Many of us who struggle with gender identity also struggle with many other emotional issues and even neurodivergence. There is PTSD, ADHD, OCD, autism spectrum, depression and anxiety, to name some of the heavies. That list is most definitely not exhaustive, but it contains the issues that are most prevalent and/or that cause the most collateral issues for us.
Among the YouTube channels that I follow for self-help and self-care the video Relationship in “Hard Mode” – Why We Had To Rethink Our Strategies by How to ADHD has struck a chord that resonates pretty strongly with my own current reality. And I think that can be helpful to many others in our community here at BCTS.
Besides How to ADHD there are also Mom on the Spectrum and Yo Samdy Sam also from the self-help perspective. With a bit more of a professional care provider perspective I follow MedCircle, Mind, the mental health charity and Dr. Scott Eilers. And if you understand German there is also Psychologie im Alltag.