Greetings family, members, people, and others;
I've noticed that many blogs relate significant life events. I have good news. This hasn't happened since 2000. Probably most of you won't be especially interested, but maybe Angharad will care.
Around the end of January, this year, I decided that I had built up enough surplus in my checking account That I could buy myself a better bicycle. On eBay, I bid on and won a 2007 Cervelo Soloist frame (fork, headset and seatpost) for about $1700. I built up the bike with a DuraAce 7800 (10 speed on the rear axle) group except for a Bontrager carbon crankset. I also got a very good deal on a Bontrager carbon XXX Lite tubular wheel set. The wheels are really pro quality, very light and aero. I guess I'll set them aside for races and special events.
This is the first carbon fiber bike I've ridden. It's only two or three pounds lighter than my previous best bike, a 2000 CAAD4 welded 6061 Al Cannondale with 9 speed DuraAce, however it seems much faster accelerating, climbing and flat riding. It feels fantastic.
After I won the bid on the Cervelo, I felt a little guilty that I hadn't purchased a new bike for Kim, my partner. I decided that it would be nice to also buy her an almost new frame and good components. Kim and I have been great Cannondale fans, we already have 5 'dale road bikes and 2 mountain bikes. I sort of jumped ship buying the Cervelo, but I admired the aerodynamics of the Soloist. It's the most aero road bike by any major builder. Both Cervelos and Cannondales are/have been used buy major pro teams, e.g.used in the Tour de France.
Kim's even more of a 'dale loyalist than I, she also used to be a great climber. If she decides to get in good shape, she can be again. Anyway, I knew she'd love the latest pro level Cannondale, the all carbon fiber SuperSix. I bid on a 2008 SuperSix and bought it for <$1200, a great deal. I payed immediately, but we had trouble getting the seller to ship us the bike. He wanted to remove the Cannondale Hollowgram crankset, probably the lightest and best made, also the most expensive crankset, but his shop never got it's tools in, or something. Finally he shipped the bike with the excellent crankset. It arrived Tuesday 3-10. I built her bike with SRAM Force 10 speed and with just the lightest wheels we had lying around, her bike is lighter than mine (which I expected). The 2007 Soloist sacrifices some weight to be more aero. The best 2009 Soloist, the S3, is a lot more expensive, but under 1000 grams for the frame so it's probably closer in weight to the best Cannondale (the SuperSix).
I just finished the SuperSix this afternoon. We are both very happy! I'm also done with my "winter depression" (seasonal affective disorder). At least it's shorter in duration here in AZ than in Western NY or New England, where I used to live. I can control my "regular" chronic major depression pretty well with exercise, thinking I've learned thru therapy, and psych drugs. Having Kim lively and loving is also much better than having her inert and depressed. If I just get a little bit more confident, I might be able to suppress my fear and anxiety enough to try and make friends with someone this year.
Big, Big Hugs and Bright Blessings, Y'all,
Sounds really nice...
Have you tried some of those full spectrum light bulbs? They're supposed to help with mild seasonal disorders... I know they help my spouse deal with our winters here in NJ.
Good luck, and enjoy the new bikes.
Nice Bikes
A doctor friend has just bought a Cervelo frame and is very pleased with it. Makes my little Specialized(s) seem in the shade, still I do love them still, and only stopped taking them to bed because Bonzi complained it was making the sheets oily :)
I've got some repairs being done to Dolly at the moment - not that confident in unscrewing too many bits in case I screw up entirely :(
So I leave it to my lovely bike shop man.
I have renewed my membership to British Cycling - which means technically I could race, if they can find slow enough snails to give me a chance :)Actually, I do it to support the most successful team in cycling history, and hopefully to try and keep it that way.
I wish Renee and Kim loads of happy and safe cycling and am just a tad envious of their lovely bikes. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Angharad y beic.
Well i guess my lowly Giant Scr 2 will have to do for another year!
I find i rather perverse really, when i coulda done sopmething with a really nice race bike i couldn't afford one, i can't afford one now but as Angharad can attest, its not the bike but the legs!
The main reason i can't afford a lovely bike is that i've been working in the cycle trade for 15 years - i guess the chance to drool and dream is supposed to make up for the lack of income! Still i can dream - i will build my sub 20lb steel road bike this year - honest, i will! Then maybe i can start saving for a set of £3000 aero bars to go on it!
Maybe i could get Drew sponsored by Cervelo, i could get his castoffs then!

Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell