BarbieLee's blog

Transgender Models

This story was pointed out to me courtesy of phydeau.
Transgender is a subject of passion for me as I have studied them for longer than I am going to admit. Despite what Gays, Lesbians, Bi, Heterosexual, & yes Transgender themselves think, they (transgender) are as diverse emotionally, physically, mentally as all the rest of the human population. Many of them just like everyone else wants to put themselves in a definitive box. If these specifications and criteria are met then they are trans.


Many voices from one person

Snowfall's The Station's Late Nite Princess person of many voices reminded me of Bell Nuntita. The girl is so talented. To be able to switch voice is difficult enough. To do it and sing is a step above most. It was one reason she stayed in the competition. The other of course is her beauty.


Somewhere Else Entirely Tome

After finishing up the tome titled Somewhere Else Entirely I have mixed feelings about it. First is is an unbelievably captivating story tale. The rich dialog and descriptive phrases gave it life. This is akin to an action movie we can enjoy for the action scenes and the story plot which holds together rather than a movie with no story to tell or adventure to fill in the lack there of. Some of the telling got a little long as the author was into what the heroine described the next "new idea" to the people involved. But all in all it was an imaginative story was it not?


Lawsuit Coming up

I am going to need a programmer to take apart a web site for all the data it contains. Unless of course they don't really have my novel and are only a scam site. I didn't sign in to see if the novel is really there. If they are pulling stories off of BCTS I'm betting a lot of other authors have stolen stories too.


40 yr drouth in TG care in Okla

It has been a long time since I have read about any TG care in Oklahoma. Don't get me wrong, there have been meetings and support groups which seemed to wax and wain. The first TG Care opened in the Baptist Medical Clinic in the late sixties. They lasted approximately three years before they were shut down by outside influence. in the void, I've meet doctors who will see TG for an astronomically high price each visit ($300/visit). They want to see the patient once a month.


Best kept secret in the business world

It has been twenty years or more since I was researching transgender or transsexual employment. So don't ask me for names. Computer crashes have wiped most of my years of research. I know, back up, back up, back up. Problem is, even the people we trust our computer repairs to manage to dice our drives. You aren't interested in that though as you already know all the computer horror stories. Probably lived through a few of them on your own.


Hormone & transistion without a psychatrist

This isn't for many who drop in to read the better than excellent story telling by unbelievably great authors. It is also too late for others who already took that step of living their life as they felt driven toward. Yet, if we share knowledge and resources, all those who follow have an easier task of making life work for them. This is on the same concept if man had never invented the wheel. Pretty tough dragging every load where we wanted to go. But someone made life easier for everyone.


Trans on cover of National Geographic

Okay, I was only going to post the article but my blood is boiling. The ill informed, self righteous bigots are already out with their lies, and regurgitated false medical science. I'm sure everyone here can find the filth without my help. BUT just in case you're lost grab your air sick bag and give this one a go. How many minds are going to believe this tripe thinking it is factual science????????


NOT answering Messages

Was busy with messages lately. Bumped back to the beginning of messages and found dozens of messages I never knew was there and never responded to. To any and all who feel I may have ignored them. I'm terribly sorry if I hurt anyone's emotions. The Blonde excuse no longer works as my hair has become snow white. A few years ago I came to BCTS with no more than a passing interest as people were asking me permission to post my stories here. I would drop in, skim the story to make sure it wasn't altered and bounce out. It would be months before I would pass by again.


Snowfall's Teaser

Smart, really really smart. Tossing a real gotchu out there for the lead to the next story. That particular blurb on the back cover of the book would be one of the best "teasers" I have read in a long long time. I'm hard pressed to remember anyone I've ever read that was any better. What kind of demographic readers would that one NOT pull in to open the book and start scanning in interest? Probably better than twenty percent of those who picked up the novel would buy the book. An unbelievable high percentage among book shoppers.



Found a web site where it is all put into my own kind of philosophy. There is nothing a few pills can do for anyone unless they are one of those very very few who have a reaction. From what I have read on the tests of those individuals, they were borderline in the female hormonal department. A pill pushed them over the line and they developed female breasts as any young adolescent female would.



Not sure how other writers intertwine imagination, real life events, and images to fill in their stories. Unless I am writing about things in the future, I use things I have done, seen, or have seen others do as I write. Fiction and life mixed well until it blends into a story.

That said, here are some mental images to add to the writers imagination.


Don't take life too seriously

These stories we read on BC are fiction. Once upon a time if anyone put "Barbie Lee" into ANY search engine, they would be reading about me or something I wrote. Mattel also took note and sent their Legal Beagles after me with the insinuation "Barbie" was theirs and theirs alone to use. I was to immediately stop using my name, pay them an ungodly amount of funds, and turn over my domain name to them.


cooler weather cold flu prevention

I am NOT a state licensed medical doctor.
With the cold flu season coming on one should be more aware of their body health symptoms. Although one should always be aware. However it is hard to tell people to look after their health until something goes wrong. That said, there are so many simple herbs, vitamins, and treatments to keep the body on a healthy track and treat it when something isn't right.
Make sure one is taking vitamins. Our food is so highly processed there is very little left in anything we eat from the grocery store to keep our life on a healthy track.


Thanks to All

Thank you to all those who have read Change of Heart~Passion of the Soul. I pray you don't feel like you wasted your time. A hug and special thanks to Catherine Linda Michel (Cathy) a beautiful talented lady managed to do the impossible and assemble that story back into something readable. It was akin to taking scrambled eggs and changing it back into a chicken egg.

Of course my sincere thanks to Eric, ManicRacer, and so many others who took some of their precious time to give me advice, pointers, and ideas on correcting the misinformation in the story line.


Classic Gowns

IF you are a writer or a reader of stories where the heroine and hero become involved in an evening of opera, or the governor's ball. Maybe you might want to fertilize the pictures in your memory of exactly what those words "evening gown or ball gown" represents. The stories come alive when one can visualize in their own mind the events described in the book whether they are the author or the reader. Most of us have seen movies of the ladies in their beautiful gowns but most of those are of southern belles and plantations. For a modern look at elegance try this.


I'm the most selfish person here

My stories aren't for others. I write for my own pleasure. Writing what I love with characters I enjoy the company of is why I write. "Almost A Girl" caught a lot of derogatory remarks. Readers didn't like the way Buddy-Barbara was treated. They didn't like my sentence structure. They didn't like a lot of the misspelled and non definition right words. I loved their candid posts. Some a little too personal but most were aimed at the story, characters, and plot.

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Some will NEVER accept or understand

As there will always be good and evil in the souls of man just as there are those who refuse to understand.
No matter how well they bring it all together, there will always be those who do not accept or tolerate those who blur the boundaries between male and female.

Explain an algorithm to those who only know simple math. Now explain transgender to those who have never felt they were born in the wrong body. Or explain transgender to those who are so insecure in their own body, anyone who blurs the boundaries sends them into fear denial or raging hate.


Elvira's last Comic Con?

Playing with a story line where the person dressed up as Elvira in a television costume contest. Research, research, right? And this came up along with all the research.
This may be Elvira’s last time meeting fans at Comic-Con because ‘it’s sort of scary’

Personally I think Cassandra has two personalities, one as herself and the other when she shifts to Elvira. Wickedly successful as the Mistress of Dark.


Stolen Stories, Copyrights

Do the research on copyright and it is not necessary to go through the copyright office to hold a legal claim to your works. It is necessary to have proper documentation and the copyright symbol on whatever you write whether it be a story, poem, or brief. Copyright symbol is a circle with a C in the middle of the circle. A date is helpful but not necessary from what I read.



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