Lynn Conway has Passed Away

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This breaks my heart as I loved this lady so damn much for what she has done for all of us who were caught up in the gender-blender. I conversed with her many times and she was so sweet to take the time to talk or text me. My only desire left in this world was to meet this amazing lady before I checked out. Lots and lots of tears, I'm going to miss her so damn much.

This is Lynn's web pages which helped so many realize they weren't alone in this world.
Please don't let it be removed.

God, this was one of your precious Angels here on this earth.
I know she will find her place in your Kingdom
Pass along a message from me, please God
I'll see her soon and we'll have those discussions


We Owe Her so Much

BarbieLee's picture

There isn't a single person on this Big Blue Marble whose life hasn't been touched by Lynn Conway. Use electronics, a computer it's something connected to her work. The large companies created special little known HR departments specifically to find and hire transgender because of her. Everyone who is transgender owe her so much more for her reluctantly stepping into the spotlight instead of living a quiet life like she wanted.

Lynn Conway home page

Life, Engineered
She’s been called the hidden hand in the movement that enabled smartphones, PCs and the very fabric of Silicon Valley.

Google "Lynn Conway" for hundreds, thousands of articles and stories about this amazing Lady

There is no way to know or realize how much she has changed the world even after following her career and researching her accomplishments for more than forty years. I love this Lady so much and it hurts as one more time I find mortal life is finite. To paraphrase Churchill, Never has the whole world owed so much to one single person.
Barbie Jean Lee

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

My condolences go out to all friends and family of Lynn Conway

Without knowing her, Lynn Conway has affected my life as far back as Christmas 1985. My parents bought me my very first personal computer at the tender age of 15. Within less than two years I outgrew the capabilities of that Commodore 64. I learned programming from the manuals that came with that computer. And out in the wilderness of South America at that time, those manuals were the only resource available to me. So I had to learn by myself on my own.

But it was around the year 2000 that I found Lynn's website (after she came out of stealth). Over the next 10 or so years her TS success pages have been a huge inspiration for me. To see airline pilots, medical doctors and NASA scientists on that list was a huge boon. Around the end of the shuttle era I recognized one of the TS successes on a press photo from NASA. I even found some other technological tools through the bios of some of those TS successes.

Another benefit, for me, was the fact that only about on third of the listed people worked in show business. And of those only half did some kind of sex work. Thus clearly debunking the prejudice that all TS are prostitutes!!

Just a few weeks back, I ran across an interview with Lynn Conway that she granted for the launch of a comic book that she wrote regarding the history of computers chips. Unfortunately I can not post a link, because the YouTube/Google two factor authentication refuses to play nice with the spotty cell-phone service here in Germany.