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Worried about the advertisements showing up on the computer?

When you pass a billboard do you relate to thinking it is telling the world you drink Tequila Sunrise? Do you own a Lamborghini? All kinds of ads in the "men's" magazines. Think people who saw the page you were on think you were wishing to be the gorgeous string (clothed?) bikini model or the seriously handsome hunk she is hanging onto? Equipment sales? They see your screen and automatically associate you as the scantily clad supermodel stretched out on that ungodly huge trackhoe which is big enough to reach across a lot of rivers?

You my friend, are letting your imagination and insecurity feed one another. This is what makes great writers in some ways. They move from the real world to "what if".

Horses, cows, chickens, heavy farm equipment, damn large dozers, trackhoes, backhoes, Line Pole trucks, Semi's, electrician, plumber, refrigeration, air conditioning, pilot and hold or held a license for everyone of those that required one. Helped build hospitals, research labs, banks, industrial buildings, homes, conservation dams, laid out the survey and lines for a lot of them. Change a diaper, bake a cake, sew a dress, raise a family and a few other things I'm not going to list.

Which one should I be embarrassed about? I can operate almost every piece of large equipment made by man or I can nurse a sick child? Don't let others define your life for you. Caution? Sure no doubt. Are there places to be open or rub their noses in it? Sometimes funnier than hell, other times their resentment makes the job harder. Don't close in on the tail end of life and "wish I had". Regrets? I have a truckload of them. Bucket List? Not a single one. It's been a hell of a ride.

In the billions of people on this screwed up star we call Earth and the trillions of life forms among the galaxies, you are unique. You're the only one like you. Be courteous and kind to others. Be death personified to those who wish you harm. Don't let anyone dictate your life.

And for God's sake stop worrying what they might think about you. They either like you, hate you, or are indifferent. Do the job the best you know how. After all, isn't that the reason you're working?

"What does she do?"
"You'd never believe me if I told you."

I wish you happiness most of all. Everything else will fall into place.



Star? Man that's one hellofa sunburn. I thought I lived on a planet that circled a Star that we refer to as our 'Sun'.

I'd be a firemage if I lived on a star.

Those of Us

There re some of us on this site who grew up listening to the ol' philosopher, Bing Crosby, pose that if we "would swing on a star, carry moonbeams home in a jar" that we'd "be better our than we are."

I've been swinging on a star for seven decades and haven't been even singed.

I applaud the theme of this blog. You shouldn't care because they don't care. I suspect that's why you haven't moved to somewhere where they are more accepting.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

What it means to be human

It is entirely normal and natural to wonder what the people around us think of us. I suppose agressive type A personalities such as Trump are able to completely disregard the thoughts of others. For most of the rest of us it's a different story. Society can be incredibly unaccepting of people that are different, and I feel the next four years are only going to get worse. If you are doing your damndest to keep a part of you hidden from family, friends, and coworkers you are going to worry what others might think.

What happens in one facet of your life doesn't stay there. The wrong word in the wrong place at the wrong time can leave you exposed to the hatred of another group that you aren't prepared for. Indeed, you may not even know you have been outed until the shit hits the fan. Just take a look at the stories on the TDR website. Remember what happened to Mathew Shepherd. Personally, I have been inadvertently outed as a lesbian several times, and the reactions were not always favorable.

If you don't like what might happen at work then get a job somewhere else may be a fine statement, but except for a small minority most people don't have that option. Decently paying jobs are not growing on trees. I have been out of work so long that if I could find a job that paid decently I wouldn't care if the grand dragon of the KKK worked there, I'd take it. But I'd be v-e-r-y careful of what got out about me. I'd rather be a live coward than a dead hero. Doesn't mean I won't stand up and be counted when its time, but I pick and choose my battles.

Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. Paranoia is a survival trait.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Filter the (lies) Stories one hears, sees, reads.

BarbieLee's picture

Ladies and Gentlemen STOP listening to the MSM as they are nothing but a gov hate propaganda machine. The first thing you see or read is the TV blasting out their version of the news to everyone. This is the same thing muslim and other poor nations do. Govt propaganda to make people hate everyone and everything but their own government. When we hear the truth later the lies have already been planted. Human nature to believe the first story and not the second. The mind is a trap and already captured the truth didn't it?

It is illegal to lie to the govt. However U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans

Trump hates GLBT? Gay Trump Supporters

New Details Emerge in Matthew Shepard Murder. ... that money and drugs motivated their actions that night, not hatred of gays "All I wanted to do was beat him up and rob him."

This nation is being torn apart with bigotry, hatred, and "me first" attitude. We stopped being a nation of Americans and divided into groups of "I want laws to make me more than equal than all those others because I'm special." I'll let you in on a secret most haven't a clue. We either pull together or we are going to wind up in the worst hell on earth most can't imagine. It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better no matter what we do. Looking at our own petty little problems instead of looking at the larger battle has never worked in war or life. Sports games, military firefights work when the whole unit works cohesively together. Individually they lose or everyone dies. I strongly suggest everyone read up what a Republic is as opposed to a Democracy.
Benjamin Franklin was queried as he left Independence Hall “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”
Benjamin Franklin “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Life is meant to be lived not worn until it is worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Replying to me?

If this was directed at me I don't have a clue how this is related in anyway to what I posted, with one exception. I am satisfied that the story of Matt Shepherd is correct as we know it. I don't place much stock in conspiracy stories or websites. Sorry.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin