Site/Network Downtime/DDoS

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Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the downtime, but it appears there was a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack happening that was affecting our VLAN (the sub-network most our servers are on). While this DDoS. doesn't appear to have been directed at us specifically, we've been having increasing issues with this kind of traffic as of late, and will be working with the data-center to insure we don't have any issues in the future. Thanks for hanging in there everyone!

-HuGgLeS- ~BigCloset Admin Staff (Piper, Joyce, Catrina and Sephrena)



Thanks for all your efforts in keeping track of these things for us.

Ellery Q

Ellery Q

Thanks for the FYI. I wondered why BC *dissapeared* for a while

So the BIG QUESTION is Why? And Who. The TWO BIG QUESTIONS are WHY, WHO and HOW.

The THREE...

So spammers, nutters who disapproved of one of the othr sites hosted at that provider? China, Iran, Russia or one of the other nations known to be involved in or chooses to ignor hacker attacks on other nations web sites?

At least BC is up again.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Tch-tch John

If you're gonna count, be sure and leave your shoes off, as one hand will be busy typing! ;-)

Thanks for the heads-up, Piper. Didn't know what was happening, but I was sure y'all were on the case.

Thanks to all!!!

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

May these hackers be taken early,

and suffer long. Thanks for all you, Erin, Sephy, and all the other admins do to keep this site clean and clear and on the air.

Huggles and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Can not keep me away

Even with a stick. I just had to call it an early night but I will always return to home base. Thanks for all of the hard work on your parts.


With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


I noticed it this morning,

Wendy Jean's picture

and while I didn't know why it doesn't surprise me. I don't plan on leaving, I have too many friends here. Thank you for being here.

Doesn't sound like a very robust server farm

... DDos can be pretty intense but server farms should be able to handle a LOT of bandwidth (eg Amazon cloud) without it overloading.

I am glad that the blackout did not last longer also.


Robust Network Design

Piper's picture

The Company that hosts our boxes, only has about 201G into/out of that specific facility in Denver.

The DDoS didn't take out their entire network, only the 100MB VLAN that these 4 servers were on.

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

Thanks for your continued efforts

Angharad's picture

in keeping us afloat. As we do no one any harm, I don't understand why anyone would wish to attack us or similar sites. I simply don't understand some people, they don't seem to be able to leave any one in peace, so I'll send them love in the hope it drives them nuts.
