
The Surgeon's Lodger Part 22


Sam went to Hertford police station on the way home from the hospital. He made his statement and learned Fiona was being held at HMP Bronzefield. With Suzi's statement and Sam's along with the evidence they were likely to charge her with attempted murder. He had fractured her jaw when he hit her, but as this was done in self self defense it was unlikely he would be charged.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 21


Sam woke up staring at a light fitting on the ceiling in a corridor. He was waiting assessment. Covid meant the hospital was nearly overrun. As his eyes focused he saw Suzi. He tried to sit up, but his head throbbed and he collapsed back onto the trolley.

"Suzi! Michelle?"

Suzi shook her head.

"No, no, god no please. "

"Sam please calm down. They are doing all they can, but she's in a coma."

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 20

Suzi and Michelle had immediately started looking a dresses. After an hour of searching they narrowed it down to a choice of three styles. Michelle trusted Suzi's sense of fashion. The whole thing to her was a dream come true. She was going to have her day as a bride. She wanted everything to be perfect.

Suzi had screamed when Michelle asked her to be her bridesmaid. She was a professional woman, but a woman above all. Most women loved weddings. They discussed Sam at length while they were planning what they would want for the wedding.

It's a hard life for a bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 2

This is Part 2 of a story about a bright boy living in Berverly Taff's United Queendom. Recent events have caused unrest. Peter and his mother are affected. As before I will edit or delete the story if Beverly doesn't approve.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 19

Michelle spent most of the week online, looking at things she would need for her wedding. She hadn't even set a date yet. She had called Suzi, and told her the news. Sam could hear Suzi screaming over the phone. Typical women he thought, he smiled at the idea that Michelle was just a "typical women". She really was getting there now.

When the rapid chat and laughs had ended, Michelle put her phone down and helped Sam put on his coat. She kissed him before he left for work, and stared lovingly into his eyes.

"I love you Sam, I'm going to be the best wife ever!"

The Rise of the Feminist is it good or bad?

I was flicking through Youtube (as you do) I found some video's with feminists asking stupid questions. Really dumb stuff, why are men seen as the stronger sex? Men should be taught not to rape etc.

Ricky Gervais answered that one


I understand Feminists want (wanted) equality, that's fine, but men and women are not physically "equal" . Our bodies are designed to do different things.


It's a hard life for a bright boy in the Feminine Queendom

Melody Davis had grown up like all other girls in the Queendom. She was a little disappointed when they were separated from the boys
in her early teens. She understood that her teachers told her boys brains could not handle much more than an elementary level of education.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 18


Two months later Michelle had started her hormone treatment. She was acting like a giddy school girl. She was so happy things were finally happening. Sam would tease her as she checked her breasts each morning.

"They won't grow if you keep checking them you know." Sam said.

"I know it's too early, I just felt my nipples were more sensitive than before, that's all."

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 17


Michelle was beaming when Sam arrived home.

"Good news love?"

"Yes, the clinic have approved me to start hormones. They emailed me the letter today."

"I told you it would be ok Michelle. Are you going to see your G.P. about getting a prescription?"

"Yes my appointment is Thursday. I still feel bad about jumping the queue like that Sam. I know you pulled a few strings, still it's not fair."

My Saddest birthday

It was my birthday yesterday. I got about 12 cards which was nice. I had a sales meeting at work. They knew it was my birthday and got me a cake and a crate of beer. During lunch someone asked me what my family had got me for my birthday. Nothing I replied. She couldn't believe it.
I said I had to leave at 6AM to get here so perhaps later.

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The Surgeon's Lodger Part 16


After a few weeks the transfer of the ownership of the house was confirmed. Michelle wrote to Tommy to let him know they were going to look over the place and tidy it up so it could be sold. Michelle wanted to sell it as it held too many painful memories.

Where do trans women have more trouble?

Do trans women have more problems in the UK or USA?

Much of America seems a lot more religious than the UK. Our official religion is Church Of England, that usually means going for christening', weddings and funerals for most of us. C of E accept trans people now.


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The Surgeon's Lodger Part 15


Michelle arose before Sam. She went down into the kitchen in her kimono and slippers to get them both some tea and to start breakfast. Sam had offered to cook, but Michelle insisted. It gave her a warm feeling cooking for her man. She had just got the eggs and bacon out ready to cook when Sam sat down freshly showered holding the letter.

"You open it Sam, I don't want anything to do with that monster."

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 14


Michelle had left the doctors with a huge smile on her face. After a long talk with Suzi, she realised a lot of her fears and problems with self confidence came from her stepfather. She had wanted to be a girl since being a child. Her mother had seen it and tried to help by allowing her to dress while at home.

X-The last Woman

X the Last Woman

I was thinking of writing a reverse version of Y the Last Man. In the series and the book (graphic novel) the women are pretty screwed , Most of the world's infrastructure is still kept running by men. In a prophetic line about truck drivers the new president says that the country was run on trucks delivering things. She says only 5% of truck drivers are women. (there is a shortage of truck drivers currently in a few countries since covid) A dam breaks and floods towns as there is no one to fix it. Power is off etc.

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The Surgeon's Lodger Part 13

Michelle grew more nervous as the weekend approached. Sam assured her his sister was a nice person. She was very popular at Royal Infirmary hospital in Edinburgh. She worked in the psychology department.

Michelle still thought is was a big step, meeting the family. She knew all girlfriends and boyfriends go through this, but it was a first for her. What if Suzi thought she wasn't good enough for her little brother?

TERF's comments on Youtube John Lewis advert

There is a new John Lewis Insurance commercial.

It shows a boy dressed as a girl dancing to Edge of 17 causing destruction around the house. Stupid advert , as I'll get a child to smash my 2 year old TV and get a new one if I know they'll pay out for wanton destruction. it's a remake of a five year old advert where a girl does the same, albeit with less destruction.

One the comments got 754 thumbs up's in 3 days.

"Male ‘expresses himself’ with zero regard for the negative impact on the females around him. The patriarchy in action. Clever work John Lewis"

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The Surgeon's Lodger Part 12


Sam pulled away, he went into the living room to answer his phone. Michelle carried on with the washing up. She tried to be quite to here who Sam was talking to.

"Oh, Hi darling,. What gives me the honor of a call from you."

It was a girl! Michelle stopped washing up and moved to the door the listen.

"Yes, well who could resist a sex bomb like you."

Sex bomb? A girlfriend?

I do yes, I'm in love.

What it is to be a woman a Tvchix bomb

What it is to be a woman, I asked on here and got some good answers. I asked it on a contact site I have been of for a few years and started world war 3! There are 15 pages so far. Mainly 3 or people arguing.

I put a comment on there this morning and there have been a 112 posts since then.

The main argument started about Professor Kathleen Stock , who has strong views on "intact" trans women. Then it just took off. A lot of people on there have axes to grind.

I don't think you can see without an account though.

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The Surgeon's Lodger Part 11


The morning came and they both slept late. Sam thought if Fiona had outed them, it had happened. He cared, but he loved Michelle more. He would weather whatever came. He just hoped she had the strength to do the same. He knew he need to reassure her.

It was Saturday in early October, and the weather was going to be good. Sam decided he would try and spend the day with her.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 10


Sam saw Michelle sitting at the kitchen table her head down looking upset. Fiona was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She was dressed as she always did throughout their marriage, dowdy. She was wearing jeans a baggy sweater and minimal makeup.

"What do want Fiona?"

"Is that any way to greet you wife Sammy?"

"You're not my wife for much longer, what have you come for?"

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 9

The sound of a car horn woke the couple. Michelle stretched.

"Owww my face hurts."

She slowly got out of bed and went over to the full length mirror. Her nose was swollen and her eyes were puffy. She had a purple swelling around her left eye.

"Oh no, my face what has he done!"

The tears started to flow.

"Come on now Michelle, it will be fine in a day or two."

She doubled over sobbing. Sam knew it was delayed shock from nearly being killed by her stepfather. He bent down and pulled her to her feet.

"Shush now , you're still beautiful."

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 8


As Michelle fell back in the hallway, her head hit the wall. She slid down as the world spun.

"I should have cut your fucking balls off when yer mam died. I knew a little freak like you would never be a real man."

The word "freak" stung Michelle like a blow. The anger gave her a jolt of adrenaline. Her head cleared as her mind seemed to slow down what was happening.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 7


Sam rushed through the front door and saw Michelle waiting. She choked on her words.

"I'm so sorry Sam. You treated me better than I have ever deserved, and I threw it back at you. I'll go if you want."

Sam wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. He kissed her forehead, and said.

What it is to be a woman

The story I am writing at the moment has the main character wanting to be a woman, but not wanting any surgery (currently) . It has raised the question for me. What is is to be a women.

Is it the clothes you wear? The role you have in society? The way you act and interact? Your Chromosomes? Or the fact you possess a cervix.

The last one is something a Labour MP has said "only women have a cervix". So is she saying trans men aren't men or women born without a cerix or have had it removed aren't women?


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The Surgeon's Lodger Part 6

Michelle sobbed herself to sleep. Anger, sadness and fear made a tight ball in her chest that prevented her from breathing easily. Eventually she dropped off. When she woke she had that brief feeling of amnesia, then the full reality of what had happened the night before came rushing back.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 5

Michelle picked up a couple of sirloin steaks and vegetables to go with them. She wasn't read while she walked around, she just looked like any other woman in the shop. This gave her an enormous sense of satisfaction.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 4


They talked into the early hours of the morning. Sam told her that he had been involved with an on off relationship with his room mate in medical school. He said the sex was very infrequent as he never felt fully comfortable with being with another man. The only time they had sex he used to insist his room mate wore a pair of knickers that one his old girlfriends had left behind. His room mate soon tired of this.

Any Girl - An unfulfilled life


After trying on his mothers underwear and being screamed at by his father, he knew that a boy wanting to be a girl was a horrible thing. He knew at the tender age of six he must bottle it up and never speak of it.

One day his mother and her friend were getting him and his brothers dressed and he heard his brother screaming.

"No,no, there girls. They have a rose on them."

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 3


There was a chill in the air by the time they walked through the front door. Sam went into the kitchen to get glasses and a cork screw. Michelle lit the old log effect gas fire and turned on the old radio gram. It took a few seconds to warm up as it was the pre-transistor valve type. Michelle loved it as it had a deep rich sound.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 2


They moved into the living room. The old but comfortable sofa welcomed them both. They sat apart, but at a angle so they could talk. Michelle's knees touched Sam's. Unwilling to part from such an understanding warm presence.

"So how long have you felt this way Michelle?"

She thrilled at being called by her female name. Until today no one had ever called her anything but Micheal, or freak.

The Surgeon's Lodger


"If you want we can go to court and fight this out. You know being the poor put upon wife I will probably win and you'll pay costs."

"But how is that fair? You get the London penthouse flat and I get left with the fixer upper in Hertfordshire. We haven't even started on it yet, it was meant to be your project. There's still a sitting tenant to get rid off."

"You should have thought of that before fucking your secretary shouldn't you."

Tea Party - Boys don't play with dolls


I was 7 years old and bored. My brother wouldn't play with me and I had no friends. I was a very shy child and didn't mix well with other boys. I found them noisy and rough.

I asked my mum if I could play outside and got the normal reply.

"Yes ok, but stay in the street, don't go around the corner."

This was 1969 we never seemed to worry about children going missing. It never happened much or it wasn't reported on.

TERF's and The Bathrooms Debate

In the UK this weekend there has been some debate after an MP received death threats when her views on trans women were made public.
She does have history.


The idea of self identification is being hyped as any big hairy bearded guy can enter a female only "safe space" and say

"it's ok, I identify as female today!"

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The Order of Eve - Rebellion and Revenge


This story ends the 6 parts of the Order of Eve series. The cracks are starting to show in the new regime the end is coming.

This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

The Order of Eve - The Guardianship Inspector Calls

The story continues with the dreaded Guardianship Inspector calling on Mary and Mike. The cracks are starting to show in the new regime.
This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

Rose Of Cimarron

This is my take on a Poco song from 1976 . Please give it a listen. I find it insanely catchy. It's about a woman called Rose Dunn in the old west.


Roll along, roll on
Rose of Cimarron
Dusty days are gone
Rose of Cimarron

Rose stood there staring out of her window, She was wearing a long black dress and was tightly corseted. She wasn't expecting any visitors, but liked to look presentable. Just in case.

The Order Of Eve - Tony's Life In The Labor Camp

This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

I'm a Girl - Apologies to the Who

This was inspired by I'm Their Girly Goy-Boy , by Andrea Lena which was inspired by my blog on the Who song I'm a boy.

Although Holly Snow did this in 2019


Which I really love

This is my take on it ,I thought I'd reverse the genders.

One boy called Emanuel
Another little boy was Samuel
Another little boy was just called Earl
The other was me, and I'm a girl

The Order of Eve - A Visit From Sally

This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

The Order of Eve - A Loving Wife

This is a light hearted story. Not like the first part.

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

Women are encouraged by the Order of Eve, to punish and humiliate their men. If the men fight back or refuse orders they are arrested
and sent to the camps. There are random inspections on the homes of women who are men's guardians. The government want to make sure
they are kept in line as prescribed in the guardianship guide books.

I'm a boy - The Who

I heard this on the radio in the car yesterday.

The Who song I'm a boy was written by Pete Townsend . The song was originally intended to be a part of a rock opera called 'Quads' which was to be set in the future where parents can choose the sex of their children. The idea was later scrapped, but this song survived and was later released as a single.

It was never clear if it was intended to be about a boy who was treated as a girl, or a girl that wanted to be a boy.

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Are stories of children crossdressing porn?

I posted a short story on Literotica recently , or rather I tried . it was A Conversation with Mother - Secret Girl, I even took the part out where he asks his mother if he cut his extra bit off, would he be a girl.

So all innocent stuff, the sort you would have on a daytime TV discussion.

It got rejected as it sexualizes under 18's.

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The Order of Eve - I've Had Enough (Re-write)

I have re-written this story and removed the suicide, as it was too "dark".

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

Women are encouraged by the Order of Eve, to punish and humiliate their men. If the men fight back or refuse orders they are arrested and sent to the camps.

This is set several years into the Order of Eve's government. It 's a dark little story.

A Conversation With Mother – Shopping Trip


As I walked down the stairs of Theobalds Grove station, I felt scared and thrilled. I was a girl. I had seen my reflection I really looked pretty. All the same I was waiting for someone to leap at me and scream;

“Look, that boy is wearing a dress!”

As we walked down the high street, with my hand in my mothers, I realised nothing was going to happen. She looked down at me and smiled.

Crossdressing and Trans Story sites F2M

Just had an odd thought. There are many sites like this one, although this is my favorite.

Sites like Fictionnmania do have F2M stories, these are rare though. Most sites involve M2F and men/boys dressing in female clothing.

Are there any site dedicated to women dressing as men?

I would suspect that the fact that women can wear men's clothes without anyone raising an eyebrow, would mean they would need to fantasize less.

Many of us male crossdressers want to appear female, surely that would make things just as difficult for women?


A Conversation with Mother - Secret Girl

A Conversation with Mother - Secret Girl

I heard the front door close. The noise of my brothers laughing and bouncing the football carried through my bedroom window. I heard my father say.

“Be careful of the road.”

As they made their way to the park to kick the ball about.

I had told them I just want to play in my bedroom.

“Ok, suit yourself.”


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