DOJ Fights For Trans Professor's Rights

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I don't know who's seen this:

Good going for the DOJ. I wish they'd have helped me 22 years ago.


Slowly, slowly

Rhona McCloud's picture

37 years ago I never considered it was worth even trying to continue my academic career after transitioning. Changes come slowly, both legal and social but it is good to read that openly transitioning no longer necessarily means the end of any professional life.

Rhona McCloud

22 years ago...

people who were 'different' in their sexuality and gender identity were hidden in the back of the closet behind some steamer trunks and Dad's military footlocker. Anyone who poked their head above the rampart, usually got it shot off, unless they were a celebe with enough star power and draw with the public. Then their differences were palmed off as eccentricities, or ignored.

It's only recently (the last decade or so) that LGBTQ issues have come out of the fringes. In 1997, The Other Side lounge was bombed by Eric Rudolph. With regards to "official" Atlanta, it was pretty much ignored. No one was interested in finding out who blew up a "lezzie" club. It wasn't until the same bomber blew up two women's health clinics that the po-po's circled back to take a look at The Other Side lounge bombing.

Fast forward 15 years and a Black, presumably gay man is beaten in Atlanta. No police report is made over the incident, until the video is posted on WorldStar Hip Hop. Suddenly Atlanta PD is falling all over themselves to find out who the victim is, who laid the unprovoked beat down on the man and who filmed it. MEIN GOTT, the FBI gets involved!

Now, over the past two months, the public has been inundated with what's going on out in Indiana, and rightfully, the public has been pissed off. City government is getting involved, heck, even state government is getting involved to fix a bad law. There's public pressure on the Governor to resign because he put ink on paper and signed the fatally flawed legislation into effect. There's another Governor (not known for being kind to people who are not in the majority) that's asking the state legislature to recall the bill that's waiting for his signature to rework the fatal flaw.

Government only gets involved when they think its in their best interest to get involved. That includes law enforcement. Its stupid, I know, but its the way human nature and politics work.


Most of the comment seems correct without verifying anything.

The last paragraph is absolutely right.

A question needs to be asked. What benefit are the democrats trying to milk from this situation? Please keep in mind DOJ may 'vanish' the instant it doesn't look right to the folks who pull their strings.


I think the majority of LGBT folk vote Democratic. If we are cynical and discount progressive people's desires to obtain and enforce civil rights for all of us, we might think that the DOJ is showing the value of a Democratic administration to LGBTQ folk, their loved ones and allies. This might be what political pundits call 'energizing their base' (or something like that) so this base is more likely to donate, work for progressive candidates and vote.

Counter-cynical, some could see this as living their Christian or other religious values; helping the most down trodden, loving and respecting everybody, championing Justice.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,