The Surgeon's Lodger Chapters 1-4

This is a story I wrote last year. It is a trans-romance. It has a little sex in it, but not much. It has had some criticism about spelling and grammar on other sites(not here). I have re-written some of it and corrected most of the errors.

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"If you want, we can go to court and fight this out. You know being the poor put upon wife I will probably win, and you'll pay costs."

"But how is that fair? You get the London penthouse flat, and I get left with the fixer-upper in Hertfordshire. We haven't even started on it yet; it was meant to be your project. There's still a sitting tenant to get rid of."

"You should have thought of that before fucking your secretary shouldn't you."

"You know full well I didn't, I hugged her after her mother died, that's what those pictures were."

"Listen to me Sam, I've seen your browsing history. Do you want that to become public knowledge? What will the hospital think about the stuff you look at? How would you like me to tell them that you are a sick pervert?"

"It's not sick it's just different. Funny how it was fine when you wanted to sleep with your friend, but when I express an interest in something different, it’s not."

"Well, you wouldn't catch a real man looking at that stuff. I thought I married a real man, not a faggot."

"You never used to complain."

"I never knew what was in your head when we were in bed. It sickens me. Take the deal or deal with the consequences. Give me the penthouse and I won't sue for alimony."

"But that flat is worth over a million now! The house was only two hundred thousand. Once I paid off the flat, I'll be broke!"

"Well, you better keep the tenant paying his rent then. Is it a deal, or do you want to see what the hospital thinks when I tell them one of their best surgeons is a pervert?"

"Ok, I'll move out at the weekend. You win."

Sam knew she had him over a barrel. Fiona would sell the penthouse and move to Scotland with her boyfriend. The divorce would say it was his fault. At least she'd be out of his life forever the conniving bitch.

The house in Hertford was a hundred-year-old three-bedroom end of terrace. It was close to the town center and the train station. They bought it at an auction and Fiona wanted to "flip" it. She had been addicted to watching television programs where they renovated old houses.

Previously it was owned by a middle-aged woman who had died leaving it to distant relatives, they auctioned it off. When they met the tenant, he had told them he was prepared to move out with a month’s notice. Sam said he could stay until they were ready to start work, he did not like the idea of it being empty. He had been warned that squatters could easily spot empty properties.

Sam moved most of his stuff from the penthouse into storage and arrived at the house Sunday morning. He had a key so just walked straight in.

"Who the hell are… oh it's you, Mr.Walker, Sam isn't it?"

"I'm so sorry Michael, I should have called. It's been such a rush the last few days, it went out of my head."

"Well, it's your house, is there anything wrong?"

"I'm divorcing my wife and moving here. Before you worry, you can stay I'll be glad of the company, well any company that doesn't spit acid as that old witch did."

Michael looked up from the kitchen table with a bright smile and shining baby blue eyes. There was an innocent and kind soul behind those eyes Sam thought.

"I did notice some friction when you visited after the auction."

Sam stared at him, Michael had a lovely smile too. He stared a little too long. He turned away and coughed.

"Any chance of a coffee?"

"Of course, where are my manners. I have no sugar, is half fat milk OK?"

As Michael got up, Sam noticed his smooth legs. His face was very clean-shaven too. Sam wondered if he shaved it off or was naturally hairless.
They sat and chatted about the house and how Sam intended to do some of the decorating himself. Michael suggested Sam move into the smaller bedroom as the master bedroom still had Mrs. Banner’s things in it. He said he wasn't sure what to do with them as Sam was the owner and technically, they were his.

They went upstairs and looked through the room. The bed was a large 1950's style wooden frame, with a soft mattress. There were two large wardrobes. They were filled with dresses and skirts. The floor by the cupboard was covered in shoes. A large chest of drawers was full of nylon and silk underwear. When they opened the bottom drawer Sam noticed Michael’s eyes go wide-eyed looking at the old fashion corselettes and girdles.

"Some of this stuff is old Michael. Did she collect vintage clothes?"

"I wouldn't say collect, she loved to wear this stuff though."

"I'm not sure what to do with it. Dustbin, charity or eBay?"

"I'm between jobs I can sort it out tomorrow if you want."

"That would be kind of you, thanks."

They chatted most of the day. Sam was glad to have good company. Michael was around thirty-five, ten years younger than him. They went for a pub lunch at the Barge pub and sat outside watching the boats go by on the river. It seemed to Sam like he had known Micheal for months. It was odd, he was warm and open. It wasn't like that normally with Sam and men. They took a slow walk back by the river.

Later that night Sam got them a takeaway and they sat and watched a movie together. Sam told Michael he would be back late Monday as he had a difficult heart operation to perform.

Sam went to bed feeling happier than he had felt in years. Was it Hertford? It was a lovely old town. Surrounded by fields yet only twenty miles from the center of London. It even had its own castle. He did like the town. Was it the company? He had to admit he was very fond of Michael. He almost felt attracted to him. He fell asleep optimistic about his life for the first time since he married Fiona.

Sam had a call when he was passing through Edmonton on the A10, the patient had died. As that was the only operation, he was scheduled to do that day he turned around and headed home. He stopped off at Mac Donald’s and picked Michael and himself up a couple of breakfasts.

The parking near the house was full as people using the train station parked there during the day. Sam made a mental note, to build a driveway soon! He parked a hundred yards away and walked in the back gate. As he approached the kitchen, he saw a woman with long blond hair in a green dress and black heels washing up. Michael must have company. He felt bad he didn't bring enough food.

As he walked in the back door the woman turned dropped the plate and screamed. Sam stood slack-jawed at the beautiful woman in front of him. It was Michael.

Michael grew hysterical and started to apologize and blubber. Sam put the food down on the table, walked across and wrapped his strong arms around Michael, and hugged him.

"Shush, don't worry, it's nothing to be ashamed of. You're a beautiful woman."

"But, but you’re going to throw me out and..."

"No, I won't I'm a surgeon. I have assisted in a few sexual reassignment operations. I understand. I do."

Michael looked up with tear-filled eyes at him.

"Do you? I want to be a woman, but I think I still want to keep my boy bits, what does that make me?"

Sam leaned down and kissed her gently on the cheek.

"It makes you a beautiful, person. Gender isn't just about the flesh between your legs. Doing my job I've seen XX chromosome males, XY chromosome females, intersex females, women without wombs, and men with wombs. It isn't just black and white."

"You don't mind? I have been dressing in Mrs. Banner’s things since she died. I feel so guilty about it but would hate to lose all of her beautiful clothes."

"They look wonderful on you. Those nylon stockings make your legs look amazing."

"Do you think so? I have a girdle on too. It works wonders on my shape."

"What do I call you. I can't call you Michael dressed like that.

"Oh, I know it's obvious, please call me Michelle."

They sat and ate breakfast, Sam noticed Michelle's mannerisms were decidedly female. He had noticed a hint of it on Sunday.

"Michelle, I have a confession to make. I find girls like you incredibly arousing. My wife caught me looking on my laptop and wanted a divorce. She doesn't want to understand people like us."

Michelle put her hand on Sam's and looked into his eyes.

"I'm so glad we found each other."

She got up and sat on Sam's lap, they hugged each other like the world was ending. For them though, this was just beginning.

Chapter 2

After a while, Michelle calmed down and they moved into the living room. The old but comfortable sofa welcomed them both. They sat apart, but at an angle, so they could talk. Michelle's knees touched Sam's. She seemed unwilling to part from such an understanding warm presence.

"So how long have you felt this way, Michelle?"

She thrilled at being called by her female name. Until today no one had ever called her anything but Michael, or just “you freak”.

"I knew when I was seven years old. I tried my mother's clothes on. She indulged me, much to the disgust of my stepfather. He called me a freak and threaten to beat it out of me."

"It's so sad how people think along rails. There is very little difference between males and females. We as humans amplify them. You are a man so therefore you will act this way and wear this."

"My mother indulged me, but only when my stepfather wasn't about. He grew to hate me."

"Did you know Michelle, we all start as female, but our XX, or XY, chromosomes determine how we develop? Testicles are like a descended womb. The clitoris is a shortened penis. Vaginal lips are the same skin as scrotal tissue. The...."

"Please Sam too much detail!"

Sam noticed her nose wrinkled when she laughed.

"Sorry, always on as a surgeon. What I mean is sex is of the body, and gender is of the mind. If you feel like a woman you need to express yourself as one. Have you ever been out as Michelle?"

"What! good god no. My mother died when I was eleven and my stepfather threw all my girl’s stuff away. He said he would throw me out if he saw me in anything girly."

"You need to go out, relate to the world as Michelle, see how it relates to you."

"I can't people would laugh. They would see a man in a dress."

Sam dragged her up and stood her in front of the mirror in the hall.

"Look at yourself. All I see is a very attractive woman. You even painted your nails."

"I have had plenty of practice. I hadn't dressed fully since I was eleven. I tried to fight it, but being alone in a house with a bedroom full of women's clothes couldn't help it. When I found the wig, it just seemed like fate."

"Come out with me now. Come for a walk."

"I can't I'm too scared."

"Look Michelle, you need to realize you are an attractive woman, just think that you are and that's what people will see. I'll be there nothing will happen. Just trust me I'm a doctor."

She laughed at that remark and dried her eyes.

"Just a suggestion, get some lower heels and a handbag. You may want a coat it's getting a little nippy."

"I have studied every makeup and deportment video on YouTube in the last year. I do know what to wear and when Mr doctor. Ok, I'll come if it's doctors’ orders."

She went to the bedroom. She put on some low heel wedge court shoes and a plain, mid-length black coat. She checked her look in the mirror. She saw an attractive-looking housewife looking back. This might work she thought. She headed down the stairs, her heart and stomach doing cartwheels.

Sam linked arms with her, and they headed toward the town. As they passed the station there was a throng of people, a train must have arrived. Hertford East was the end of the line, so there were never too many. They passed the couple without a second glance.

In the town, Sam stopped to look at a menu in the bistro. He saw their reflection in the window, a good-looking couple he thought. He saw Michelle's radiant smile. She was happy. This convinced Sam he had done the right thing.

Sam led her through the town to Hertford castle. He loved history and felt the need to explain it to her.

"See that mound, that was the original motte. There was a building on top. Just after 1066, the Normans forced the locals to build the mound and then the build walls around the base."

"You love history don't you"

They crossed the bridge into the castle grounds. On the other side of what was once the moat, they held hands. She looked into his eyes.

"Tell me more. I've lived here for two years and didn't know any of this."

"We must remember our history, Michelle. Those in the past have made many mistakes, so we don't have to make them again. The way beautiful, women like you were treated for instance. We should accept people for what they are, not what we expect or want them to be."

She wanted to reach up and kiss him. She didn't need to. He leaned down and kissed her. Her arms around his neck, she lifted her right leg as she reached up to meet his kiss.

"Sorry Michelle, I just couldn't help it."

"I would have kissed you if you hadn't Sam."

They walked around the grounds and Sam explained that the castle gatehouse was built about 1170 and parts of the wall were possibly 800 years old. She grew amused. It was like having her own tour guide she thought. She stopped him again and reached up for another kiss.

"I think you are capturing my heart, Sam. I'm falling in love with you. It's scary, I've never felt this way about anyone. You're too good to be true."

"I feel the same way about you. I have always found ladies like you very attractive. Some women are feminine by nature, some just don't bother. Women now seem to treat their femininity as a weakness and reject it. Women like you cherish it. Femininity is a strength that compliments masculinity. My wife seemed very feminine until I married her. Then I realized she used it to bag herself a rich doctor. Well, I'm not rich anymore."

"I don't care about that. I just love the way you understand me. I've never told anyone about myself, but with you, I felt at ease."

"My wife called me a pervert because I looked at pictures of women like you. I'm sorry if I seem old fashion, but I enjoy feminine women."

"Were they naked pictures Sam? Did it get you going?"

"I'm a doctor, how many men and women do you think I've seen naked?"

She laughed.

"Point taken."

"I would love to have a relationship with you Michelle, but I'm afraid as soon as we get serious you will start wearing jeans and men's shirts as my wife did. Next, you’ll be stealing my boxers."

She kissed his cheek.

"I wouldn't care if I never wore a single pair of trousers again in my life. These clothes feel so right, so me."

"I really am falling for you, Michelle."

He showed her the rest of the castle and had one more surprise for her.

"The main building there was home for Elizabeth the first as a child. There was a myth she was a man. The myth said the real Elizabeth died of the plague just before Henry, her father was to visit. So, they took a village boy called Neville and dressed him as Elizabeth to avoid Henry's anger. That's why she was the virgin queen."

"Wow, was that true? I wouldn't have minded being Neville if it were."

"No, just a rumor, that's all. Do you fancy a drink in the Six Templars?"

The pub was just outside the castle wall. Michelle knew it well, as it was the least expensive pub in Hertford. She was worried she would be recognized and didn't want to spoil her perfect day.

"How about we get some wine and take it home?"

They left the off-license, and walked home hand in hand, looking forward to an interesting night to come.

Chapter 3

There was a chill in the air by the time they walked through the front door. Sam went into the kitchen to get glasses and a corkscrew. Michelle lit the ancient log effect gas fire and turned on the old-fashioned radiogram. It took a few seconds to warm up as it was the pre-transistor valve type. Michelle loved it as it had a deep rich sound.

She flicked through her LPs and selected Lou Reed's Transformer. She loved collecting classic vinyl albums. She put the record on the turntable and closed the lid.

The music started as Sam came through to the living room with the wine and some nibbles on a tray.

"Classic, Lou Reed, don't tell me you like this type of music too?"

"I love Pink Floyd, the Beatles, Iron Maiden, Fleetwood Mac, ELO, and many of the '70s, and 80's bands."

"I can't believe it. I love that era too. Vinyl gives such a warm feeling, I love hearing the crackle between tracks."

"That radiogram must be fifty years old, but I love the sound."

They chatted about the music they liked and disliked for a few minutes, then Perfect Day was playing.

"Thank you so much for today, Sam, it was my perfect day. You made me so happy. I got to experience a day as a woman."

"You are a woman Michelle, a very special person to me. Why does it have to be just for today? Stay here as a woman full time."

"I can't I need a job to pay the rent. I'm down to my last few hundred pounds. I have to be a man to work."

"Michelle, I'm your landlord. For your sake and mine, stay as Michelle. I'll pay the bills. I want you to be happy. I want Michelle to stay in my life."

Michelle sobbed, and Sam moved closer and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her in close.

"It's ok Michelle, just let it out. Tell me all of it."

Michelle told him about all the pain she felt growing up. The encounters she had with boys when she thought she may have been gay.

"It's understandable Michelle, many trans people go through the same thing. These names like trans, Bi, and gay are just labels though. If you look at a mouse or a dog, can you see if it is male or female without looking between its legs? Do they act differently? No. As I said to you before, it’s just what we humans do. We put things into boxes to understand the world. Some people get scared if you don't stay in your little box. it's bullshit really. You are a woman, and you should live as one if you wish to."

She turned her head and kissed him, her tongue exploring his. He lent into her pushing her back into the sofa. Her hand fell to his leg and found the hard protrusion there. Her eyes widened.

"Did I do that?"

"Sorry Michelle, I can't help it. I'm attracted to femininity. You exude it."

"I'm flattered. Let me see if I can help you with it."

She started to unzip his trousers, but Sam stopped her.

"You don't have to Michelle."

"No please I want to, I owe you, let me do this for you."

"You owe me nothing, I just enjoyed a day with a beautiful woman."

She kissed him and undid his belt. Their breathing became heavier. Sam's hand caressed her stockings and moved up as high as the suspenders. She grabbed his wrist.

"No please, I don't want you to touch me there. Just lay back."

Sam relaxed and lay back. Michelle gently caressed his rigid member. She pulled his trousers completely off, then went to the bathroom to retrieve a bottle of baby oil. She coated his member and gently resumed pleasing her man. Her right hand was stroking his twitching penis in slow sensuous movements, while her left gently massaged his balls.

Sam had never had this from his wife. Sex with her was like a chore, she just kept asking him to hurry up. Michelle was driving him wild.
His eyes were growing wide and his breath quickening. She knew he was close. She lent down and took the head into her mouth, sucked, and swirled her tongue around. He exploded, pumping his seed into her mouth. She swallowed it and licked him clean.

"Oh god that was amazing, please let me do something for you."

"You already have. Just treating me and wanting me as a woman has given me the best day of my life. Were you serious about letting me live here as a woman?"

"Yes Michelle, I'll buy you whatever you need. You can keep the place tidy, shop, cook, and clean. That’s all I ask. I certainly want you as my girlfriend at the very least. You can even play the housewife if you like "

"No Sam, if you like. Do you want me chained to the kitchen sink? Are you into bondage then?"

She laughed at his feigned shock.

"When I said I'd get you whatever you needed I didn't mean chains. You can help with the renovation though; it needs a woman's touch."

Chapter 4

They talked into the early hours of the morning. Sam told her that he had been involved in an on-off relationship with his male roommate in medical school. He said the sex was very infrequent as he never felt fully comfortable being with another man. The only time they had sex he used to insist his roommate wore a pair of knickers that one of his old girlfriends had left behind. His roommate soon tired of this.

Michelle told him before he dropped out of university, he had had several boyfriends. He was always the passive partner in the relationship. He was often referred to as a pretty boy when he was younger.

"Well, that makes sense Michelle. Femininity is a passive force. Yielding, but powerful. I sensed it in you the day I met you. I actually thought you were gay."

"Well, I suppose I am aren't I?"

"Did you dress with your boyfriends?"

"No, I was afraid of being called a freak. That still hurts when I think about it."

"It's not your step-father's fault. He's been conditioned to think like that all his life. I bet he hates gays and lesbians."

"Huh, yeah he does. He had a stack of porn mags next to his bed though. They had lesbian sex in them."

"Typical of many blokes. You disgust me, but can I watch."

She laughed. He was so easy to talk to and had so much empathy.

"Do you see yourself as a woman sexually Michelle?"

"I'm trying to work that out. I thought I was gay, but it never really clicked. I dated a girl once, but I just wanted to get into her knickers, quite literally. She sensed I wasn't masculine enough and dumped me after the second date. I like men but from a female perspective. I like it when you hold me, I feel protected. It makes me feel calm and wanted."

"That sounds like a more female response to me. Can I hold you again?"

They drew closer, and she sunk her head into his chest and felt his arms wrap around her.

"It's going to be alright Michelle. You are going to be what you should have been. I will do everything I can for you."

She looked up with shiny eyes on the verge of tears.

"Why? why help me you hardly know me?"

"I can see you are in pain. My job is to help those in pain, and I think I'm falling in love with you. Sorry, I said that, I don't want to scare you off."
She kissed him.

"Let's just see where this goes. I feel the same way about you, but please give me time."

"You have all the time in the world. How about a date? Saturday I'll take you for a meal in Hoddesdon. There's a nice pub by the river."

"It's a date, I'll find something nice to wear from all the women's clothes you own."

"What? I don't own any, oh!"

"It's your house, so they are your clothes. Why do you own women’s clothes then Sam? Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Ok, very funny. I hereby gift you all of the clothing in the main bedroom. In fact, you should move in there. It's a woman's bedroom, a woman should be living there."

"Thank's Sam I'll move in tomorrow."

They both said goodnight and went to their rooms.

The next day while Sam was at work Michelle sorted through the clothing properly. She had only ever taken the odd item. She was afraid of being caught or someone realizing what she had been doing.

She opened all the drawers and found a treasure trove. There were girdles, panty-girdles, corselettes, and bras. Some of the foundation wear was in sealed Marks and Spencer packets.

She found four packets of unopened vintage nylon stockings. There were many pairs of cotton granny pants, she threw those away. She even found some long leg, silk bloomers. These had lace at the edges of the legs. They must have been a real turn-on fifty years ago. She decided to keep these as she wanted to see what they felt like wearing them.

She went through the dresses. She was like a kid in a sweetshop. Many were vintage. Not all quite to her liking, but too nice to throw away. By the end of the day, she had tried on most of the coats, skirts, blouses, dresses, shoes, and even some cardigans.

She sorted out two bags of clothes for the charity shop. She needed some more modern clothes. She liked the idea of the foundation garments and decided to keep most of the ones that fitted her.

She would talk to Sam about it when he got home. She showered and changed into the silk bloomers. They felt wonderful. The silk caressed her legs and bottom as she walked around the bedroom. She had to take them off to put the black corselette and stockings on.

She put the bloomers back on over them and felt the elastic break on the waist. They were very old, and she made a mental note to buy some elastic when she went shopping. She opted for a pair of plain black knickers that were in one of the unopened packets.

She put on a full silky black slip with a nice lace edge. You don't see these now she thought. She loved the silky feel though. She stuffed the bra part of the corselette with tights and stockings. Breast forms were something else she would talk to Sam about.

The dark blue dress looked so much better now she was shaped by her underwear. She sat at the vanity and did her makeup. Finally, she put on her wig and stood to see the results.

She felt joy like never before. This woman, this pretty woman in retro clothes was her. She turned and admired the dress swishing around her legs. She felt confidence flow through her.

She would go shopping and buy something nice and cook dinner for Sam. She wondered what he would think of her look. She would find out later, but now she felt happy to be, and feel like her own woman.

She slipped into a pair of black two-inch court shoes, put on a mid-length leather coat with a wide collar, and picked up her handbag. As she headed towards Tesco, she wondered if her hair would be long enough for a woman's style. Perhaps she should get her ears pierced at the same time?

She felt so confident she thought she could face doing something like that for the first time in her life. She owed Sam so much. The wonderful man who believed in her. She was going to cook him a nice meal to show him how much she appreciated what he had done for her.

She smiled at passers-by and noticed the approving glances from men of all ages. This was her new life, she thought. They see a pretty woman, not a freak. The demons from her past were slowly leaving her. She got a trolley and wandered down the aisles looking for things she thought Sam would like.

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