Heya folks!
Just a head's up that the site might be seeing some downtime later this evening (24th January 2024.) There are going to be some updates coming through, and while they're going to be processed as quickly as possible, they might result in the site being unavailable for a while.
If I get any more information on specifically when to expect such outages I'll try to let folks know here.
Thanks for your patience!
Melanie E.
Thanks for all the good work you're all doing to keep the place running.
Thanks for letting us know beforehand.
Big Hugs tmf
Love, Andrea Lena
The shown items are suitable
The shown items are suitable only for the nice elves keeping the site up, but they are not suitable for the site itself. If you feed these items to the computer then you'll only get one thing: damage bills a few thousand $ worth. :-p