Sam saw Michelle sitting at the kitchen table her head down looking upset. Fiona was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She was dressed as she always did throughout their marriage, dowdy. She was wearing jeans a baggy sweater and minimal makeup.
"What do want Fiona?"
"Is that any way to greet you wife Sammy?"
"You're not my wife for much longer, what have you come for?"
"I came to get you to sign the divorce papers, no fault as we agreed when you let me have the flat. I'm not sure now though. I think I need another £100k to keep quite about this little mess."
"What mess?"
"Well did Micheal not like dressing up? Is that why you beat him up. I knew were a pervert, but a sadist as well. It makes you a lot more interesting."
"Michelle is a woman Fiona, and more of a woman than you'll ever be."
"Don't you dare say that. She hasn't got a womb, how can she be a woman. She just queer like you, a freaky pervert that likes to pretend."
Michelle flinched at that, and glared angrily at Fiona. She seemed to have more steel in her heart after fighting back against her stepfather. He saw she was itching to act.
"Listen Fiona, you dress like a man, and drink like a fish. There is very little of the feminine about you. You acted feminine before we married to catch me, because you knew I liked it. When we were married I saw the true you. Yes you have a womb, but you never used it. So if you think having one defines you as a woman, I'd say you're wrong. Perhaps it should be using it and having children defines you as a woman then. That would mean all the women that have had a hysterectomy aren't women though"
"You know I never wanted kid's, whining and sniveling all the time, it's my body screw you!"
"You never said that until after we married. You changed your mind pretty quick then, didn't you?"
"I'm still a real woman, more than that thing sitting there is."
"So what makes you're more of a woman than Michelle is then."
"Well I, I, er. You can make love to me. I'm pretty."
Sam looked at Michelle, who had made an effort to cover her injuries with a thick layer of makeup.
"Michelle is prettier than you, and if you think that defines you as a woman you are shallower than I thought. I've only known Michelle for a few weeks, in that time she has shown more grace and inner beauty that you did in five years. You can piss off with your homophobic anti-trans hate speech."
"You talk like you're in love, tell me it isn't true. Was I married to a queer all along?"
"I love women, Fiona real women, Michelle is a woman and I love her. There is nothing queer about that, not that there would be anything wrong if it were."
"Well lets see what your friends and family think about it shall we? Unless you put £100k in my bank account by tonight, they will all find out what a deviant you are. Now sign this so I can be rid of you and marry a real man."
Sam signed the papers and thrust them back at her.
"I never want to see your hateful face again Fiona. Don't come running back to me when your toyboy surfer spends all your money."
"Remember queer boys, £100k, tonight."
Fiona stormed out of the house slamming the front door as she left.
Michelle stood and walked to the living room window to see Sam watching Fiona screech off down the street.
"Don't have an accident Fiona, bitch."
"What are we going to do now Sam?"
"Nothing, we will do nothing. Even if I had the money I wouldn't pay her. Blackmailers never stop."
"But everyone will know Sam."
"I not ashamed Michelle. I love you and want to be with you. I hope you feel the same."
"I do Sam, you have helped me realise that I am, and always was a woman. I want to be your woman, it's just what will your family and friends think?"
"Well if they think anything less of me they aren't my friends. As far as my family goes, I'm sure my sister will love you. My father died two years ago and my mother is genuine eco warrior. She mixes with all sorts of people, she's very accepting. I work in a hospital, they are diverse set of people there. Fiona is living in the 70's if she thinks this will cause problems. If it does, they can go to hell."
They fell into each others arms and hugged. Sam could sense she was getting stronger in her conviction that she was a woman. He was afraid that when Fiona had called her "freaky" , it would have caused her to panic, it just seemed to make her angry. They kissed and found comfort in each other for a few minutes.
"I think we should put the shopping away. Oh sorry these are for you."
Sam gave Michelle the flowers and chocolates. It was the first time she had received these distinctly feminine gifts. It thrilled her. She kissed him on the cheek and said.
"If you want to get into my knickers, I have plenty upstairs you can wear."
She gave him a sideways grin. He was happy she was in a playful mood. After all she had been through in the last few days, she could still wise crack.
"Perhaps one day I'll take you up on that, but I'd rather see you in them."
"If you're a good boy and eat all your dinner, you will get that privilege."
"Hurry up and cook dinner then Mrs, your man is hungry."
The word Mrs, gave her a thrill. Could that ever happen, would Sam ever want to marry someone like her?
Sam went up to get washed, while Michelle started dinner. Later they ate in the kitchen and discussed what little family they had. Michelle had cousins she hadn't seen for years, and Sam had very few close family. He told Michelle that Fiona only had a few email addresses to spread her poison. He wasn't on any social media sites, as they were a distraction.
They sat on the sofa watching films. Michelle nestled into Sam's chest. They shared the chocolates and relaxed. They were both happy and glad of each others company.
"Michelle, I wish I could hold this moment forever. Being here with you, both of us happy. This is what life should be, good moments."
"Do you really love me Sam, I'm sorry to ask, but no one has said that since my mum died. I love you, I really do, I just find it hard to believe you love me."
"You silly woman, come here. "
He drew her face to his and kissed her deeply. They broke the kiss after a few moments. Sam looked into her eyes.
"Michelle I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Will you sleep with me again tonight. When you hold me, I feel so safe in your arms. I really feel like a woman."
They went to bed together. Sam was big spoon again. His arms around Michelle, he could not help feel aroused. Michelle could feel the pressure against her backside, through her silk nightgown. In her mind she wanted to be the woman he needed. Soon she thought, I will give him what he needs, but tonight she was happy just to have him hold her.
They both slept while Fiona was busy spreading her poison.
©Leeanna19 2022
Fiona is very, very stupid.
Fiona is very, very stupid.
Not only did she attempt to blackmail him in front of a witness, but she *assumed* her ex beat up Michelle.
So whatever lies she is spreading are apt to come back and bite her. Defamation of character is just one thing she can be sued for.
An accusation of abuse puts her into "so why didn't you tell the police about this" territory. Which is a you can't win situation. Either it's malicious gossip (back to defamation) or it's "failure to report". She could beat that last if she was very careful about how she words things, but she doesn't seem like the type.
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
Hi Brooke, I think they will
Hi Brooke, I think they will be glad to be rid of her. They have enough legal problems with Michelle's stepfather and trying to get her share of her mothers house.
It will force their relationship out into the open and make them decide where they want to take it.
I think it might have been Oscar Wilde
"A while back someone sent me a letter threatening to blackmail me."
"What did you do?"
"I published it."
I heard that one somewhere, can't remember where; but it shows how you can take control of your own story if you're brave enough (Like a famous early transsexual who wrote her autobiography when she realized that someone was going to make money off of her story, so it might as well be her.)
It might not have been their first choice, it's a lot nicer to be able to live your life quietly and unnoticed; But sending out invitations to OUR BIG QUEER PERVERT WEDDING would make any attempt by Fiona to create scandal seem silly + small minded. I have a feeling any damage she'll be able to do by spreading rumors---trying to get Sam's medical license revoked or whatever---will only be temporary, and will end up making her look bad.
Anyway I love Sam attitude + Michelle's growing confidence. This story just gets better. (But I do miss those pics at the top, even when they're just some mundane anachronistic British thing- like a milk float or whatever. I don't know why...)
~hugs, Veronica
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Just done for you Veronica x
I Think
The "Milk Float" might have been a Police Car! You don't need high-powered vehicles to pursue criminals in the UK!
Fiona's going to be in deep doo-doo trying to make some kind of trouble in a country where same-sex marriage is legal and blackmail is illegal.
All the TERF arguments are exposed here as being the bullshit that they are. Just turn them on their head and apply them to FtoM people.
You don't here much about
You don't here much about FtoM, possibly because this and others I visit are MtoF sites. But M2F doesn't seem to have bathroom problems even though many bathroom are open with guys tackle on full view. Guess there is not much fear of violence from FtoM's
If you want to see"tackle" just go on the average adult contact site. Nothing but "dicktures" LOL
Really stupid move
Let's see...Tommy beat up Michelle and four people saw the results. Two of the four were police officers, who arrested Tommy and made an OFFICIAL report.
The wicked witch of the west flies in on her broom to get the divorce papers signed, only to discover Michelle. Then with Michelle sitting right there hearing everything, threatens Sam with blackmail if he doesn't cough up 100k more.
I'm no lawyer, or solicitor, but if she does what she threatens, all that money she got, or will get, from selling the penthouse will go to Sam for defimation. The OFFICIAL police report will vindicate Sam of abuse, and if Sam is right about the rest, those people will rip miss head up ass a new one. And she might even get her panties in a twist for a hate crime.
So when the dust settles, Fiona baby might just have a new mailing address and lots of girlfriends who won't take kindly to her uppity attitude.
Others have feelings too.