St Francis Of Asissies Academy

This is a re-work of one of my older stories. This is around a third longer than the original. I still need to finish it.
If you don't enjoy "forced fem". This is not for you.

stf (2).JPG

Yes, I know that's not how you spell the saint's name.

I have proof read this, but there may be some mistakes. Please forgive these.

This story is set in a crime ridden dystopian UK.

Two thirds of the government ministers are now female. What the population don't know is that Mildred Watkins, the newly appointed minister of youth crime, prevention and reform, is a secret dominatrix.

Mildred has managed to force through her bizarre new polices, by blackmailing her male and female colleagues.

England 2032

The black prison van stopped outside the large metal gates outside the forbidding walls of remote institution.

St Francis of Asissies Correctional Academy, the sign read.

The driver got out and spoke into the intercom screen and presented his ID for scanning.

With a groan the heavy gates slowly swung open. The driver returned and drove through heading down the mile long drive to the main building.

Dave and Andy could see none of this from the back of the van. They had no idea where they were. They left the court in London three hours ago. They knew they were probably hundred's of miles away from home. They were hungry and thirsty and both needed the toilet.

They had both been found guilty of grievous bodily harm. They had been on an all day drinking session after an argument at school with their teacher. Dave had thrown a chair at his teachers head when he tried to confiscate his phone. They both ran away laughing.

They knew they would both be expelled for this latest breach of discipline, but they were leaving school in a few months and did not care. They had both recently turned 18 so they knew they didn't have to stay in school anyway.

They ran into a nearby supermarket, pushed the owner over and stole a bottle of whisky and a bottle of brandy. After drinking the rest of the afternoon in a nearby woods. They returned to the supermarket for more.

Sober they would have known this was a bad idea. They were not stupid, just young and full of testosterone. The owner attacked them with a baseball bat. His age and speed was against him. During the fight the boys overpowered him and in their drunken rage took turns in beating the unconscious old man.

They ran away with more bottles laughing. The whole incident was captured on the shop's CCTV system. The police found them both in a nearby park hardly able to stand. This was serious; the old man was in a coma.

They were in court and found guilty within a week. Now they were 18, they could be tried as adults. They were both sentenced to twenty years in prison. The privately run prison system was a very unpleasant place. Everyone had heard the rumors. Harsh punishment, rape and corruption.

The country had massive financial problems mass unemployment, so most people just cared about their own lives. The harsh treatment of prisoners was seen as a deterrent. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, was the prevailing attitude.

The judge had called their parents to his chambers after the trial to offer an alternative. The guards had been telling the boys in graphic detail about how they would be raped and passed around by the inmates within hours of arriving at the prison. The boys were so scared of the prospect of twenty years of torture in prison, they had readily agreed to five years of the new Mildred Watkins re-education and reorientation program.

Their parents had signed the documents the judge presented them, then they boys signed. The line above said;

"I the undersigned agree to all treatments and will abide by the rules of the re-education and reorientation center."

The judge reminded them that failure would result in the immediate reinstatement of the original sentence.

The parents signed to say they would remain silent about the new justice system their son's were to entering.

The van pulled up, the guard opened the door.

"Out you get ladies"

Both boys blinked at the light as the daylight flooded in. The cold wind stung their eyes. They saw the huge mansion and saw a column of what looked like young women in school uniforms walking into a large door in the center of the huge building.

Dave winked at Andy.

"There are women here, we will be alright mate"

The guard laughed.

"I'm sure they will love you two"

Then he made a kissing noise.

"I don't get it. Some of those women must be nearly 20. Why are they in uniform?"

said Dave.

There were taken to a medical room and were both told to strip by a severe looking matron. They refused.

"Oh well chaps, back to prison with you then."

They reluctantly stripped and were examined weighed, prodded. Urine and blood samples were taken. They were coated in a foul smelling cream from the neck downwards. This, they were told, was to remove any harmful bacteria.

They were both taken to a shower block and told to shower and use the shampoo that was provided. They were glad to wash the cream off as it was burning their skin and itching like crazy.

Andy looked at his smooth body.

"Fuck all my hair has gone!"

Dave had noticed his legs were smooth, not a trace of hair.

"What the fuck!"

The water turned ice cold. They were both shivering within seconds and leapt out of the shower.

"That language will not be tolerated here. Dry yourself and put on these clothes"

She left the shower room, and the boys heard the door lock behind her.

There were two very small towels. The boys dried themselves as best as they could, teeth chattering. Why was it so bloody cold here? Dave thought.

He moved to the pile of clothes that the matron left.

"What the hell, these are women's clothes, I'm not bloody we aring these."

All that was left there looked like a women's full length white nightgown with lace around the collar and bottom, and worse still, white cotton knickers.

"You can't expect us to wear these!"

"If you don't, you can stay in there and freeze. It will be freeze tonight, your choice"

"If you both get dressed, you can go to bed and I will bring you a hot chocolate and sandwiches for your supper."

They looked at each other, Dave sighed and stepped into the simple white knickers. The lace tickled their shaved legs as they pulled them into place. The nightgowns were like oversized tee shirts"

Somehow the matron knew they had dressed. She opened the door.

"Good this will be much easier if you do not fight us"

The boys knew they could overpower her, but then what? They could be anywhere, they would be wanted criminals, with no money and nowhere to go.

They followed her along a hallway and upstairs. She opened a heavy wooden door, she led them in and told them she would be back with their food soon.

The room was a 10 year old girls dream. Pink walls and carpet. A fancy white vanity and a large white wardrobe. The walls had pictures of unicorns and ballet dancers on them.

The room was still cold, so soon both boys had jumped into bed to warm themselves up.

"What's going on here Andy? Pink sheets and lace around the pillows? Are they trying to turn us gay?"

"Don't be daft mate, still it could be worse, we could be in real prison, the stuff that happens there scares the crap out of me. Peter Crompton's brother got five years when he was 18. He was a head case when he came out. He screamed anytime someone touched him. Anyway, we might get to have a go at some of those women."

The matron came in with two large mugs of hot chocolate and thick ham sandwiches.

"You can stay in bed and eat and drink just this once. Goodnight."

The door locked as she left.

Both boys attacked the sandwiches and gulped down the sweet thick hot chocolate.

They talked for a few minutes, then started to feel very drowsy. Soon they were in a deep drug induced sleep.

The door unlocked and the matron entered the room carrying a heavy bag. Their new lives were about to begin..

The boys both woke when they heard the matron enter the room. They stumbled out of bed and saw the matron place a large bag of clothing on the table.

"Right you two, I want you washed and dressed in the next thirty minutes. You have induction this morning"

Almost simultaneously they both grabbed their groins. They felt restriction and tightness down there.

"Leave those alone or there will be trouble."

They lifted their nightgowns and pulled down their knickers and saw that their cocks and balls we encased in steel.

The matron hovered over a button on her watch.

Andy yanked at his and screamed. The charge hit him and he fell to the floor sobbing.

The matron, smirked at Dave

"Do you want to try too?"

"They stay on. They make sure you behave like good little girls."

They both launched into a tirade of swearing and ran at the matron. She stepped back, touched her wrist watch again and both boys collapsed screaming.

"Have you had enough?"

A jumble of words came back, through gritted teeth.

"Yeesssss pleassseee stoooppp"

The pain stopped.

"Tell me, that you will be good young ladies."

Dave snarled.

"No fucking way bitch!"

He collapsed again, screaming and tearing at the device.

Andy felt like he was being stuck with pins, it hurt, but nowhere near what Dave was experiencing.


Dave managed to shout through the pain

The matron looked at Andy, and arched her eyebrows.

"Yes matron, I'll be a good girl too"

He mumbled meekly, the pain stopped.

"You may have noticed you were in less pain than your rude friend. You are linked at the moment. You must help each other to be good girls. Andrea was shocked at level 7, you Dani, were level 2. If I had given Andrea 10, well she may have been damaged permanently. You see, you girls need to make sure you both behave in a ladylike manner or you both suffer. Do you understand?"

"Yes matron."

Came the reply

"Good now get dressed; I'll be back in 10 minutes"

Andy emptied the contents of the bag.

"No way am I fucking wearing that!"

"Do you want your balls burnt off mate?, we don't have a fucking choice. Hurry that bitch will be back soon!"

Dave, still very sore from his last shock, picked up his set of clothes.

They put on the uniforms.

Blue school knickers with tight lace trimmed elastic. They could feel the lace tickle their legs as they tugged them into place.

A lace trimmed vest. A white blouse made of soft cotton. The buttons were the wrong way around, so they took a while to get them fastened.

Then came the item they were dreading, a short green plaid school skirt. They fastened these around their waists, put on the lace topped socks, then finally the black ballet flats.

They could barely look at each other, both were glowing red with embarrassment as the matron unlocked the door.

"If you call me a bitch again young lady, you will find out how much of a bitch I can be."

Dave could not believe she had somehow heard that. Was the place bugged?

"Sorry matron"

"Good, we are ready to begin. I can see you are both embarrassed, may I ask why?"

Andy looked down

"Because we are dressed as girls."

"Why is that embarrassing? Do you think you are better than girls?"

Dave looked at her disbelieving, he was wary of being shocked again.

"Well not exactly, but we're men"

"If I wore a man's suit would that embarrass me? No it wouldn't, its because you see females as beneath you, inferior. You will learn how wrong that is. We will correct that misconception, oh yes we certainly will. Andrea, Dani, follow me"

There she goes again, calling us by girls names, Andy thought.

The boys felt naked from the waist down. They felt the air gently moving under their skirt as they follow the matron downstairs.

Their short skirts swished and tickled their bare legs.

They were led down to a small classroom with a large T.V. screen on the wall.

"Right girls, sit down"

They both pulled out the wooden chairs and sat behind a desk each. Andy felt the cold wood on his upper thighs. This was an unfamiliar feeling.

"You both have a choice now. You have one last chance to back out. Before you say anything I want you to watch this video. Remember you are both going to spend the next twenty years in prison if you do"

The matron pushed a button on the remote and the video started.

The captions on the screen read "Prisoner Simon Blackwell age 19, sentenced 30 years for attempted murder."

A close up showed a dark haired youth sneering at the camera. Next the screen cut to CCTV footage of Simon being dragged into a cell by five burly older men. Then it cut to footage of the cell he had been dragged into. His clothes had been ripped off and he was being held down while the men raped him. There was no sound, but you could see he was screaming.

Then the footage changed again to the recreational area. The camera zoomed in on Simon. His long hair was in pigtails, his eyelids had what looked like cigarette ash smeared on them. His shorts had been ripped and sewn to look like a skirt. His shirt was tied in a knot, giving it an appearance of a bra top.

The worse thing was the close up. The camera zoomed into his face. The look in his eyes as a huge muscled bald man wrapped his arms around him. He looked terrified. The captions read,

"After four suicide attempts the subject appears to have accepted his role within the unit. While this behaviour is not sanctioned, the induction of younger inmates into serving as female sexual partners keeps the general population passive. The prospect of never having sexual congress again for some of the more aggressive long term inmates used to be a source of constant tension and violence.

The younger inmates provide a useful source of distraction. While this solution is in no way condoned, we would recommend the non interference policy continues. This report should not be released into the public domain"

"OK girls, you can end this now and be sent to prison for twenty years like poor Simon did, or you can remain here and accept the training we offer. If you do accept you need to sign consent forms for some minor medical treatments. As you are both 18, we do not need your parents consent, just yours. I will be back in five minutes with the forms"

The matron walked out of the room without closing the door.

Dave looked at Andy

"What the fuck! I don't want to be a girl"

"Nor do I, but what choice do we have? You saw what happened to that poor sod, can you imagine twenty years as someone's bitch!"

Dave looked at the half open door.

"We could run."

"Have you forgotten what's wrapped around your cock?. You would be on the floor screaming before you reached the yard. You do what you want, I'm going to stay. Before you say anything, think, five years then this is over, or you can do twenty as someone's prison wife"

"There really is no choice then, just remember whatever we have to wear or whatever they make us do, we are still blokes. We will back to our old lives before we are twenty four mate"

The matron chuckled as she watched the boys discuss their fate. The whole academy had state of the art monitoring equipment. Everything the pupils said was recorded and analysed. Their chastity devices had a range of five miles, and could be gps tracked.

The fake report they had watched was a very useful tool for getting the pupils to agree to the medical procedures. While she knew that type of thing did go on in prisons, the report implied that it happened to all young men entering the system.

The Matron walked into the room with the forms in her hand.

"What's it to be, are you going to be good girls? Or are you going back to prison?"

Andy looked up with a defeated look on his face, his arrogance almost all gone now.

"We will stay and accept the training and treatments."

"Good, now sign these forms and I will explain how things work here" s

She collected the forms, noting neither boy had even bothered to read them.

"Right, from now on you call me Matron or Miss. All male staff are to be called Sir, the female Miss. Any lapse in this will earn a demerit. All demerits are added up and correctional punishment is given out in weekly assemblies."

"But you never..!"

"You have just earned 1 demerit for interrupting me Dani."

Dave shut up and looked flustered.

"You may be warned or corrected by staff at anytime using your shock devices. While you are here you will be taught to behave and think like girls, and later women."

"Mildred Watkins revolutionary program is based on the fact that women break the law a lot less than men. They are less violent. There is more work available for women in our modern society. Men are good for fighting and heavy work. We are not at war and machines do most of the heavy work now. Where we do need people are jobs like nursing, caring, secretarial and even maids and nannies."

"With the new middle class getting wealthier they are crying out for domestic staff. Servants are now seen as a statement of wealth. They all want them"

The boys shifted in their seats trying to take this all in.

"Your first six months here will be as girls. We will assess you to see what work you are suitable to undertake. The second six months will be as young women, you will dress and learn to behave as such. In your second year you will receive training in your assigned career. Later, you will be found a place of employment for the remaining three years of your sentence. "

"I will remind you that at anytime we can send you to prison to serve your original sentence. Is that clear?"

"Yes miss"

"Good. While you slept you were implanted with slow release hormone capsules. These will help you to look, feel and act more like girls"

The boys looked like they were about to shout, they saw her hand move towards her watch and stayed silent.

"You agreed to this, and more when you signed the forms"

"The effects will mean you may develop small breasts, also your penises will remain soft. This should not matter as you will not be able to play with them for the next 5 years anyway. You will come to realise that the testosterone they produce, is what got you into all this trouble."

"You will be monitored at all times. It is your job to make sure each other act feminine at all times. You will both be punished for each other's lapses. Do you understand?"

They glanced at each other.

"Yes miss"

"Good, if you are making progress we will allow your families to visit you once a month. Now you have missed breakfast, but you can both spend the rest of the day in your room reading the rule book. I will have lunch served to you by one of our maids in training. It will be prepared by a second year trainee cook."

"See how useful it is useful having so many willing young ladies around? You could be training like them if you work hard."

"Tomorrow you start your classes with the other girls. Now back up to your room"

Family visits, thought Andy, oh my god that means my little brother will see me like this!

For the first time, he was truly regretting what he had done.


Andrea and Dani returned to their room.

"What are we going to do Andrea?"

"Don't call me that, you dick"

"You heard what she said, we have to act like girls, or we get punished. She could even be listening to us now."

What they suspected was true, matron was making sure they feared being overheard, and fear of punishment was being well and truly implanted.

"You're alright, Dani sounds like a boy's name!"

They inspected their room. The shelves were now full of dolls, teddy bears and girls books. Andrea looked through the titles. There were books about ponies, princesses, dressmaking and cooking.

"We have no choice I suppose Dani, we will just have to be good girls"

He stared out of the window while their situation sunk in.

There was a knock on the door.

"May I enter young misses?"

This must be lunch, Andrea thought.

"Yes, please come in"

As the door opened, Andrea realised that for the first time since they arrived it had not been locked.

A maid entered carrying a tray with a pot of tea and two plates of sandwiches.

Dani stared, his jaw open and almost drooling. It wasn't the food; it was the maid. She faced away from him and bent her knees to rest the tray on the table. As she did her skirt fluttered up slightly, giving Dani a small glimpse of stocking top and petticoat. She was stunning. Perfect makeup and hair. Dani had a kink for women in maid's uniforms. He felt pain as he grew hard in his steel cage.

"Good afternoon young misses, my name is Francine, can I help you with anything else"

"I thought matron said there were only guys here?"

"Yes young miss, that's true, why do you ask?"

"But you are never a man, surely?"

The maid looked around furtively, she lowered her voice and whispered in his ear.

"I was, and am, and don't call me Shirley"

She giggled and winked at Dani. Then stood up straight and said in a loud voice.

"We are all girls here just like you miss."

Dani could not believe it. He had got hard looking at a man! Was he gay? Would he be lusting after Andrea soon!

Andrea shook his head in disgust.

"How come you're a fucking maid then?"

"Well at the end of the first year we are all tested. I was selected to be trained as a maid. My friend Roberta is training to be a nanny. We are hoping to be employed at the same house."

"What if we don't want to do the jobs they select?"

"You have no choice. If you fight, you're punished. After that you can be sent back to prison looking very feminine. You can guess what would happen then. I did hear of one girl that was given a full sex change. After that she had no choice but to live and work as a woman forever."

Dani was shocked.

"No fucking way they can't do that!"

"Did you read the forms you signed? Well, you have given them permission to perform necessary surgeries. You fight them and you won't need your cage ever again"

"But I thought that..."

"Don't fight the system. Be good girls, do as you are told. You may hate being girls, but think, half the population are female. They do not find being girls and women degrading. Think of yourself as female and you may even enjoy it."

Andrea looked away disgusted with what she heard.

"Shit, this is going to suck."

"I would advise you to stop swearing. There is voice recognition tied into the monitoring system. Everything you say that doesn't fit with being good girls is reported each day. Your demerits are punished on stage at weekly assembly. So, think before you speak, think only girly thoughts."

"Oh look, you dropped a book on the floor, I'll get it."

Francine bent at the waist. As she bent, the skirt of the black French maid's uniform rose up. The boys both gawked at the sight of the rows of frilly white lace on her knickers. They were framed by the tight white suspender straps, holding up black fishnet stockings.

Both boys breathed heavily as their trapped members expanded painfully inside their steel prisons.

"Sorry, that was rude. I should have bent my knees. I'm always being told off for that. Anyway, I better go. Perhaps I'll see you around."

With that she expertly minced out of the room.

As if they both sensed each other's arousal, they looked away from the door and both sat quietly eating and drinking. Francine had reached the bottom of the stairs and faced the matron.

"Well done young lady, you did very well. Hopefully we should have little trouble from the new girls."

Francine curtsied.

"I try to please madam"

"Save your madams for your future employers. This will go a long way to getting you assigned a job with your beloved Roberta."

"Thank you, matron, is there anything else?"

"No, you can return to class now."

With that Francine curtsied again and clip clopped along the corridor in her four-inch black patent leather court shoes.

The matron smiled to herself. An excellent start she thought. Both the new girls were now terrified of either losing their manhood or being sent to prison as sex toys for hardened criminals. Fear was the best way to start, they would accept everything she had planned for them now. She could now start them in school with the rest of the girls.

The door to their room burst open, and the angry looking matron rushed in.

"Right, you two, I have been patient with you as you are new. I heard you swearing earlier with Francine. Tomorrow your demerit system starts. For swearing today your punishment is an early bedtime and no dinner."

She dropped an armful of clothes onto Dani's bed.

"Right get changed, now!"

The boys inspected the latest implement of torture. They held up pink baby doll nighties. They looked at the matron who nodded. Silently they stripped down to their knickers.

"Those too."

They slid the knickers down their legs and picked up the pink ruffled knickers that came with the baby dolls. They looked like something you would see a 1960's sex kitten wearing.

Probably why these things were called baby dolls, Andrea thought. Reluctantly they stepped into the mass of frills.

"Right girls, put your dirty clothes in the washing basket outside your room. They will be collected later and washed. I will bring you fresh clothes in the morning. By the way, you will spend one day a week in the laundry. You need to learn how to take care of your pretty clothes now don't you?"

She looked at them in turn.

"Yes matron."

They said in unison.

"Good, now to bed with you, and let your empty stomachs remind you how to behave. You will not be treated this lightly from now on. Anymore swearing and you will be up on stage with your knickers at half-mast while I cane you."

She smirked.

"I'm looking forward to that. I will be watching and listening. From now on you must look after each other and correct any boyish behaviour. Now say goodnight to each other girls."

"Goodnight Dani."

"Goodnight Andrea."

Then together.

"Goodnight matron."

"Oh, by the way, the security system has been set. You are not allowed to leave this room until morning. If you try you will be shocked. Sweet dreams girls."

The boys just lay in their beds. They had run out of options. There was no way out.

No way of staying as boys. Their future was feminine.

The old wind-up alarm clock woke the girls at an unfamiliar 7am. Dani arose first and made his way to the bathroom. He hiked up his baby doll, then realised it was too short to get in the way. He looked down at the sea of pink froth that was his underwear. He felt sick.

He tinkled into the toilet, thinking how much he missed standing to pee. He took some toilet paper and dabbed around the opening in his cage.

Matron had told them they should do this. She had told them she would carry out snap knicker inspections, and woe betide any girl with soggy knickers. She told them all girls wiped after peeing anyway.

Dani stood in the shower for a few minutes to wake up. Then he washed his hair with the sweet flowery shampoo. He dried himself and finished his ablutions, redressed and woke Andrea.

After Andrea had finished, they sat on their beds and waited. Just after 8am the door opened. The matron arrived carrying an armful of clothes.

"Well girls, you're in luck. We are changing to the winter uniform and have had a new delivery."

She laid out four yellow tartan skirts, six white blouses, six packets of black tights, two packets of day-of -the-week knickers in pastel colours and what looked like six white bras.

"You are responsible for keeping your clothes neat and tidy. You can hand-wash all your underwear and hang it to dry in the bathroom. Now get dressed and be downstairs at 8.45."

They silently put the clothes away and started to dress. Andrea looked at the knickers. It was Wednesday. The Wednesday knickers were baby blue, with half an inch of lace round all the openings. He sighed and pulled them on. He was trying to put the tights on like he would socks.

Dani, who was fully dressed and was brushing his hair, saw Andrea struggle.

"You have to roll each leg into a doughnut. Here, let me help."

Andrea looked down at Dani,: how did he know these things? Perhaps he didn't know him as well as he thought.

Dani helped Andrea into what he called a training bra. Andrea had trouble with the reversed buttons of the blouse. They both put on their ballet flats and headed downstairs.

The matron was waiting.

"Good, I can see you both worked out how to wear your new clothes. Follow me."

They walked through the large doorway onto the road that ran along the side of the large building. A slight breeze blew up under Andrea's skirt. The tights seemed to make his legs even colder than he remembered shorts would.

"Right, you two. We operate a buddy system here. You can talk to each other when permitted, but don't get into conversations with the other girls. You can be polite, but we can't have all you girls asking about each other's nasty past lives, can we now?"

They entered the main hall of the school building. Dani stared at the sight before him. There were many girls dressed as they were, with pretty faces and long hair.

There were other girls dressed in a much more grown-up fashion. It reminded him of the girls that went to the local college. Miniskirts, maxi skirts, dresses; not a single pair of trousers here, though.

One girl was dressed as a goth, in a black leather miniskirt and fishnets. Dani could not believe how pretty they all were. He felt the pressure build in his cage again.

He saw another young woman rush by in a maid's uniform, tottering on her high heels.

"Hurry up Suzy, don't want to be late for class again."

The maid looking flustered quickly curtsied.

"Sorry matron."

Then she rushed off, carefully avoiding the seeming chaos around her.

"Ok girls, room 17. Health and beauty. I can see you are envious of all the pretty girls around you. By lunch time you will both fit right in. No more guys in dresses."

They saw the sign on the wall in front of a corridor that read "Rooms 11-20." The door of room 17 was open so they walked in without having to knock.

They both stood stunned. The place looked like a large beauty salon. There were girls in various states of dress. Some were having their nails painted, several were under hair driers, one was having what Dani recognised as a bikini wax.

A tall middle-aged woman with striking red hair saw them and approached.

"Matron told me about you, the new girls. I'm Miss Winters. Don't worry, we'll soon have you fixed up. Then you'll fit right in. Some of my girls have been with me for months; they could work in any beauty salon in the country. "

He glanced about and fixed on two girls wearing what looked like nylon tunics. Both were wearing black skirts and low heels.

"Marcia, Petra, I have some customers for you. I will be grading you on your performance, so don't let me down. I want hair extensions, full makeovers and a mani-pedi. You have four hours."

"May we use some of the other girls to help?"

"Yes Petra. Remember, Matron will be checking the results, so chop, chop!"

Andrea thought they must have been Mark and Peter a few months back. Are we going to look that good? Both girls had flawless makeup and legs that were starting to turn him on. He could not get over the fact that everyone in this room full of sweet-smelling beauties were young men.

After nearly four hours of what felt like gentle torture, Miss Winters came across to them carrying large pink shoulder bags.

"Well, didn't you turn out just beautiful. Good work girls, some of your best."

Dani was aching to know what he looked like, but the chairs were turned away from the wall mirrors.

"Before the big reveal I have a gift for you both. In these bags are your personal care and makeup kits. There are lady razors to help you to stay smooth, although the hormones will soon put a stop to most of your body hair growth. Also, there is basic makeup, cleansing cream and shampoo. You must do your best to appear beautiful every day. From tomorrow we will start teaching you all you need to know."

She spun both of their chairs around.

Dani was in shock. He looked like his older sister would if she had been a beauty queen. His hair was long and blonde, his lined eyes looked wide and sexy, his lips were - he hated to think it - what he called perfect cock-sucking lips.

Andrea was in a similar state of shock. It was like he wasn't looking at himself, but some version of a guys wet dream. This couldn't be him. The mouth in the mirror opened and shut with his. It was like an out-of-body experience.

He looked across at Dani. If he was an eight, then Dani was a ten! He felt pain in his groin. He was lusting after his best friend!

They got out of the chairs. Dani put his hand down to steady himself and looked at his manicured hand with its perfect pink nail polish.

Matron arrived to collect them.

"Well, look at you two! I knew you'd turn out well. Miss Winters, I will be rewarding the girls who did this work in assembly. Well done."

"This will be your first lesson every day. You have lunch now, then room 11 for ballet."

The boys looked at her like a pair of rabbits caught in headlights.

"Don't look so scared. What you learn here is what most girls learn growing up. There are very few lessons here that involve books. Most are to learn female skills. You will be doing cooking, dressmaking, and laundry, amongst other things. Standard skills for most women. Ballet will help you learn grace and feminine movement. Follow me."

They followed matron down another corridor until they reached a door marked Pupils' Dining Room. Opposite, another door was marked Teacher's Dining Room. Waiting outside was a distinguished looking man in his early fifties.

"Matron, what a pleasure it is to see you again"

"Sir Richard, if I'd known you were coming, I would have laid on a special welcome."

"Just an informal visit to a friend, that's all, my dear."

"How kind! Please join me for lunch. You girls, trot along and meet me here in forty-five minutes."

Andrea and Dani walked into the dining room and collected trays and shuffled along behind the other girls. It was just like dinning room, except they knew the young dinner ladies in pink tabards had cocks held tight in cages in their knickers.

They ate in virtual silence, stealing glimpses at each other, both trying to come to terms that they were being turned on by their best friend.

In the teachers' dining room Sir Richard pulled out a chair for the matron.

"Thank you, Sir Richard, always the gentleman."

"Any time for a lady like you, Mary. If these new laws work out, and your work is recognised, Lady may well become your title."

The matron flushed. She did not dislike men, even though her job was to turn young thugs into nice young women. She liked men to have manners, style and understanding. Sir Richard had all that. He was a perfect gentleman and an outrageous pervert. He owned the buildings the academy they were using.

They had met at one of Mildred Watkins's S&M parties. Sir Richard had been in a leather slave pouch and not much else. Mary had given him a good thrashing. Subsequent meetings involved many other kinks. Mary knew he had both dominant and submissive tendencies. He only really showed his dominant side to sissies, crossdressers and shemales. This was one of the reasons he liked to visit. The sight of all those feminized young men got his heart racing.

"Any more thoughts on the pupils' marriage option, Mary?"

Matron knew what he was angling for. He would love to marry one of her young ladies. He would have his fantasies on tap and could indulge whenever he wanted. Mildred and Mary had toyed with the idea. Auctioning off some of the best-looking girls to wealthy perverts. It would make them both extremely rich. They needed to be able to convince the girl to agree to marry the winning bidder. Mildred had said that she knew someone who used to work for the KGB, who could set up brain-washing and cerebral implantation techniques. It all seemed rather farfetched to her.

"Did you have your eye on anyone then? I saw you looking."

"Well, that blonde filly you were with, she made me think many sinful thoughts."

"She is much too new, she is only days into training."

"When she's fully cooked let me know. I would pay a million to own something like that."

Mary thought she would talk to Mildred that afternoon. If Sir Richard would pay a million, they were sitting on a goldmine.

Mary worshipped Mildred. She had met her years before. They had been lovers and now best friends.

It had started when Mary had asked her husband to attend a hospital appointment to find out why she had not conceived. Mary had been tested, she was fine, so the only problem must be with Peter. Later at home, Peter got violent and had hit her. She raised the subject of donor sperm. This caused another violent argument which resulted in her getting a broken nose and two black eyes.

Peter had stormed out, saying "You barren bitch, if you think I'm raising some other man's sprog, you are fucking mad."

Mary met Mildred when she had been taken to hospital after a minor fall.

Mildred had asked her about her injuries. Mary told her that she had fallen down the stairs, but Mildred knew the look. She knew men and women and what they were capable of. She arranged to meet Mary about some consultation work after hours.

They met at Mildred's London flat, and Mary broke down, telling her of the death threats and the daily beatings Peter was giving her. Mildred saw the bruises and was sickened. She considered herself a professional dominatrix amongst other things. She did inflict pain and did mark her willing victims, but this was only going to end up in Mary's death. She felt cold fury that this filth could be doing this to a gentle harmless woman.

Mildred looked in Mary's eyes and said, "Just say the word and it will all be better."

The look on Mildred's face scared Mary.

"What? I don't want him killed!"

"He's killing you! But I can just make him go away, he won't be killed."

"Yes, please save me."

Mildred told Mary to stay with her that night, and when she returned home the next day Peter was missing.

His company and friends had called over the following weeks, but no one had seen him, and he was listed as a missing person. Mildred stayed in touch and got closer to Mary over the following months. One night after too many bottles of wine they slept together. In the morning Mary felt guilty, but thrilled.

She had asked about Peter, but all she got from Mildred was that she would meet him, just not yet.

Mildred gradually introduced Mary to the S&M scene. Mary grew to realise she enjoyed having power over others' bodies. She would have soaking wet knickers after giving a sub a good beating, and demand Mildred tongue her to an orgasm.


Almost a year and a half after Peter's disappearance, Mildred told her to meet her at her flat.

They were going to visit Peter. In the car on the way, her stomach was in knots. Even though Mildred had told her they were in no danger, and even though she had become a stronger person since meeting Mildred, she was still scared of Peter. It made her angry that the thought of Peter made her weak again.

They arrived at a grubby block of East End flats. Mildred told her chauffeur to wait with the car as they went upstairs. Mildred put on a decorative mask and gave one to Mary.

"We don't want him to recognise you. Well, not straight away anyway."

They knocked on the door and were ushered in by a dangerous looking Eastern

European man. Through the door they saw an overweight square-jawed woman with huge pendulous breasts, kneeling on the floor. She was wearing a cheap leopard-print coat with a leather miniskirt that had ridden up to show her lace thong that disappeared between her spotty buttocks.

Standing over her was a large black man. He was well over six feet tall and built like a professional boxer. He held a syringe in his right hand and glared down at the woman.

"Why should I give you this, bitch, you're barely earning your keep!"

"Please daddy, please. I'll be good. I just need my fix then I'll go earn you plenty."

The man looked at Mildred, Mildred nodded.

"OK then bitch, show me your best blowjob. Then you get your fix."

The woman fumbled with his fly and the huge eight-inch penis flopped into her face. She sucked and licked it like her life depended on pleasing it. Perhaps it did, thought Mary.

Mary felt angry about what was happening, but she knew enough not to interfere.

The men could easily overpower them anyway.

The man started to brutally fuck her face. The woman was choking. Mary stepped closer to stop the man from hurting her. As she got closer, she had a good look at the woman's face. It was Peter! The face was feminine and worn, but it was Peter.

The fury built within her. Peter had treated her like this in the past. He had her on her knees and forced her to do this. She got in close and enjoyed the pain she saw on his face as he fought to breathe.

She heard the man groan as he released down Peter's throat. He pulled out smearing the remaining seed around Peter's face.

"Clean yourself up, bitch, you've got work to do."

"My fix, you promised, Marcus."

Mary whispered in Marcus's ear."

"Yeah sure, £20."

Mary gave him £20 from her handbag and went over to a dirty worn armchair. She sat down and eased her knickers down her legs.

Marcus dragged Peter to the chair and said "You do a good job licking that pussy. When she comes, you get your fix."

Peter put his hands with their chipped nail polish on Mary's knees and slowly pushed them apart. He nibbled, licked and sucked. Mary knew he had done this before. It was just that he had never done it to her before.

The sense of power she felt was building up to a powerful orgasm, looking at the man who had made her life a misery, kneeling before her eating her pussy. He was a helpless feminised whore, a slave to heroin. This was much better than killing him.

She climaxed like she had never climaxed before. Her juices squirted into Peter's eyes. He screamed and wiped his eyes on his sleeve. As he looked up at Mary, she took off her mask.

"Well, hello Peter, how have you been?"

Peter screamed. The look on his face would stay with Mary for the rest of her life. As Marcus injected the heroin the scream died.

Mildred looked down at Peter and kicked him in the ribs. He looked up with blurry eyes.

"You got off lightly. You are officially dead. Peter no longer exists If you come near Mary again you will find there are worse things in life than this."

"Like, like wh.. what?"

"How about being a blind deaf paraplegic? Locked in your own brain, unable to tell anyone of your pain. Waiting an eternity to die?"

"Nooo, noo, I'll be good, I'll be good."

Mary saw the big bad monster was now a broken thing, not a broken man. He certainly wasn't that now.

They returned to Mildred's flat and made urgent, but gentle love.

Mildred explained later that Peter had been completely castrated and injected with a mixture of female hormones and heroin. He had no sexual organs now. He just lived day to day now, working as a cheap whore trying to get his next fix. Mary felt sorry for him, but she knew he was only weeks away from killing her. At least no other woman would have to suffer from his abuse.

Matron would do anything to please Mildred. That is why she had been put in charge of the big experiment. Sir Richard being willing to pay a million could open the venture up to a whole new level.

They already take all the wages from the maids, nannies, beauticians and other workers they had sent out for their last three years. This had helped fund the programme.

Selling girls off as wives would make the money, they took in wages look like chicken feed. They could expand, and cream of a percentage for themselves. Any prison reform that made a profit would be welcomed by the government and the public.

As they parted, Sir Richard kissed her hand. She smiled at him.


Dani and Andrea arrive outside room 11. They could hear the dramatic music playing within.

They were about to enter when Andrea looked at Dani.

"Can you do me a favour? call me Andi. Just like you with an "I" at the end."

"No not really, you know she will hear. Both of us will be punished."

"But that's not fair! You aren't called Danielle."

"Well, she calls me Dani, so I suppose it's ok. Don't you get it? If we don't help each other to act like girls, we both get punished. So, get put your big girl panties and grow up. We are here, and we are girls or our life is over. Twenty years in prison and probably no future after that. Just suck it up Andrea."

Andrea sighed. Finally, she accepted it. She must stop fighting, or try at least. Dani seemed to be adapting a lot quicker than Andrea. It almost seemed like she liked it. She never thought that her best friend might be queer.

Inside room 11 there was a mirror that ran the entire length of the room. The floor was polished wood and there was a small raised stage at end of the room.

A middle aged woman with long pink hair greeted them.

"Good afternoon girls. My name is madam Adage. You can just call me madam. Matron has told me about you. For the next few weeks you will be receiving personal tuition from me for 2 hours a day. You are much too clumsy to be with the other girls, so you need some intensive training."

She looked from face to face, waiting for a response.

"Yes madam," they replied in unison.

"Let's get you dressed. I'm sure we have plenty of things in your size."

She opened a large cupboard. Dani and Andrea could see a sea of sparkling satin and lace. She selected two pink satin leotards, pink tights, pink ballet shoes and lastly two pink tulle tutus.

We're going look like fairy's thought Andrea.

They went to a changing room in the corner of the room concealed behind a mirrored door.

Andrea was irritated when Dani told her how to put the tights on again. Dani also figured out how to tie the ribbons on the ballet shoes. He looked at his friend. He didn't seem too upset. Was he actually enjoying this shit?

As they re-entered the room they could see their refection in the mirrored walls. They looked like fairies on a Christmas tree. They had to hold their hands away from their sides to avoid crumpling their tutu's.

"Good girls, now we shall begin with some stretching exercises."

For three hours they learned basic ballet moves.

Plier (to bend)

Etendre (to stretch)

Relever (to rise)

Sauter (to jump)

Tourner (to turn)

Glisser (to glide)

Elancer (to dart)

At the end of the lesson both of the new girls were exhausted.

"The idea of these lessons it to get you moving like girls. Men are such graceless creatures. The poses you learn will eventually make your posture more feminine, your arm movements more graceful. I will see you tomorrow."

They returned to their rooms then went back to the dining room for supper. They noticed most of the girls kept to themselves, or only spoke to their companion.

"I fucking hated that today Dani."

"Stop swearing. You know what will happen."

"Sorry, but it makes me feel sick all this frilly girly stuff."

"Just suck it up, five years and it's all done."

"Five fucking years! I'll go insane."

The hall went quite, everyone looked in their direction."

"Sorry, she's a little upset."

Both felt a itching tingle in their chastity devices.

They were being warned.

A few days later Dani and Andrea were on the stage wait to receive their demerit punishment. Dani had been well behaved, it was Andrea.

She was due 12 stokes and Dani 6 strokes. This was due to the "buddy"
system that encouraged you to remind you partner to always keep feminine and sweet.

Andrea was bent over a table on the stage in front of the whole school. The back of her skirt was lifted, then her knickers were pulled down to her ankles. She looked up to see Matron pick up the cane and thought back to what had caused this.

The first visiting day had been the day before. Dani's mother had come alone to see her, but Andrea's mother had decided to come with his brother. While Dani's mother talked quietly with her, Andrea's brother just laughed at her.

"Oh my god look at you, you little poof. You're a girl now."

"Don't talk to your brother like that. He's just doing what he has to do to stay out of prison." Said Andrea's mother.

"Oh, but I think she looks sweet in that little skirt. I bet he's rocking some frilly girly knickers under there, aren't you ANDREA? Come on give us a flash."

"Mum, I going to bloody kill him, if he doesn't shut up."

"Terry don't talk to your sister like that. It is very rude to ask a young lady about her underwear. Andrea, it is unladylike to threaten your brother."

"Yeah, ANDREA, don't get your knickers in a twist. When you get back you can suck my mates' cocks, I'm sure you're going to love doing that BITCH."

After that, Andrea flew over the table. Grabbing for her brother throat. She was flat on the table top her pink frilly underwear on display to the whole room, as she had her had wrapped around her bothers throat. The whole room was aghast.

The matron flew into the room and activated the shock devices. Andrea got a level 8 and rolled off the table to the floor clawing at her groin. Dani got a level 4 and was doubled over in her chair.

Now on stage awaiting punishment in front of the whole assembly, Andrea felt the cool air on her backside and waited for the first stoke of the cane. It came. She felt a white-hot pain sear through her backside as the whole assembly counted.




By the time they were on four she was a blubbering wreck. By six she had
wet herself.

"Oh, please stop, no more, please."



Matron leaned forward and whispered into Andrea's ear.

"I'll stop, but you have to sign some special papers to agree to some extra training, or you'll be getting this every week."

"Yes, I'll sign anything. I'll do anything. Please just stop."

"I have decided to be lenient to the new girls. But let this be a warning. Unladylike behaviour will not be tolerated."

The whole assembly was quiet. While two or three stokes were normal, six was bad No one had ever seen twelve been given out.

Matron was a surprisingly strong woman. They could see the end of the bamboo cane had split with the force she used.

"Right, you two. Back to your rooms."

She watched Dani untangle Andrea's knickers. She wouldn't be able to wear those for a day or two. She helped the sobbing sissy off the stage, and back to their room.

She went to her office to call Sir Richard to tell him the blond he had a fancy for may just be available. After that she would call Mildred about the brain washing expert.

Things were coming together nicely.

A week later Sir Richard and Matron were looking through a one-way mirror into a room where Andrea was sitting back in what looked like a dentist chair. She had headphones on and what looked like a virtual reality headset.

"The programming works slowly Sir Richard. We need to do a little experiment when she has finished this session. We are implanting you as an object of desire."

"Splendid Matron. If all goes well, she will be an excellent replacement for Lady Farnsworth. I do miss having a woman about you know. If I can't have you with that dam sexy uniform, Andrea will have to do. I suppose I can get her to wear what I want when we're married?"

"You do realize that she won't be your sex toy. She will just be very attracted to you. You will have to court her. Get her to love you."

"Yes, I understand Matron. I know underneath you are a kind loving woman. I know most of these young ladies here would go on to a life of crime or end up dead."

"They would Sir Richard. After five years, we will meet with Andrea and Dani and give them the conditioning release phase. If they want to leave or stay it will be up to them. We are conditioning Dani to feel a lot of affection for Andrea. They will come as a pair. Andrea as your wife, if she agrees, and Dani as her lady's maid and companion. "

"Yes, you explained how having a familiar person around would make her settle. I have agreed one million to you for five years with Andrea. I will also put four thousand pounds a month away for Dani a month, as well as pay you the same. Dani will have £240k after five years. What training are you giving them?"

"I'm paying half of what you are giving me to Dani's family. Hopefully it will help them out of the horrible mess they are in. I will do the same for Andrea's family. This way we all win. Even those two former boys. They were on course for a long term in prison or a life of crime."

"That's very generous of you. What about the training?"

"Dani is being taught makeup, hairdressing, massage, and general domestic skills. Andrea is being taught social skills, Art, Violin, cordon bleu and S and M. I know how you enjoy a good beating. I am teaching her that myself."

"That is absolutely wonderful! I can't wait. When will they be ready?"

"Surgi says it will take another few weeks to imbed the training properly. You don't want her changing her mind about you, do you?"

"No of course not. The perfect woman. Young and sexy with that little something extra. Who also knows how to use a whip. She will be treated as a goddess. She will want for nothing, nor will her companion."

"Not just a whip. She'll know almost everything I do. The training session has finished. Quickly wait outside the door and talk to me as she leaves."

The door opened and Andrea stepped out blinking. She looked about and saw Matron talking to a man. The man turned towards her. She felt her heart flutter.

This man, what was it about him? She felt herself stiffen inside her cage. He looked so handsome. Why did she think that? Since when did she think men were handsome?

"What are you staring at girl?" said Matron.

"Close your mouth and be off to your art appreciation class. Quick sticks, or you'll get a demerit."

"Sorry Matron, Sorry Sir."

Andrea quickly walked down the corridor.

Sir Richard noticed her hips swayed as she walked, one foot in front of the other. Yes, she would do nicely.

"It looks like the treatment is working. She was fascinated with you Sir Richard."

She would have to be careful. While she loved Mildred, she knew if she reported the conditioning to be too successful, Mildred would want to use it for even darker purposes.

©Leeanna19 2022

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