Renee M's blog

LBG Animals

Same-sex Penguins Hatch Their First Chick at New York Zoo

Same-sex penguin pairs aren't unusual.

A pair of same-sex penguins hatched their first chick at Rosamond Gifford Zoo in New York and the parents are caring for it like pros.
The two male Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) named Elmer and Lima were given an egg to incubate because the egg's biological parents have a history of accidentally breaking them. A chick hatched from the egg on Jan. 1 and is doing just fine with its same-sex parents, who keep the newborn penguin warm and fed. 

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Another way to cause Tgals to exist

“Gender-bending” chemicals mimicking the female hormone oestrogen can disrupt the development of baby boys, suggests the first evidence linking certain chemicals in everyday plastics to effects in humans.

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Wild Mustard, continued...

Now, some of the mustard in our front yard is going to seed. To thrive in their nitch as a weed they, of course, have lots of seeds. Seeds are 1.0 mm by 0.5 mm. The cylindrical seed pods are about 4 cm long and about 0.8 mm in diameter. In the plant I picked, seed pods extend 20 cm below the initial flower every 8 mm or so. The flower has petals and male parts that look like pollen sacks. Since the plants are in seed, the pollen must have been released weeks ago.


Hi Everyone

Hi BCTSers and visitors, I’m Renee M and am almost 71. GRS 1992 with Stanley Biber; yup, I'm a Biber Babe.
Some older members might remember me; I never contributed very much, a poem, a short-short, and some Beatles songs with lyrics modified. Lately, I comment and even message a little; how I say whatever I’m trying to communicate isn’t very well constructed or clear, but I try.

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Greater Strength in Small Animals, Fae, Pixies, etc.

For your holiday pleasure or need for nerdiness: This relates to a recent story, but also any story with small or shrinking beings/characters. This is just biophysics, no magic used!   The first part was written for something else.

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What Foods You Eat IS Important!

I've blogged and commented about how some foods, that are greatly enjoyed by characters in many stories, are unhealthy. I've singled out bacon, because of it's additives, it's fat content and it's high heat preparation. I'm not really trying to save American Hogs; I'd rather help out and reduce the suffering of BCTS readers.

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Neuroscience, Guilt and Innocence

I listened to "Science Friday" (USA-NPR) last friday; on the program was a neuroscientist talking about his research and a new book of his. There was a link to his article in the 2011 Ideas section of the Atlantic Monthly. I read the article, mainly about his 2011 book, and was impressed.

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Unexpected AZ Weather

Today the temp at 9:30 AM was 85 ° F and the sky was completely cloudy. Usually, even with cloud cover, the temp would be in the 90s. Right now, at noon, the temp is 75 ° and we've had light rain with little wind for 2 hours. I think most Arizonans who've been here more than a few years aren't too surprised by this weather, but I figure most of the country expects us to always have daily highs of 105 to 120 °.

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Blade Runner, The Final Cut

I just watched the last approx. 50 min. of Blade Runner, The Final Cut (2007), which I'd not seen before. I thought it was much longer the the original US theatrical version, but I looked it up; it's only one minute longer, 117 min. vs 116 min.

In the last part of the film, everything was happening more slowly and dramatically. The ending, with Deckard (Ford) and Rachael (Sean Young) driving north on the Pacific Coast Highway, was cut. There may have been other scene missing to give more time to the slower action.

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Emergency! JadenSkywalker8

Can anyone contact, phone, text, IM Jaden? See er Blog: I'm about at my limit 5-12-12 2:57pm.

E sounds clinically depressed. E might be getting close to irrational. One can not count on appealing to er reason, faith, charity, love, family, etc.

E needs to call er parents and go to a hospital emergency room or similar! Talking might help, but OTOH it might not. I think E needs to be with people who can physically stop er from hurting erself, taking those pills, etc. E also needs to see a psychiatrist ASAP.

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Homo and Bisexual Birds and Mammals

I was just reading Huffington Post science stories and found two about sexual behavior some might find interesting:

Enjoy and learn!

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I've Got It

I've Got It!

There was a recent blog about significant people in ones life having dementia.

My dad died of Alzheimer's at age 72 in '96. There are family stories of men dieing from doing crazy things, in old age, in my dad's family. I think the family might be a hereditary propensity toward Alzheimer's. My mom has Alz now at age 87; she's almost completely gone mentally. There is no evidence that hers has a genetic component.

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Some Problems

A persistant problem of mine is when I feel bad, I retreat into myself. Depression itself seems to be a forced retreat from the outside world. It makes sense, in a way; depression can come from injury, problems with others, etc. (This is excepting biological/genetic based depression, which actually is just a tendency to become depressed more easily.) When one has health or interpersonal problems, it might be better to withdraw and heal or let group tensions ease.

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Gender Neutral Pronouns

In 1993, I joined an online email group that we called TS Lesbians. We wished to avoid patriarchal language, such as he, him, his, etc. being default pronouns (used where the gender of the person referred to by the pronoun is unknown).

Use of she/he, him/her, etc. seemed literally correct, but awkward and wordy. Using they, their, etc. for third person singular, although it has been done for centuries, brings problems of whether other parts of speech in the sentence should be singular or plural.

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