JessicaNicole's blog

Opposite character portraits - recommended reading

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After reading the story A Love Like No Other by Little Katie, I started reading the stories she linked to. Two of those stories, A Different Kind of Life and How Life Can Change, are very similar as to the circumstances that befall the main protagonist (in both cases a 9 year old boy). But the behaviour of the respective parents are exactly oposites of each other.

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My stress level just spiked through the roof

For those of you who do not yet know me: I live in a small country in the heart of South America, about 500km away from the Capital (about 7 hours bus trip, and if you are really suicidal about 3 hours by car). Even though both of my parents and I were born and raised here, we are still considered foreigners and unfortunately of the rich sort. Considering my cultural roots in a very conservative cristian religious community (were I still live today), that is not so far off since my community and several others of the same background in this country are a big powerhouse in the agribusiness.

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