Just came back from a short break with my mother. She is 85 now and has just lost her partner. I want to spend as much time with her as I can.
I never got much "Leeanna" time, as one of my sons stayed for a few nights. So last night I got a chance to try out a wig that my mother helped me pick. Long gone are the days my own hair sufficed. The dreaded testosterone has thinned my own hair too much to convince anyone.
She insisted it had to have a fringe. I think she was right.
I have so very little confidence in my ability to "pass" and not get read. After I took this I went out for a little walk. I passed several men and a couple. I was totally ignored. I was in heaven. Strange how little things like that can make you so happy.
Bangs make a lot of sense for a lot of M->F trans somethings as a lot of them tend to have prominent orbital bones around the eyes. I recently read a woman at Costco partially because of that plus due to the way her body moved and a bit due to her height. She was still basicqlly passable to Joe Public though.
FFS is very expensive so I am not surprised she has not opted for it.
I am lucky being Asian and have no prominent brow ridges. Yippee for the 'effeminate' look of young Asian males.