logic. Give it some thought yourself. She's okay dressing less as a female but he's wrong for dressing less as a male.

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That Was Unexpected

If one is stealth and not ready to out themselves, be vary wary of Mother Nature's Temporary Tattoo Parlor. Many years back I tried to get a bikini tan. Hours sunbathing, front, back and eventually if one wasn't too judgmental and used a lot of imagination it was possible to see I had been wearing a bikini while out in the sun. Over the years the results are about the same. Sadly I didn't have the opportunity to show off my bikini tan line to anyone. Okay, the dogs, cats got to see. My doctors only asked me to remove my blouse when they are behind a lead wall and aren't looking.


She Possessed all the Brownie Points

At Costco, in OKC, yesterday back at the pharmacy dept. She is one of those women we all write about. The one in ten thousand females we lesser mortals never see. Let me set the scene. Her facial features had the looks of a top movie actress. She is wearing lycra or painted on polished black pants along with a crop top same material. From my long experience judging women’s measurements, she was a thirty eight, twenty six, thirty eight. Her polished black hair in a ponytail still reached the top of her buttox. Her age was around twenty six. She was wearing strappy sandals.


Aliens or Vaccinations

Ladies give it more than trying to blend in. In all my years it isn't the girl or the woman who looked like everyone else who caught my eye. From observation the same goes for everyone else even if they weren't consciously thinking about her but admiring what they saw. Lots of compliments from both sexes. A couple men asked for a date. Had to be the skirt and blouse? Let's be realistic, I'm way past the "sell before date"


Desire a Wig

This is completely off the grid as far as story telling or maybe not. Might generate some insight into how and what others think when writing their story and helping their hero or heroine. Normally when I go out in public I wear a hat for two reasons. Cowgirl hat to accent what I'm wearing or a ball cap with a badge emblem on the front. Hold over from a company we ran. The cap is to keep my hair out of my face and my mouth. Oklahoma wind remember? I seem to always be eating hair when I don't have a hat. Truth be known it's thin on top. Old age isn't for vain people.


Trans Safe Haven

Oklahoma is one of many states outlawing transgender care of any kind until one is twenty-one? I think the age is right There were so many changes going into that bill I'm not sure. No psychiatric support, no medical support, no nothing, zero, zilch, nata. If you receive any they promise to persecute (not a misprint) you and the person(s) supplying support. A draconian bill for those in Oklahoma who are trans. I still love Oklahoma but everyone here knows I'm a few bricks shy of a full load. Don't like my governor nor senate, or house, love the state. I'm great at dodging tornadoes.


TG Resources

Not going through the other states for TG resources, here is Oklahoma. If the discrimination laws get signed into law by Stitt do diligent research. My sincere sympathy to all my brothers and sisters who are caught up in this illegal action by my own state legislature and governor who have absolutely no concept of transgender. Some of these sites want donations. That's up to each individual.

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Gave Birth to a Freak of Nature

This was a TV series. I only saw a couple episodes but was fascinated. A doctor who is head of a medical team solves unsolvable patient problems by being unorthodox himself. In this particular episode his patient is sick and no one can figure out why as he gets sicker each day. For a spoiler, the patient is innersex. The final sentence is when Dr. House is being his usual obnoxious self. "Just because your son is a freak of nature doesn't mean you have to treat him like one."


Life Close to Fiction

Most if not all the stories on this site are fiction with a touch or a whole lot of real life interlaced. Some of the things repeated in the stories I wonder if anyone really tried it? Other things in life are exactly like they are told in the stories.



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