NOT answering Messages

A word from our sponsor:

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Was busy with messages lately. Bumped back to the beginning of messages and found dozens of messages I never knew was there and never responded to. To any and all who feel I may have ignored them. I'm terribly sorry if I hurt anyone's emotions. The Blonde excuse no longer works as my hair has become snow white. A few years ago I came to BCTS with no more than a passing interest as people were asking me permission to post my stories here. I would drop in, skim the story to make sure it wasn't altered and bounce out. It would be months before I would pass by again.

My time has been pretty tight up until the last two years. Seems I'm doing less now and have less time to do nothing. Hitting the floor running long before daylight is no longer a life style. I now check my pulse to see if I'm still alive before shoving the cats off the bed so I can get up and stumble round the house. Some people drink coffee, my fix is two excedrin for this over abused body and the frequent headaches.

If I never responded to your message, I have no excuse only an explanation. I honestly didn't know there was a message thing when I first dropped in. I hope everyone who may have felt slighted will forgive me.

Have fun with life, I attest from personal experience life is too short to take seriously. A friend asked me awhile back what my bucket list was? I told her I only have one item left. I've always known why I came back at this particular time. Lord, I could use a little help here.


I know how you feel....

The last few months was busy for me. I was out helping volunteering for my parents' friend and others for the campaign. Now, I'm buying presents for my younger brothers and siblings and I just bought a few onesies for my 4 month old nephew for Christmas.

TGSine --958