To use @Voice Aloud Reader on my Samsung tablet I move a copy of the file I want read to a @Voice Aloud folder. Since last night, rather than a copy of the file moving, I'm getting what appears to be a CloudFlare message appearing in the @Voice Aloud Reader folder. I'm using Chrome to view BCTS. (EDIT) I just installed Firefox on my tablet with the same results as Chrome.
The Title of the message shows up as:
Just a moment...
Text of the message follows:
Checking if the site connection is secure
Enable Javascript and cookies to continue needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.
Ray ID: 790370fefcd9e81f
performance and security by Cloudflare
Referred to piper
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
CloudFlare Anti DDOS is strange...
On a bad connection (mobile phone in the countryside) it could go into the loop of "prove you are human", "checking connection", "Prove you are human", rinse, repeat...
But... for an inexplicable reason...CloudFlare trusts all and any traffic from the US gates of the major free VPN providers. So try using VPN setting preference for the US servers. I don't use any voice readers, but going through a VPN saves a lot of heartache...
PS: Russian hackers not use VPN! Russian hackers Russian! Only use Russian IP!
Thanks for Your Rec - But no joy
Thanks for your help. I don't have experience with VPN. I installed Windscribe free on my tablet. It all seems to work fine. I selected the "Best Location" choice which turned out to be Dallas Ranch which made sense to me as I'm located very close to Dallas. It shows a new IP address.
But, no joy, I still get the "Just a moment..." note. It's very possible I've not set up the VPN correctly as I'm not familiar with them.
BCTS has an option to open page in...
... "Printer-friendly version" (under title above tags on the right).
Then you can select text (easier than from normal page), copy it into any text editor, save, open it in the reader. More hassle but should work...
(probably someone had found a way to do the DDOS attack using @Voice...)
There is, basically, nothing to setup in VPN apps. But you can try to change your local access point to something distant, like UK, Germany, or Australia. It helps with some sites.
Suggested Method Does Work - It is More Time Consuming
I actually used a more basic version of the method you suggested when I first started using @Voice. It is quite a bit more time consuming, but it's better than can't use the voice app at all. Thanks for the suggestion to use the printer version.
Cloudfare is a PITA
Safari, Waterfox & Puffin all can access this site but earlier this month, Cloudfare decided that Firefox was verboten. It kept asking 'Are you human'. All the other browsers mentioned are on the same MacBook. My main browser was Firefox and has been since... well, when it was Mozilla. Then suddenly and without any changes at my end, I get 'Cloudfare says NO'.
At least I have the tech savvy and have other browsers available. Many other users don't.
I had been considering using Cloudfare for my websites. Now? No way in Hell.
All because I went away for the weekend and wanted to use a different IP address to access BCTS.
Your Site Works Fine For Me
I'm still able to copy your stories on your site to the @Voice Aloud Reader Folders.