Manic Racer

One of the best and "underkudoed" stories on BCTS

At the long last I bookmarked that story.
It is, IMHO, one of the best stories I've read ever.
12 years... I read that story, lost it, found... lost again. (I think it was posted on other sites under different names).
So let me share with you...
Barbara Scott - Fairytale Princess
By Faeriemage

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Sanctions help fighting... Shiraz

Yes... I got bored waiting for the UG2 next chapter and decided to buy all of the chapters from Amazon...
So, Shiraz, say a big thank you to your government. I will just get an unread book from my shelf... You just got sanctioned out of my money for your books...
Anyone still think that sanctions are against Russia? $-)

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What is going on?

I know that there are presidential elections...
But everybody I know is keeping "radio silence".
People who had so much to say about Belorussian elections - just disappeared...
News media... the same.
Are there anyone still alive in the US?
I cannot just outright believe Kremlin-controlled news media that US of A is still there...
Are you OK? Is the US still there as the United States of America?

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Had you ever had a dream? In your sleep? So real and so detailed that you noticed rivets in the bus bodywork? Or colour and the pattern of the seats upholstery?.. And yes, seats were dull brown, and a pattern was a quite worn out artist's idea of the leather on vinyl.
And another thing. I traveled quite a few countries in my life, but never visited India.

So... I started to understand PTSD and Panic Attack...

I am out of my mind to invent new excuses to not call and to not visit my parents... And now I had a moment of clarity... Thought of visiting my parents is causing me to have mild case of panick attack... And so I try to overcome it and visit my parents in that season of love and understanding....and just a thought of it causes me to have a panic attack...



Sitting at home in all of my finery... Almost a story...

Wearing my LBD, corset, appropriate padding and short bob style brunette wig, my biggest eyelashes and light makeup, dark red fingernails and my male mode slippers as my neighbours are complaining when I wear my heels... finishing off a bottle of nice Italian wine. Alone...

My "girlfriend" of the last 3+ years had not even bothered to try to meet me on her birthday several days ago, and last time I've seen her in person was somwhere in July...

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About private "Dicks"...

Pursuing idea stememmed from Sue Broun story...
What if all of the guys in the "seedy" joint were lured there by hiring them to follow someone? Still most of the ideas of how to continue them comes from the old ancdote where God appeared in front of the one of the intended shipwreck victims to say - "it was not trivial to gather all of the sinners on that one ship."

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Where do you think you are going?

This is my first attempt to post anything to BCTS, be gentle :-)
Was posted first aw comment to blog here.
- Hey! Where do you think you are going? This is a bathroom for the persons wearing shorts over pantyhose!

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