Transgender Suicide is up Seventy Percent

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When all hope of living the life they are driven to find and live, there is only one final solution.

Nothing I can write will make this go away nor make it better. The transgender suicide rate already was more than all other classes of people combined. We need understanding, we need support, we need to be able to live our life the same as anyone else. God give me guidance what I need to do to support these girls. What more can I do to tell the world they don't chose transgender. It is not a choice for them.

"States that passed anti-transgender laws aimed at minors saw suicide attempts by transgender and gender nonconforming teenagers increase by as much as 72% in the following years, a new study by The Trevor Project says"

Repeating Massada, when there is no hope. This is what modern civilization has come to? Pass laws to condemn the smallest class of people to a life of hell or suicide.
Two thousand years ago, 967 Jewish men, women, and children took their own lives rather than suffer enslavement or death.
Barbie Jean Lee


Rejecting the TG idea

I followed the TG trail for almost 20 years. My immediate family are convinced that I will burn in hell.

To them, a more plausible story is that I might be intersexed, XXY... and stuff.

The thing that leaves them without words are to passages from the Bible... Suicide is not necessary.