My psychiatrist informed me a month ago she was telling everyone to stay away from passports, driver's licenses, virtually all government documents and not renew them at this time.
Trans star of hit HBO series says renewed passport now says male after Trump order
Trump signed executive order narrowing federal government definition of the sexes
Hunter Schafer, a transgender actor and star of the HBO series "Euphoria," revealed that her new passport was issued with a male gender marker because of an executive order signed by President Donald Trump.
Schafer, 26, posted a video on social media detailing how her passport had been stolen while she was filming in Spain. After receiving an emergency passport, she later had to apply for a new, permanent one in Los Angeles. Schafer, who transitioned to female when she was a teenager, said her original passport identified her as female, but the new one she received marked her as male.
The ACLU has said it has been contacted by more than 1,500 transgender people or family members, "many with passport applications suspended or pending, who are concerned about being able to get passports that accurately reflect their identity."
There is a lot more to share as to the reason Trump is hitting back at transgender so hard. The reasons aren't because it is damaging young innocent minds. Goes a lot deeper and darker than that. Evil of biblical proportions should have been left behind with the dark ages. Evil may be sugarcoated and dolled out to the unsuspecting but it's still evil.
Hugs People, take care, stay safe, don't do anything rash or foolish.
Barbie Jean
really isn't very helpful to those...
Your blog post isn't really very helpful to those whose documents
and passports and drivers licences are ready to expire.
What Trump is ordering his administration to do is persecution of trans people. Trans people should really think of becoming asylum seekers. I am going to spell out why because some people will no it is not, a government not recognizing someone's gender as their legal gender is persecution. At the bottom there is a link to an article about more welcoming countries.
Sadly, people are not fighting more over what Trump is doing. I am dreading my next trip back home whenever that is because I do not want to deal with any MAGA or people who voted for him. I do not want to hear the blatant lies they tell to support what Trump is doing. I also do not want to deal with anyone who voted Republican in the last for everything other than the President. Trump and the party have the same goals. Those Reps and Senators support him and vote for what he wants. I do not want to deal with Ex-MAGA who only left because one of Trump's inane ideas directly affected them. They have not changed, they still support the other policies. I do not want to deal with Democrats who say we cannot do anything, we do not have the power. I do not want to deal with the media which is barely covering any resistance against Trump.
With me saying I do not want to do does not mean I will not. That is the reason I do not want to. I do not want to get into an argument with someone who does not believe in facts. I do not want to argue with someone more concerned about their ideas being right than having the right ideas. I do not want to argue with someone who thinks they know it all yet has low information. I do not want to argue with people who cannot think for themselves. Anyone who says that the tariffs Trump has been talking about is a good idea is low information, and cannot think for themselves. Anyone who believes that there are millions of people 150 years old receiving Social Security benefits is low information and cannot think for themselves.
To paraphrase a great movie line, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired and I will suffer no fool who thinks what Trump is doing is good.
F him
This may affect my security clearance documentation when I renew. I may ask for a downgrade to Secret, which would mean I won't need to renew until after I retire (secret means I don't have to resubmit an SF86 as it is valid for 10 years, TS only 5). I am scheduled to renw around when I turn 65 but may just skip it and work unclassified if I can. Alternatively, on my project I have documents I have to verify every year so the whole gender thing may change too.
There is another trans girl working in my area who will be immediately affected.
This probably won''t affect my DL and stuff as my BC was changed around 2000 or so and my DL has been female since 1990.
As for passport, my old passport was issued in 2005 and my BC was already modified.
This change would be devastating especially for AIS females I think.
I am ignoring his arsehole definition in my daily life and use female facilities no matter what as I would look silly using male facilities.
I've been careful to not identify as T on my medical insurance since 1990.
Interestingly, there have been some notable trans conservatives like a certain former Olympic champion. Wonder how they feel about their Reich wing party now.
One interesting point to the story of…….
Hunter Schafer, is the question of whether or not she ever had her birth certificate corrected? When I read the story about her passport being changed yesterday, I got the impression that she had never had her birth certificate corrected. If that is the case, then the additional question would be what would have happened if the birth certificate on record with the Federal Government stated Female for her gender?
One of the first things I did when I transitioned was have my birth certificate corrected, something which the very helpful folks in Los Angeles County were more than willing to walk through with me. So my birth certificate now reads Female, as does my passport, my records with the US Navy, the DOD, the SS Administration, and the State of New York (driver’s license).
Luckily, my passport will not need renewal for eight years, which gives ample time for the pendulum to swing back away from the Orange Asshole’s side.
If Dumbass Donald continues on the path he is headed, his approval rating will continue to drop - as will the approval rating of the spineless toadies in Congress who support him - which is already happening as is evidenced by the rough time many are having as they return home during the current Congressional recess. The mid term elections will be very telling as to just how many stupid people there are in this country; how many have failed to wake up to exactly what their Congressmen are failing to do, how they are failing to reign in the illegal power grab being perpetrated by Trump - and worse, by Musk.
An interesting aside to this commentary is Mitch McConnell; the pitiful little turtle who was instrumental in giving us a terribly slanted and outdated court system, which is going to come back to haunt all of us, has also turned out to be the only Republican in the Senate with the spine to stand up and oppose Trump.
I never thought I would actually agree with or admire the loathsome little turd for doing something right - but I must admit to doing so. Too little, too late Mitch…….. but at least you stood up to be counted.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I have to admit that I'm tempted to just bury my head in the sand like an ostrich. I'm definitely in the "This too shall pass" camp. Trump only has four years to work with and I'm sure he doesn't give a rip about approval ratings. He was elected as a lame duck president. The only way he can impose his will is by executive order. They can be and are being challenged in court. Unfortunately with the way the court system works the best we can hope for it a temporary injunction staying the execution of the order until it's resolved. When it is resolved, it's likely to be a moot point.
As you point out, it's those in the legislature who support him that will be affect his lack of approval. I'm counting on enough backlash in at least one of the houses to stop actual laws being passed.
I lived several decades in stealth. I haven't forgotten how it's done. I don't look to see much change here in Oregon, but if it does crop up, I'll just pull back until the pendulum swing back.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Fact checked ostrich
I am sorry that I have to inform you that ostriches in fact do NOT bury their head in the sand. What they do is flatten their neck and head to the ground, in the hope that their body will look like a boulder among the savanna grass. Do not kid yourself by believing that “Trump only has four years to work with”. With the law imposed by the USA Supreme Court — note that it was the Judiciary that sanctioned and promulgated this law, and not the Legislative and Executive respectively as mandated by the Constitution of the USA — Trump (and any other president as well) has absolute immunity, nor can he be prosecuted criminally for any “official acts”.
Knowing the modus operandi common to despots, autocrats and dictators, I will not be surprised if D.J.Trump — should he survive — will win the election in 2028. Possibly with an absolute majority of the popular vote, and likely even by a landslide.
Based on the facts and antics of [psychological] projections, as demonstrated since the 2020 election, the extreme gerrymandering and the systematic disenfranchisement of voters in so-called blue districts, I will not be surprised if we see a lot of ballot stuffing and vote buying in favor of the red party in the next few elections.
I have lived for almost 20 years under a military dictatorship. And another almost 20 years with the aftermath of more than 50 years of military coups and dictatorships. The last 34½ years by a single dictator who won 8 consecutive presidential elections with no less than 71% of the votes cast, and four elections with over 90% of the votes.
Term limits
Short of a repeal of the 22nd Amendment, Trump cannot be elected again. A person cannot be elected president more than twice.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Re: Term limits
Do NOT bet on term limits being respected! Constitution or not!
Check out the following report: House Republicans Move To Impeach Judges Who Rule Against Trump
On top of that, as he has done before, he could ask Aileen Cannon and/or Clarence Thomas to change the law for him.
No credit where none is due.
I have absolutely no doubt that McConnell, Murkowski and Collins co-ordinated their "no" votes on cabinet nominees so that Trump always had the votes he needed. They could each dutifully vote against the one they found the most loathsome, secure in the knowledge that he (or she) would be confirmed. So, yeah, Kennedy got McConnell's "no" vote (being a polio surviver and all), but Murkowski and Collins made sure it didn't matter. I'll give them credit -- some, probably not much -- when and if they do something that actually stops the administration from doing something.
— Emma
Always win
Republican measures always go through, and there is almost always a token 'no' vote. If they truly wanted something to not pass they would be seen in the media and pressuring other Republicans publicly to vote no. It's all for optics and it's gross. Democrats do the same crap, almost all take donations from corporations/lobbying groups.
Whether she changed the gender on her original birth certificate
Whether she changed the gender on her original birth certificate does not matter. This is because the executive order states that passports will have only two genders, no more X as a gender, and the gender on the passport will match the one on the original birth certificate. The federal government can see if your birth certificate has been changed because all alterations to a birth certificate are recorded on the original register at the register office, with a note added to the margin of the certificate detailing the correction made.
The issue with your argument…….
Is that the Federal Government does not have copies of birth certificates other than those you provide them when you submit an application for your passport. Birth Certificates are maintained by the local governments, not by the Federal, or even the state governments. And there is not notation on my birth certificate that it has been changed or corrected. I know - I carry it with me.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
There are no flaws in my arguments and you are sadly misinformed
In the United States, state governments issue birth certificates, though the management of birth certificates may also be handled by counties or municipalities. So no the local government does not issue you issue it. They might be the middle person but the state issue it.
Other than if you broke into and stole it, you do not have your original birth certificate. The state keeps it on file. They can havethe local government manage them but it is a state document. You have a copy of it.
You do know that the federal government has access to your original birth certicate the E-Vital Initiative. I never said that the federal government has your birth certificate.
Even if they do not have access to your birth certificate the federal government cross refernces other federal forms and documents when renewing passports. They will see a different name on your original social security card and that will be a hint to them to look into if you transgender. They also will see you federal student loan forms, any other form you filled out for them before you transitition.
Not in all states
NYC has jurisdiction over their own consequently they have different management standards than the state (different change policies etc) But NYC has always been a special case as far as I know.
In my personal case, I never changed my name when I transitioned so maybe I might be lucky.
My original BC is in microfilm form. Lord knows if they keep that kinda of change history in their computer.
This was done over 2 decades ago so *shrug*
The only problem I have is that I do have that security clearance but that is behind closed systems at the OPM.
The passport issuance office is unlikely to have access to OPM being it is for security purposes and stuff.
In any case, I will refrain from getting a new passport for now just to err on the side of caution.
Like I said
Like I said, the management of birth certificates may also be handled by counties or municipalities. The state of New York gave New York City the power to issue that state document, along with the right to have different standards. It is considered a state document. The federal government can get access to it through the E-Vital Initiative.
Governments like their records and it is easy to transfer microfilm to a computer file so it is highly likely that they do that kind of change on their computer.
Actually, as my spouse is a member of the city government…..
Where I live, and I can tell you that you are in fact WRONG. Her office not only issues birth certificates, but also maintains the original records of those documents. AT THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE.
Yes, the documents and the process are set up by the state, and the state keeps a record of them, but the original documents are issued and maintained at the local level.
I never said that I had the original. I am very aware of the fact that what I have is a certified copy of the original.
But I can also tell you that the original documents are kept by the City Clerk’s office here. In fact, it is not unusual for that office to receive requests for copies of those documents, as well as marriage licenses, etc.
Additionally, name changes are not the same as a gender change. And in my case, the only change to my name was my middle name - and I actually kept the same middle initial as well. As my social security record was also changed the point is trivial, but even then, my social security card has always only had my first name, middle initial, and last name - all of which never changed. The same is true with my records at the Department of the Navy and the Department of Defense, and most of those records are pretty well locked up anyway due to security clearances.
The point being here is that everyone needs to check on how things are handled where they live, especially in light of the fact that different states have different requirements regarding gender changes on their documents. And some will not change the gender markers for any reason.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
If you were talking about a
If you were talking about a certified copy then you bringing up your birth certificate was pointless and here is what you said.
“And there is not notation on my birth certificate that it has been changed or corrected. I know - I carry it with me.”
You did say it was a copy. You stated there is not notation on my birth certificate you carry on yourself like it is a point. You have to be talking about your original not a certified copy if you think that is relevant. This is because any notation about changes on a birth certificate will not be shown on a copy that people get but not the original. Of course there will be no notation of changes on a copy of your birth certifcate, so I think you can understand why you had to be talking about your original.
In the United States, state governments issue birth certificates, though the management of birth certificates may also be handled by counties or municipalities.
Is issuing a birth certificate part of the management of birth certificates? Yes
Is storing a birth certificate part of the management of birth certificates? Yes
The power to issue a birth certificate comes from the state, and then they can delegate who does it. That is why it is a state document. If the power does not come from the state, then it would not be a state document. If it is not a state document, then other states do not have to recongize the birth certificate. This is because of the Full Faith and Credit cause of the Consitiution only states that states have to recongize official state documents from other states. They do not have to recongize local or county documents. Other states have to recognize birth certicates so they are a state document even with some of them being issued by local or county government.
Your partner being a member of the local government does not mean you understand what is a local document and what is a state document. Being a state document means the power to issue them comes from the state and not the local or county government. The state can delegate it to the state and local, but them delegating it does not mean that those documents are no longer considered state documents
Lasty writing in bold does not make you right and also, writing in italics does not change the fact that you would have had to been talking about your original birth certificate because you bringing up you carry it on you with no notiation with have been irrelevant otherwise.