It seems that hardly a week goes by without a request for money.
Come on people, open those purses and wallets. Erin and her team need our support.
I've donated $200 this month. I've had to put off getting a replacement tyre for my bike until next month.
If we don't support the site then it will go away and will be a huge loss to the community.
Dig deep people.
Donation amount
I monthly donate a large amount also. However, I am not sure mentioning the amount makes a difference. It can either spur on people to try to match it or they will use the excuse for not donating.
I am still up in the air about that.
But yeah, expenses are higher just due to inflation as Erin is open about money being used for her own personal bills also.
Additionally the user base is on the older side so we face also the very donors literally not being there anymore one day.
Used to
I tried to be supportive of the site, but now I'm living on Social Security I barely make it month to month. Other older readers may be in the same boat. Sad but true, SS is not that good in supporting seniors. And yet the rethugnicans want to cut it back calling it an "entitlement". B*llsh*t!! I paid into that thing my entire working life, only to have Congress swipe the money and leave behind useless IOUs!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Bad Health
Im barely able to function. Perhaps if I feel better.
There are many ways to support this site.
No one should "give 'til it hurts."
Everyone should give what they can in proportion to what this site does for them.
Support can be given by:
Writing stories for BC.
Reading stories on BC and posting comments.
Writing blogs for BC.
Reading blogs and posting comments.
Buying from the site sponsors.
Donating your books to Erin and allow her to keep the proceeds from Amazon.
Add a codicil to your life insurance, naming this site as your beneficiary. Policy death benefits can be split. I've specified that $25K go to this site.
Send positive PMs to others on the site.
This is a partial list. There are a lot of volunteers working to make this site function as it does.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I Wonder
Is it better to donate anonymously or openly. I worry that if I specify the amount I give it causes others to say they don't have to or does it encourage them to open their purses?
I am lucky in that I am reasonably well off but I know most people are not, living on state pensions or similar.
I just want to do what is best for the site, as it is a lifeline for all of us.
I rarely say anything
When I donate, it's through PayPal... (I know that some folks here don't like PayPal.) I never post that I've done so. I'm living on SS, supporting three people on about 3K a month. I do have an emergency fund that I can tap if it feels necessary. This allows me to do things like replace the water heater and the washer and dryer. (I've had to do both in the last six years since I've retired)
I've managed to downsize my lifestyle to make ends meet. I do have a small amount of discretionary funds that allow me to rebuild my emergency fund, albeit slowly, when I have to tap into it. I've been known to do so in order to support this site when it appears the need is great and others don't seem to be stepping up.
I try to avoid any long term debt so as to maintain my discretionary money. However, last April I had to commit to some and it's been a tough go since the end of June. That commitment should be fulfilled by the end of December.
As I've mentioned before, I drive school bus part time. So at the end of September when that income starts flowing again, I hope to be able to do a little something.
But here's food for thought. If those of us who regularly visit this site to read, comment and post stories each committed to one dollar a month, I'd hazard a guess that our money trouble would disappear. I know that if we all dropped as little as 50 cents for each story we read, Erin would looking at paying her minions something near what their time is worth.
Most of the folks who keep this site running do so with little or no compensation. That's just not right.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann