A joke...

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Once upon a time, a mason decided to build himself a house. He set about buying the bricks, the mortar, and all the necessities he thought he would need, then set to work.

The mason toiled night and day on his manse, making sure everything was just right. Finally, after over a month, his dream home was finished and ready for him to move in to.

As he was cleaning up from the construction, he happened to see a lone brick just hiding in the grass. Being meticulous, he thought he had purchased just enough bricks to finish the house, and was surprised to find one left over.

Oh, well, he thought. Everyone makes mistakes. I guess this was one of mine.

And with that, he tossed the brick over his shoulder, high into the air.
=== === ===
A wealthy lady had decided to take a cruise to the Caribbean with her Jack Russell. It was the first trip they had ever taken together. She was out on the deck one day with her pet, when an elderly gentleman, smoking a foul-smelling cigar, came over and began to chat her up

"Sir, could you please do something with your cigar? I find it offensive."

"It's a $300 Cuban I got from Castro himself. I'll smoke it where, when, and how I want to, thank you."

Hearing this, the woman became appalled. In a fit of rage, she grabbed the stogie out of the man's mouth and threw it overboard.

In retaliation, the man picked up her dog, throwing it overboard as well.

This made the woman sad, and she mourned the loss of her dear friend for days, until they reached the next port of call.
=== === ===
When she disembarked, she glanced over to the ocean, and saw her Jack Russell swimming frantically to shore.

And you'll never guess what he had in his mouth...





OK. In his mouth, he had...



* You may fire the rotten vegetables when ready... *

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