Haylee V's blog


Well, it took some time, but I have managed to recover some of my files from my old computer and am attempting to make a return to this site. Sorry for the extended absence. - Haylee

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What's going on

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Hi, all. Long time, no post, I know. The AFC house I'm in now has no internet, so...

I'm currently away from home, in Cincinnati (My AGT audition was today.)
I was contestant # 3203, and arrived on site at 10:30 AM (my scheduled audition time was 1:00 PM, but all that meant was that once I arrived, I was guaranteed an audition.)

There were a staggering number of singers, but I only met 1 other comedian there, so...

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Left convalescent center Sept 7 for new AFC home. No Internet.
Sept. 10 - Sept 13 - First hospitalization - pneumonia
Sept 18 - present - Second hospitalization for pneumonia, possible mini TIA.

Currently, have laptop and i-net in ICU will keep in touch as often as I can.

* Kisses Always *
Haylee V

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more silliness

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They say that to be forewarned is to be forearmed. But if you're four-armed, doesn't that make you some kind of mutant?

Can a bald man ever have a bad hair day?

Can a blind person ever see the light?

Can a deaf woman hear the news?

Proof carrots are good for you: Have you ever seen a blind rabbit?

Proof rabbit's feet are lucky: I've never seen a 3-legged rabbit.

Why is acting the only entertainment where breaking a leg is actually a good thing?

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Working on sequel

Per the MANY requests and PMs I've received since it posted just a few days ago, I've decided to extend Why Me? to a full-fledged serial. I've begun work on a second chapter and, if my muse remains cooperative, will finish it and send it for editing (along with a new chapter of Dawn) some time tomorrow. I have lost the work I'd already completed on Demons 3.2, so a rewrite is needed, delaying its posting a few days. Since I have no therapy on the weekends, I should be able to catch up, provided my health holds up and I have no further setbacks.


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Scheduled posting

I have a story currently being edited and will be posting the prologue as soon as it's finished being proofed, probably later today or early tomorrow. Work on Demons continues slowly, as the Journal has finished the proofreading phase and is ready to be published. The. song lyrics are complete as well, so only the chapter itself remains to be written and proofed. No work on Chronicles or Smoky Corners, as they are on my small netbook at home. Leila is still recovering and will be for awhile (please send her well wishes), so Mandela is on semi-permanent hiatus.

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Please read and comment, guys and gals and others.

There are many on here, myself included, who have faced, are currently facing, or will eventually face severe crises in their lives. I think we, as a community of like-minded individuals, should have a contingency plan in place to support and aid our peers. I'd like to, with the permission of the moderators, form a support group where anyone, at any time, could come and safely find the support, understanding, and guidance they need to face life's challenges.

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Re: Goodbye


I must apologize to everyone on the site, I'm afraid. I didn't mean to trouble anyone. I've just had so much darkness in the last 3 weeks that I began to be absorbed into it. Although things aren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, I do now feel that I have more than just 4 walls to stare at- I have the friends I've made here in the home and on BC, and can feel the love and prayers of you all. Hopefully one day, I'll be able to return it.

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On writing Tarry Fails

Some readers have asked me if it's hard for me to write these. Since I am actually lysdexic, they come quite easily. The problem is finding one that hasn't been done already by Captain Sloopnagle or Archie Campbell or someone else.

As for the Parables, I write them backward, starting first with the moral I'm trying to get across and then developing the story to suit. THAT, my friends, is sometimes incredibly difficult for me to do.

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Question for my readers

Good Morning, all. It's 8 AM, EDT, and I'm sitting on the bed in my room, waiting for my day to begin. Yesterday was quite hectic- with doctors, therapy, my counseling session, and meets and greets with all the staff, my dietician, my social worker, etc. I must apologize, as this kinda sapped my energy (and caused my muse to temporarily run away in fright). I will try to post something today but am not making any firm guarantees. Work continues (albeit slowly) on Prance and my other vignettes.

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What I'm currently working on


1:00 PM - Physical and Occupational Therapy until 3-ish
3:30 PM - Scheduled Group Activity
5:00 PM - Dinner

Between outings, I'm working on Chapters 1-3 of Prance, Chapter 3.2 of Demons, Chapter 0 of Smoky Corners: Origins, a chapter of both Crayola Chronicles and Mandela Shift, a Parable (or three, per Samantha's request - yes, I read it, luv :). Parable (and maybe a Tarry Fail) will be up by midnight EDT. Others will (hopefully) be submitted for editing in the next few days.

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Need my readers' help today

OK, so I'm stuck here in rehab, bored to tears, and my muse wants desperately to write something. Only problem is that she can't decide what to write. So, I'll put it to a vote.

1) A nice Tarry Fail,
2) A Parable,
3) A Non-Canonical Smoky Corners Tale
4) Nothing. You write too much stuff anyway, and I can't understand most of it.
5) Who cares? Just write SOMETHING! I'm desperate to see what your warped mind comes up with today.
6) An Apology, for putting us through your daily silliness.

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OK, for all of those who didn't know:

I've been in ICU (again) with unstable angina / chest pain since last Thursday (the 10th), and unable to post anything. I was released to a convalescent center tonight about 8 pm (EDT), and I'm now able to commune with you swell folks again.

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Urgent request

OK, this is a strange request, I know, but you see, your Ms. Haylee here is a tad superstitious. and one of my stories has a read count that is very ominous. While I won't state the number, directly, it is mentioned in the Bible in the book of Revelation. So please, if anyone here on the site could humor me, give the story Smoky Corners 2A: Kim's Conundrum (Complete) a quick peek. Even if you just click on it and right back off, that will be enough. Thanks!

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Going through rough patch. Major financial problem occurred about 7 this evening. Please pray everything gets resolved for me.


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Fanfic Story Idea

Just curious if anyone else on site is a video game player like myself. I particularly loved Final Fantasy VII, and was thinking about doing a fanfic of it, based on Cloud Strife's forays into cross-dressing. Would anyone be interested in reading it if I developed a story arc?

Haylee V

Edit (02-AUG-17):

After reading all the comments, and the rather heated debate regarding backstory (or lack thereof), I have come up with the following opening. Please do me a favor by IM'ing me your feelings about it. Thanks!

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Airlines are crazy

OK, so I'm trying to get price quotes for a round trip ticket from Detroit, MI to Cincinnati, OH, a distance of 250 or so miles. Here's what I discovered:

A NONSTOP flight from DETROIT to CINCINNATI will cost $375 + taxes/fees and take 2 hours.

A ONE-STOP flight will cost $250 + taxes. Here are my options:

DETROIT to CHICAGO (O'HARE) (200 miles in the WRONG DIRECTION) to CINCINNATI - counting a 3 hour layover, 6 hours and 30 minutes

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How I define myself

If anyone has read my work on site, (s)he can certainly see that I am (or at least my muse is) a quite unusual person. I would guess the one word that would define me best is eclectic. You see, I, first and foremost, am NOT a gifted author, as so many on this site are. Writing for me is both a passion and, at times, an intense struggle. I have no style that I can truly call my own, and have had very little training (save the one Creative Writing class I took way back in high school - back when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth).

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Bucket List Fulfillment

If anyone's wondering, I got an e-mail from NBC-Universal a few days ago, and it's official now.

They have asked me to attend an open audition for America's Got Talent. My interview/audition time is set for 1:00 PM Tuesday, November 14, 2017 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Wish me luck!


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A heart-felt thanks


There are many people on this site that I am happy to call friends. Some work behind the scenes here at BC, and their talents often go unrecognized or acknowledged. Therefore, I ask for your indulgence while I give a select few their due accolades.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank Erin. Without her, there would be no BC, period.

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Hope no one missed me too much. Some things have happened, and I needed to "get away" for awhile. I'll be on and off some, until I make my more permanent return sometime in the fall. My love to all.

Haylee V

PS: I'm looking for someone interesting who would like to be featured in a non-canonical Smoky Corners tale, like I have written for Dorothy Colleen, Joanne Barbarella, and AuPreviner. If anyone is interested, please send me a PM. The Daily Parables will resume when I am able to fully return to the site.

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Daily Silliness

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1) You know, it's often said that almost EVERYTHING tastes like chicken. If that's truly the case, one has to wonder: Just WHAT does chicken taste like? I mean, you could say it tasted like itself, but that's a poor point of reference, in my opinion, to have something defined recursively like that.

2) Mathematical Proof that Women Are Evil:

OK, most people know that to acquire a good woman takes both time and money. In other words, woman is a PRODUCT of time and money, or mathematically:


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A joke...

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Once upon a time, a mason decided to build himself a house. He set about buying the bricks, the mortar, and all the necessities he thought he would need, then set to work.

The mason toiled night and day on his manse, making sure everything was just right. Finally, after over a month, his dream home was finished and ready for him to move in to.

As he was cleaning up from the construction, he happened to see a lone brick just hiding in the grass. Being meticulous, he thought he had purchased just enough bricks to finish the house, and was surprised to find one left over.

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When dealing with IDIOTS, you have to speak their language...

OK, so I USED to be a member of a site called Geeker.com. It was touted as a FREE streaming site. When I was actually CHARGED for the service, I went online, to a "Live Chat", to try to rectify the situation. Below is the ENTIRETY of the transcript. Please note what occurs at the very end, especially. It's quite humorous!


Ronald Bailey

Why was I charged for a FREE membership? I have e-male proof Geeker.com charged me during my 5-day free trial (which I applied for on June 8). I was charged by Geeker.com on June 9th, JUST ONE DAY later.

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OK, I'm a little late with the posting. Inspiration hit me just now. Please give today's parable a read if you are able. I think it's one of the best I've written so far.

Haylee V

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Figure this out (If you can...)

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Once upon a time, three traveling salesmen were walking along a long stretch of road, trying (in vain) to peddle their wares. As the sun began to set, the weary salesmen began to look for a place to rest for the night, when they stumbled upon a hotel.

"How much for a room?" they asked the owner.

"Thirty dollars a night," he replied.

So the salesmen each handed the owner a ten and took the key.

A short time later, the owner had a change of heart. It looks like the salesmen are down on their luck. I'll give them $5 back.

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I'm two for two now... Heh. Heh. I commented on a post by Erin, and as soon as I went back to the home page, my parable popped up as a "Random Solo". I just posted it, too. Gotta quit doing that. Too spooky... I'll be posting the Parable for yesterday in a few minutes (editing it now). Look for the Sunday's parable around noonish, and the 8th's around 6 pm, EST. That will catch me up for the month of June, I hope.

Haylee V

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