
Transmaxxing - WTF?

I had never heard of this before. There was a documentary on Channel 4. It is on Youtube now.


I’m Not A Woman But I’ll Take The Benefits Transmaxxer Life Uncovered

These “transmaxxers,” an online “community of men who consider themselves involuntarily celibate, or ‘incels,’ are transitioning to the opposite sex to escape sexual rejection and improve their lives.”

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A Cruel and Unusual Punishment 3

This chapter has some sexual content.

As I walked to the Williams house I dreaded the fresh humiliations that awaited me. It had been a week now, and I was getting used to the feeling of women's clothes. Even at home, my mother made me sleep in a night dress. It was black and plain cotton, but still had a small lace edging. She told me it would be stupid to be caught violating my "parole" while sleeping.

A Cruel and unusual punishment 2

Monday morning I woke with a feeling of dread. My mum came into my room at 6.30.

"Come on John. It takes women longer to get ready than men. You'll soon get used to it. Now, shower shave and meet me in the spare room."

After that was done, I walked into the spare room and saw what lay in wait for me.

A pair of smooth black knickers with lace panels at the sides.

"They were the least fussy ones I could find before you moan," Mum said.

I slowly dressed in the soft, unfamiliar clothes.A black bra with lacy cups came next. Mum stuffed them with tights.

A cruel and unusual punishment

This story takes place in a land far, far away with different laws. Please don't tell me what is or is not lawful. This is fantasy after all. Not sex story (so far anyway)

I stood in the dock shaking. What had I done? The end-of-term disco should have been just a fun time for everyone. Someone had spiked the punch. We were all over 18 and could legally drink, but the headmaster decided he didn't want unruly behavior.

Passing in public

I have not written much recently. This is partly due to being unhappy at work. I just get home, eat go to the local pool to exercise ( my diabetes is getting out of control, so I must exercise.) Then come home watch TV and sleep. Rinse and repeat.

One of the reasons I write is to express my feminine side. I still don't know if I am really trans or not. I grew up wishing I was a girl. I was 3 or 4 when I asked why I was not a girl. When I dress now, there is no sexual thrill, just a sense of relief. When I am "made up" I just feel that I am looking at the real me.

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Trans Unknown genius Sophie Mary Wilson

Sophie Mary Wilson CBE FRS FREng DistFBCS was born Roger Wilson; June 1957.

Wilson underwent surgery and transitioned in 1994.

She is an English computer scientist, a co-designer of the Instruction Set for the ARM architecture. Wilson first designed a microcomputer during a break from studies at Selwyn College, Cambridge.

ARM processors are used in light, portable, battery-powered devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablet computers,

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The Reluctant Housewife Part 2

The shower felt so good. I could not remember the last time I had showered or washed my hair. I was not dirty. Dr. Tom must have cleaned me while I was in the medical coma. Still, the warm water felt sensual on my now smooth skin. It's funny how you don't realise how you miss the everyday trappings of civilization.

The shower gel and shampoo were all heavily scented with jasmine and other flowery scents. I wrapped the towel around my waist and started to dry my hair. I walked back into the bedroom.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

The Reluctant Housewife

If only I had listened to the warnings about drugs. In my defense though, I have had a rotten life up until this present moment. A moment that finds me staring down the barrel of a shotgun in a private hospital in the middle of the night.

The first few years of my life were like many other people's. I was the only child of loving but poor parents. I was always on the small side which led to bullying at school, but that was normal. Schools say they hate bullying, but most of them turn a blind eye to it.


This is a story about a trans snooker player.


As I bent over, lining my cue with the white ball, my mind was in turmoil. What should I do? The cue felt like an extension of my arm. It was a Peradon. I remember back to the hell my mother kicked up when my father brought it home. He showed me and we stared in awe at it. It was as if he had shown me Excaliber itself.

S(m)ister Wife Part 5

My Time As A Wife 3

After we both cleaned up, we went to bed. Phil held me gently all through the night. My mind was in turmoil. Was he serious about wanting me to be a wife? If he was, could I do it? This was a life-changing decision. As I lay awake I could hear him breathing closely behind me.

I was acutely aware of the silky white baby doll I was wearing. The knickers had three rows of thick lace on the back. I couldn't resist brushing my hand over them as I turned onto my left side.

I kept thinking about what he said. "You're mine now Sarah. I am never letting you go."

The sad case of Brianna Ghey

In the UK the trial of the murder of a poor, shy trans girl was concluded recently.

Two seemingly normal 15-year-olds with no previous convictions planned to murder Brianna in February this year.

The whole story is so sad, it brings a tear to your eye when you read it. It does make you wonder what hope there is for humanity when there are children around like this.

What can possibly twist two young minds this way?


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Transgender Actor Yasmin Finney plays a transgender character Dr. Who

I watched the latest Dr. Who. Donna Noble's daughter was called a boy's name by a group of boys on bikes as they rode by. I thought WHAT?

It is cleared up later as you realise she is trans. I watched a program later where Yasmin Finney said it brought back bad memories about being "dead named".

It was a fun episode. Much better than those crap, poorly written ones Jodie Whittaker was forced to do. Mind you, David Tennant is my favorite Dr. Who, with Tom Baker in close second.

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The Chalice Well - A Greyfolk Tale

This is a Halloween/Samhain trans story



He sat there on the edge of the chalice well lost in his thoughts. The slight ripple on the reddish brown water seemed to have a hypnotic calming effect on him. He was grateful for the respite. He had cupped his hands under the lion's head spout and tasted the water. He had heard it could cure a number of things.

Spending time as girl I want to be

I have recently spent more time as Leeanna in public. I never got a hostile or second glace, apart from some guy checking out my legs when the wind lifted my dress above the knee.

I learned most people will pass you by as they are not interested. I spent a few days on the Essex coast with a very kind gentleman who has been encouraging me to spend more time as my other self. Over the weekend I spent longer as Leeanna than I have ever before.

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Thanks for the kudos

Thank you to all those who left kudos for my last story. "A Space Oddity - Houston I have a problem".

That was the first time I had over 100 kudos for a story since "Taken by the Grey Folk" in March.

I kind of have a feel for what goes down well on some of the different sites I submit stories on nowadays. On Bigcloset, my highest-rated stories were the first part of Surgeon's Lodger, The Assult, with The Substitute Housewife Part 1, and Seven Years as a Wife being the top two.

Some of those had sex in the stories, but most did not.

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A Space Oddity - Houston I have a problem

This is just a short story idea that came to me while having a walk today thinking about "stuff". Sorry not my "normal" stuff.


"Houston, approaching orbital point alpha in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Orbit optimum. We are looking good."

"Roger that Captain Adams." You will be out of radio contact in 5 minutes. How are your instrument readings?"

"There are A-OK Dave. I have more than enough fuel for 10 more orbits, a landing, and then some."

'Do you know many men who menstruate, Wendy?' People are morons

I was flicking around Youtube. I know I shouldn't. Something always pisses me off.

I saw this


As usual, trans women get the blame in the comments. When Men who menstruate are trans men who have not had a hysterectomy will menstruate. That's how you have men menstruate and have babies. Also "chestfeeding" instead of breastfeeding is for the benefit of trans men.
Trans women are blamed for that too.

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My Time As A Wife 2

Sarah is invited to stay the night with Phil. She is asked to spend more time as Sarah and must decide if Sarah is more than just a pleasant distraction. Part of this is based on some recent experience of mine.

I was still breathing hard from the climax I had just experienced. My legs were like jelly. Stay the night? Despite my exhaustion, I felt myself shiver at the thought. Spend the night with a man as a woman. Not just sex, but actually sleeping with him.

Why are trans women always the "whipping boy" of LGBT?

Each year, fashion magazine Vogue compiles a list of 25 women who "define – and redefine – Britain in 2023".

This year's list became the subject of debate on Friday's Breakfast with Stephen and Anne when the two hosts welcomed author Suzan Holder and co-founder of the Together Association, Alan Miller, onto the show.

Among the women who were honoured in the list - which included the likes of Penny Mordaunt, Naga Munchetty and Jodie Comer - was trans cyclist Emily Bridges.

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For those who are unfamiliar Fa'afafine is the Samoan 3rd gender.
When I first read about fa'afafine, The article said families that had all boys would choose one to raise as a girl to help in the home and look after the parents in old age.

I wrote a story called The Fa'afafine Bill set on an alternative earth. One comment said that it was stupid premiss as men could do the same jobs as women without being women.

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My Time as a Wife

This is a continuation of "Life's Lottery". Steve is delving deeper into his Sarah persona.
This story contains sexual scenes.

I bit the bullet and took some pictures of myself as Sarah. Nothing
outrageous, mainly just myself in various wigs and underwear. Then I
posted them on a few contact sites. I really did not know what to expect,
and to be honest I really don't know why I did it. I think I was seeking
affirmation that I was acceptable as a woman by men.

Winning Life's Lottery

Recently I have been fighting my feelings and needs to be Leeanna. I have not had the opportunity for months now. It's been hard.
I have had requests to write some more of my usual "forced" sex stuff. They are popular on some sites I just can't It just won't come to me. This is what came out when I tried. Definitely not a sex story. Sorry.


Well this is a new one, to me anyway

This is probably nonsense, but it is a theory I had not heard about trans folk. This is about the effect of pollution on gender.

Recent evidence indicates that phthalates from plastic and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are one of many factors predicting gender dysphoria, particularly in the case of male-to-female transgenders.

Polluted groundwater yields ambiguous genitalia for vulnerable species. The modern human environment is replete with substances that mimic sex hormones. Could these chemicals play a role in contemporary gender fluidity?

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Seven Years as a Wife Ch. 07

Mel finally realizes she is transgender.

It had been 3 months since that night when Mel uncovered the plot to steal the patient for the E.V. charger. Simon had talked to each member of the board privately and had held an extraordinary meeting and removed those plotting against him. The inventor had been given a guaranteed share of the profits and signed over the rights to the company.

Mel had done a lot of soul-searching in the following weeks and met Angie for advice.

British Cycling to ban transgender women from competing in female category

I think we all saw this coming.


Under a new participation policy that the governing body said was "predicated on fairness", such athletes will compete in an 'open category' with men.

Female races will be "for those whose sex was assigned female at birth".

The changes will prevent riders such as Emily Bridges potentially being part of the British women's team.

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Mum's know best

Just came back from a short break with my mother. She is 85 now and has just lost her partner. I want to spend as much time with her as I can.

I never got much "Leeanna" time, as one of my sons stayed for a few nights. So last night I got a chance to try out a wig that my mother helped me pick. Long gone are the days my own hair sufficed. The dreaded testosterone has thinned my own hair too much to convince anyone.

She insisted it had to have a fringe. I think she was right.

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Stand-in Wife Part 2

This story contains crossdressing and sex. If you don't like sex stories, please don't read it.

I had a few sleepless nights after my encounter with Rob. I woke up from a dream where I was in an old TV ad. The Shake and vac woman was dancing in her heels and skirt, hovering up Shake and vac. She had my face. I remember seeing the ad on Youtube. She looked like a typical 1980's housewife. I found her a turn-on. The thing is, I didn't want to have her, I think I wanted to be her.

Stand-in Wife

This story contains sex scenes

I knew one day I would be seen or caught. I couldn't help it. The urge was just too strong. All crossdressers suffer the same feelings. Guilt and shame. I was a man. Why was I lessening myself wanting to dress and appear as a woman? I had tried to stop before. I had gathered up all my clothes, shoes, wigs, and makeup. I filled three bin bags and threw them in the a skip.

Well That's Odd

Scientists in Japan have created mice with two biologically male parents for the first time.

The team, led by a professor of genome biology at Osaka University in Japan, generated eggs from the skin cells of male mice.

When implanted into female mice, the eggs produced healthy pups, according to research published this month in the journal Nature.

The proof-of-concept research could expand the possibilities for future fertility treatments, including for same-sex couples.

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Stay in touch with your friends

A good friend of mine died a few days ago. He was at a funeral and collapsed. He would not go in the ambulance and died later that day at home. I used to see hime several times a week. I only heard today.

We lost touch during covid and I owed him and his wife a meal. I kept promising myself I would call him and arrange it. Life, work, and family just got in the way. I thought I'd spoken to him just last month, but when I looked at my phone log it was late December.

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Huge rise in the number of girls seeking referrals to gender clinics.

I always assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that the majority of transgender folk were MTF and that there were very few FTM.

This article says.

NHS England, 10 years ago there were just under 250 referrals, most of them boys, to the Gender Identity Development Service (Gids), run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in London.

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Trans Women and Sport

I know this divides trans women. This is just my take on the problem.

The whole thing about trans women is sport is too complex. Sports people are very competitive and will complain about the tiniest thing they think is unfair.

What is a trans woman? Someone that has had full surgery, has the same hormone levels as the average woman and has not gone through male puberty. Or a fully intact male that has no intention of taking hormones and having surgery?

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Please forgive any mistakes

I have just written a short story about trans women developing an "ability".

In the story I reference the anti-trans laws that have been or are being passed in the USA. I blamed the Republicans. I am from the UK. Our politics are hard to grasp sometimes, but I have no idea how laws are passed in the USA.

Please forgive me if I got it wrong

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Disutopia 1 The Ability

This is a story set around now. Some trans women seem to have developed an "ability" . I plan to write several short stories set in distopian or utopian settings. It depends on your point of view. Hence the Disutopia title.

"Mr. President, did you see the footage I sent you?"

"I did Miranda, but I still don't know what I was looking at. It looked like some David Blaine magic show."

"Did you not read my report, sir?"

"Miranda, I'm a busy man. That report was over 50 pages long. I don't have time for that. Just explain."

Discovering me

I had finally done it. I was on my own in my own flat. My marriage had failed and I had split amicably with my wife. She kept the house that had been paid for mostly by a trust fund set up by my parents. I kept the remainder of my savings. I did not begrudge her the house. She had been patient and understanding about my "condition". Both my parents were dead, which is why I was contemplating doing something I had been longing for all my life.

What is a Woman?

I know this has been done to death. Politicians are always asked the question whenever a trans issue is debated

When people say "a woman has xx chromosomes" That is bullshit as there are XY females and XX males.

"A woman has a womb" Some are born without one and many have hysterectomies. Do they stop becoming a woman?

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The Toxic Planet Extended


I remembered the night she threw me out. I had worn her sexiest underwear. She hadn’t worn it for years, so one of us may as well use it. I was half way through clipping my stockings to my suspenders when she came in. I thought she would be out seeing her friend until 10.30 at least.

“I bloody knew it, you little queer. You couldn’t leave it alone could you? Well, you can bugger off. I want a real man.”

Taken by the Grey Folk


"So, do you think we can try for a baby then John?"

"Is that what this has been all about? The picnic, the walk in the woods?"

"I want kids John. You promised me we would try when we married."

Had some mother daughter time today

I took my mother away on holiday for a few days. Since coming out to her 10 months ago she has been very accepting.
She is trying to encourage me to go out as "Michelle". That is what she would have called me if I had been born the person I have always dreamed of being.

We went for a little walk together and I spent the evening with her as her daughter. These little oasis of happiness, parental love and acceptance keep me going for through times when I am forced to be the me the world and family need me to be.

I have blurred her face for privacy.


This brought a lump to my throat recently

Last year I wrote a story about a trans woman helping a man with a yearning to be a woman. He was married the whole 9 yards, but he had secretly always wanted to be a woman.



Part one on here did well. 152 kudos. Honestly, I do pigeonhole the sites I post on.

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S(m)ister Wife Part 4

This story contains sex scenes

The next day I was "allowed" to wear a normal housedress, with normal underwear which included a black, open-bottom corselette. Carol was very quiet that morning. Bob had left early and after breakfast, she took me upstairs to continue my training.

She didn't want me to go down on her. She seemed upset. As I lay on my back and she gently and very slowly slid the well lubricated dildo into me. I grunted with pain.

A.I. Story writing

Someone using chatGPT got it to write a sissy maid story. It was posted on Fictionmania today. It is a little bland but that may be due to the tiny amount of direction it was given.


Here is a sample.

"Me" is the direction given to chapGPT

Me; Adrian decides to live as his wifes maid and asks her to take him to
buy a uniform. She thinks this is an excellent idea and is encouraging

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Did Nicola Sturgeon resign as first minister due to Gender Recognition Reform?

With seemingly perfect timing, just after the SNP passed a Scottish version of the Gender Recognition Reform bill by 86 votes to 39, the story of Isla Bryson reared its ugly head.

Isla Bryson or Adam Graham, as he was known when he committed two rapes. Claimed to be transgender after he was arrested (he was living full time as a man then).


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