Not going through the other states for TG resources, here is Oklahoma. If the discrimination laws get signed into law by Stitt do diligent research. My sincere sympathy to all my brothers and sisters who are caught up in this illegal action by my own state legislature and governor who have absolutely no concept of transgender. Some of these sites want donations. That's up to each individual.
Long long ago in a galaxy far far away...? Okay, realistically before many of you had your first opportunity to wet your diapers proving to your mother the water works were truly water works, I was seeking hormones mostly not available in Oklahoma. Those that were, included a doctor's visit costing six times the usual visit. Prescriptions were one month only. The estradiol was in house only and it also cost four times other sources. I began purchasing hormones overseas. At that time perfectly legal, inexpensive, and usually from the same company selling in the U.S..
What I'm trying to say is I'm an old warhorse at this game our politicians are playing. Many nations no longer ship hormones to the U.S. Purchasing overseas is a crap shoot. One has no idea what they are buying. Could be floor sweepings or worse. The right connections one may connect with a physician in Canada for prescriptions and hormones. It's legal and safe.
Some states still allowing hormones also allow a P.O. Box to be a legal residence. Find a physician, open a P.O. Box and have mail forward on the mail. Some physicians one doesn't need to be a resident that state for them to write prescriptions. Ask your kindred spirits for guidance and advice. They probably won't write or ship hormones to states like Oklahoma because of the insanity our legislature wrote into the hateful anti transgender laws. Support or treat transgender, go to prison.
This will wash out in the courts. It has to, can't discriminate against a singular class of people. And boy oh boy did they ever single us out as a class of people. In the meantime, take care of yourselves. Do what it takes to live your life until all these bigoted politicians get put back in their place.
I'm trying to get traction with all those organizations who "claim transgender support" and hopefully get to speak at public meetings, organizations, and with members of the legislature. So far, all blow and no go from them. I'm wondering just exactly what they do besides collect donations? And those politicians who claim they want to hear from their constituents? Just not from the smallest minority.
I wrote a very nice letter to my congressman, senator and governor. This is only a part of it.
My final thoughts on laws, government, medical needs and everyone on the outside looking at those of us who are transgender. That is the basic problem, everyone has an opinion and honestly they haven’t a clue. We are such a small sliver of society. Our best research is us doing what we have always done since time began. Practicing what works and doesn’t work and sharing that knowledge with each other. There are zero medicines approved by the FDA for transgender. What we receive is off shelf allowed for other medical needs.
Calling every child transgender who acts out is as wrong as removing support from those who truly are. It’s so wrong in every concept we as a society belong to, destroying lives on both ends. Learn what transgender is and just as important what it isn’t before passing judgment.
Either support us or leave us the hell alone.
Barbie Jean Lee
Be careful
I suspect that a number of these so-called support organizations have been infiltrated (or even created!) by those who have other motives: by making trans requests (not demands) look and sound outrageous they achieve their object of putting people's backs up.
This is a similar tactic used by people infiltrating other worthy causes, like clean air, etc. I have long thought that by edging those causes to extremes unwanted by most they manage to marginalize folk with real problems, for their own ends.
Common tactic for people looking for abortion help.
Vigilante extremists these days will go to any lengths to destroy the groups they don't like. They are no better than those committing China's genocidal campaign against the Uyghurs.
Again, who in their 'right' mind would support those who are systematically trying to destroy us?!
Comment deleted by author
— Emma
Off my Christmas List
Dear Ms. Emma Anne Tate, I wish you to know as a professional dark cloud, yer off my Christmas list. You may expect the new five hundred million yacht in the Bahamas this coming Christmas. It isn't happening. Nor are you getting the Ferrari 812 GTS for your birthday.
When you come for your next visit at the el Hacienda expect to do your own laundry, feed and take care of your horse, and prepare your own supplies for your trail rides. If you show some remorse for your hateful comments, I may let you pet the goats.
Hugs Doll
May God let me die on my feet instead of on my knees with a gun to the back of my head.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Love All the Boys and Girls
Emma took my comment as serious instead of an onion. I wish everyone to understand, humor is sometimes the only way to get through some of the trials we face in life. I know everyone may not have the same life experiences where some of the most in cheek type of reverse put down means our most sincerest love. Some on this channel have worked hard labor in the Red Neck world. They understand and swap low brow comments with me. It's moving someone's lunch pail and not telling until they looked for a few minutes as they begin to wonder if they brought it that day. Putting a sack of feed with a hat on top in their pickup seat so they think someone is trying to make off with their pickup. Me and a friend singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" on a construction job. No I couldn't hit her high notes but I gave it my best. The guys calling me Gidget and I gave them back "Heart of Glass". To really punish them for name calling I'd also yodel. Long hard days broken up with humor are bearable.
Emma, I'm sorry my tongue in cheek comment caused an emotional hurt. It was the furthermost thing from my mind. You were raised and worked in a more refined cultured environment than me. It's not an excuse on my part but I do love you and all of God's Chosen Children.
Barbie Jean Lee
I was born a girl, I'll die a woman.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
No hurt taken, Barb!
Just the possibility that my comment might have caused pain was sufficient for me to remove it. I’m pretty engaged in policy and politics IRL; it’s not why I’m here.
Take good care!
— Emma