My solution for the funding problem.

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Every month Erin has to BEG on bended knee, for money to help keep Top Shelf functioning and with the exception of a few who regularly go far past what might be expected, the contributions trickle in with no real solution that could eliminate the problem.

Well, here's my solution. It seems painfully obvious to me, but I understand if it doesn't to everyone else.

There are in excess of TEN THOUSAND members on this site. If each of them would just contribute ONE DOLLAR, each month, it would eliminate any need for Erin to have to BEG for any monetary help.

Naturally, some of us can afford to do more than a dollar and that would just be great if everyone could do that, but a lot of us are just living from hand to mouth and even 5 bucks is a lot for someone who is struggling with just paying the bills.

There are several who go way beyond the call and kick in quite a bit more than a dollar. They are so appreciated that I cannot say thanks enough to them.

For the rest of us, a buck or two a month is all we can do, BUT... I feel almost like I'm freeloading on those who do give large sums each month... So...

Erin is deeply in personal debt because she has given all she has, financially and emotionally to keep Top Shelf online. Piper could make much more in the private sector for doing what she does, but she does it out of love for Erin and for the site itself.

Erin keeps this wonderful resource going because she loves us and what it means to so many. She gives us a safe place to be ourselves, hone our skills as writers and connect with others like us.

Folks, it is up to us... every damn one of us to keep this thing going. If we don't... well, the internet would be a much darker place for us. We have a place where we can write, read, communicate with others and relax, knowing that we are among friends and even fans.

Go to Patreon and send just one dollar a month. If enough of us do that, the amount that would generate would not only keep the site online but would also help Erin get out of HUGE debt... we're talking tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

I've said this before, but you can't get a decent cup of coffee, a soft drink, or even a bottle of water for one dollar! Even some candy bars cost more than a buck!

I'm a Patreon member at ten bucks a month. I also have given ALL the income from my stories that have been or will be published to Erin for the site. I'm not asking any of you do more than that or even close to that. All I'm asking is one lonely dollar from all the members here at Top Shelf.

It's time to stop procrastinating and time to step up. Without you, Top Shelf could easily go the way of the Dodo.

Once again, Thank you VERY much to everyone who is already regularly contributing in one way or another. To everyone else, what's standing in your way? What can be done to make it easier to help? What can I or anyone else do or say to motivate you?

Off my soapbox and waiting.
Catherine Linda Michel

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