Blog About:
Most of us who are somewhere on the Trans-spectrum are familiar with bullying, and to some extent even cyber-bullying.
After struggling with serious debt issues, a toxic marriage relationship resulting in a long and traumatic breakup and custody battle, and first the new-build of a house followed by the renovation of a very old house, I started looking on the internet for resources. In this search I came across a young couple who had decided to get out of the "rat race" and through down-sizing become debt-free and start a more sustainable and healthy life-style. They had started to document their journey on YouTube.
As they were documenting their journey and sharing resources along with their thought processes and motivation, I started to look at my own life and how to apply some of their concepts to my own life. It also became an exercise in learning from the mistakes of others, a ray of hope in my own very dreary day-to-day, as well as living vicariously through their adventures.
Given the very slow and unstable internet connection available (max 64k on a good day), I spent many hours downloading their videos in order to watch them off-line. Downloading a 10 minute video could take 25-40 minutes!
Through their channel I have discovered several other families (channels) who share their journey of down-sizing, getting debt-free, self-sufficiency, freedom and home steading with the wider community.
Unfortunately, two years ago this young couple stopped posting videos on YouTube. And only in the past month they have posted a few recap videos again. Today they posted a first of a series introducing the dangerous experiences they lived through in the last few years. They have declared January 2023 as "Cyber-bullying awareness month" and have asked their subscribers to spread the word and help fight against cyber-bullying by sharing resources.
Here is the link to Pure Living for Life and their video Full Story: Forced Off YouTube by STALKERS & TRESPASSERS.
Jessica Nicole