What we don't know about the human body and mind would fill all the world's library's several times over. We guess, we experiment, we do trial and error. Sometimes we get it right but usually we make a thousand errors. Usually making things worse than they were before we started trying to fix something.
Depression is one of those things we simple people try and get a grasp on. I put PSD in there with the depression cycle and I'm probably wrong too. However something must be done to help those who suffer from depression and give their life back to them. Counseling is a momentary bandaid as we can get them to feel good as they unload their misery to a counselor for a few minutes. Does it work? Yes and no. "God I wish I had an answer to those in need but I'm no Salomon."
Back to the drawing board.
I mentioned before Folic Acid seemed to work for some in overcoming depression.
Ran across an article about mushrooms curing depression.
A Dose of a Hallucinogen From a ‘Magic Mushroom,’ and Then Lasting Peace
I wish everyone happiness. Everything else will find its place in life
I too heard of the active ingredient in magic mushrooms
It was an article about depression. This was a non-doctor person saying the Govt of Canada was looking at the active ingredient (at lower dosage than consuming whole mushrooms) was effective in treating anxiety disorders.
He didn't recommend them long term or in wholesale doses.
I just wanted to say I'd heard of their medicinal purposes.
[edit] the same article said that modern pot has had its medicinal properties bred out of it. THC the hallucinogenic part was bred into the modern plants while its sister component the anti-anxiety, anti-paranoia, and anti-other things has been virtually erased from the plants DNA. Modern pot is definitely GMO! So for you anti-GMO people...
Shrooms work for a few days after a high vs depression.
And really, really don't take the while on other meds. Now weed is definitely GMO these days but there are specific varieties grown and sold either legally or not that fight anxiety like Indica-Grand-daddy-purple.
Bailey Summers
those are not GMO, but selective breading!
The do not do the modifications in a lab, but take plants with traits they want to combine or make stronger and do selective breading.
That is how we humans have always modified plants to make them more suitable for food production.
There is even a marijuana strain that will not get you high but has massive amounts of the compound that they believe has the medical benefits, alas I do not know its name.
"Cortana is watching you!"
A Subject I know something about
Depression Anxiety. I don't think it is all chemical but chemicals are part of all such disorders. Talk therapy counseling depends on the quality of the therapist and the tools he or she has. Mine has been an angel and she has given me the tools and education to "carry-on."
Some of those tools may seem trite and others you may not have heard of but they all have been helpful. Some modalities/protocols may not be mainstream but they work for me. Some of these tools were/are for recovering from brain injuries.
ANTs, not the pesky picnic invaders but Automatic Negative Thoughts our brains produce to keep us safe and to look before leaping. Too many such thoughts keeps or sends us into the fight or flight response mode upping our stress levels and raising our brain wave patterns. One way to effectively dampen ANTs is to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Why It works I don't know but it does. Rolling your eyes up lowers your brain wave activity and helps break the stress response. Light also helps and getting light to your cornea that normally receives non also helps by going outside and tracing figure-eights at the sky. A cluttered environment reflects a cluttered mind and a cluttered mind is more susceptible to "highs and lows." Anytime your arms crosses the center line of your body helps to integrate both sides of your brain and keeps you staying stuck in one kind of thinking, so hugging yourself helps. The act of smiling releases endorphins that help elevate your mood.
Our brains are IIRC 60% fat and a diet consisting of high quality fats is essential to good brain health as is drinking water and reducing soft drinks. Sugar crosses the blood brain barrier in the brain causing all kinds of miscommunication. Hormones are at their core simply messengers that carry instructions and receives feedback so hormonal imbalances can have an influence.
By now you've probably guessed that I view mental health as one portion of the body/mind/ spirit connection that depends on the other two for optimal expression. Most people don't know that the largest concentration of brain cells resides in our gut or that our heart secretes a hormone. Our immune system also resides in our gut and is suppressed by stress levels as well as sugar. As a whole our bodies have a native intelligence that extends to each cell in it.
Another leg on the mental health stool is the speed we learn at as children before we begin building filters all learning occurs at the subconscious level that views everything as literal that results in dis-ease patterns. Repatterning recognizes trauma in the womb and that we do inherit ancestral patterns from our maternal and paternal bloodlines. Well anyway it can be a lot of fun unraveling these mysteries.